This is my little Journal Art Shop. c:
Nothing special, just someway to get gold.
Prices? You offer the price.

When ordering, please PM me your order, do not post a comment.
Do not steal my art obviously.
Follow the ToS.
Follow those rules and we'll get along nicely. ^^

Shop is Open! ^ o ^

Call me Thorn. c:
I live in Ohio, and I have a very weak Immune system thus me not getting online often due to illness. People may think "If you're sick, doesn't that mean you get to stay home and get online?"
Yes and No.
I have a mother who worries a lot, so I get to stay home if I have a slight fever. But she doesn't let me use the CPU or let anyone come to visit; pretty much afraid I'll catch some germs that will make me sick.
Anyways, my favorite shape is the star, and it's my obsession! <3
I also love bunnies! ; u ;
The cutest little animal to walk the earth~

I has no contest for the time being, but soon! O<