I have to go back to school for another week great.I am just wondering what will happen.I mean the end of chior the last two days wa awesome and all but will that have to end?I really hope not cause well that would really suck.I really hate the teacher but i love the class and i dont want to quit but if we dont have any conserts that would be sucky and i love the conserts there always so fun.Colby and Liz made the class have fun i hope they get to today cause i love to sing with them and the class together haveing a good time.i wish the teacher would see that and let us do them in the begining of class instead,but he doesent see that he just sees us as kids who cant get the point in there heads that their old teacher is gone and he is there,he has to know how hard it is to go from having a teacher for two years and then having to watch her leave.It's really hard and swithing teachers is hard too,cause they have different warm-ups and different ways of teachin,but the truth is that the teacher just doesent see that the kids are suffering more than they think.They never have a clue what a teenager is thinking cause they never stop to think about it.If they did they would see us different than they do now.i just wish teachers would look at us and adults instead of childern.I just wish that all the teachers out there would not look down on us and help us learn what it feels like to be adults once in a while cause ya know that will probably help and teach us more about life and hpw it works.Well I also hope someone will see this and send it out to teachers so thety could understand what I'm talking about.I just wish and hope.
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