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Journal of the Monk. Lets just say its my stupid thoughts put into words.

T r u n k -M o n k e e-
Community Member
Longest Survey EVAR
This thing took me atleast a good 2 hours to do.. But it was fun and time wasting in the mean time n___n

1. Name: Brittany O'Brien
2. Nickname(s): B, Britt, O's, B-Man.. -Alot moar-
3. Birthday: March 16
4. That makes you: The twin of Brian Mojica.. lol
5. Where were you born: Somers Point
6. Location right now: In this hell hole I call home..
7. Shoe size: 10 1/2
9. Tattoos?: 2 for now.
10. When you wake up you're: Still tired..
11. When your about to sleep you're: Thinking of sleeping
12. Zodiac sign: Picese
13. Chinese sign: Monkeeee
14. Righty or Lefty: I'm Ambo
15. Innie or Outie: Innie!
16. School: CCC. Crack Cocaine Confederation. Lol jkjk, Camden County College.

Section Two: Looks

17. Nationality: Mutt
18. Hair colour: A mixture of: dark brown, light brown, red, green & purple.
19. Eye colour: Dark Brown
20. Weight: Not too sure..
21. Height: 5'5"
22. Braces? Nope
23. Glasses? Yup.

Section Three: Private Life

24. Do you have a boy/girlfriend? Yeees~
25. If so, who? Michael Bishop, my cupcake!
26. If not, do you have a crush on someone? Well.. if he's my bf then yaah..
27. Who has a crush on you? He better.. -HawHaw-
28. Ever cheated on your bf/gf? Nah.
29. Who was your first kiss: Mark was, I shall nevar forget it ^^
30. Who was your last: Michael.
31. Are you a virgin? Nah son.
32. Ever had a threesome before? No..
33. If you could have sex with anyone, who would that be? Oh jeez.. that list might be long lol. : P
34. Have you ever been in love? I am now n___n
35. Broken any hearts? Yah.. -Le sadness-
36. Got your heart broken? Yup.. -even moar le sadness-
37. Ever liked a friend? Yeaah.. And I still kinda do but not really. Shhh..
38. What happened? She's not into girls.. <___<

Section Four: Past Relationships

39. How many relationships have you been in: 5 i believe.
40. How many were serious enough to count: 3
41. Who were those serious ones: Christian, Mark and Austin.
42. Funnest hook-ups: Xbox live.. Lmao. And a friend asked for me.
43. What made them different: Christian joined my Left4Dead game and from then we talked.. Uhh.. Austin saved me from a guy who was stalking me and from then we talked as well. And then, a friend saw I liked Mark soo she asked for me without asking me.. -_____-
44. What happened: Me and Christian were just like Bro&Sis so yeah.. Mark just kinda got on my nerves and he didnt trust me.
45. Best boy/girlfriend: The wonderful guy I'm with now ^^
46. Worst boy/girlfriend: None of them were.
47. Ever been kissed: Yup ^^
48. Who do you want back: Christian maybe..
49. Who do you regret: None.
50. Why: I just said none..

Section Five: Favourites

51. Song: Girls Generation - The Boys
52. Movie: Bio-Dome
53. Food: Seafood
54. Drink: Pepsi
55. Store: Hot Topic
56. Television show: Waay too many for me to decide.
57. Holiday: My Birthday!
58. Book: Manga's.
59. Ice cream: Cookies&Cream
60. Sweets: Brownies
61. Crisps: Dont understand this one..
62. Type of music: J-rock, K-pop, K-rock and Filipino rap. -Lmao I'm a weirdo.-
63. Artist: Girls Generation, D'espairsRay, DELUHI, Super Junior, alot moar.
64. Word: "Gay Boobs.."
65. Time of day: Night
66. Dressing: Invader Zim Hoodie and Jeans.
67. Alcoholic drink: Smirnoff
68. Colour(s): Orange, Red, Black, Silver, Green.
70. Character: I cant pick one..
72. Shampoo: Umm.. Garnier
73. Soap: Body Essence~ : D
74. Smiley:... :B
75. Board game: Battleship BISHEZ!
76. Sport: Football
77. Number: 8
78. Quote: "Whats yours is mine, whats mine is mine, and whats there's.. is also mine."
79. Animal: Orca
80. Actor: Pauly Shore.. NO! John Leguizamo! s**t, I like them both..
82. Vegetable: Any really.
83. Fruit: Pineapple
84. Place to be: In my party room, on the xbox.. Lol
85. Thing in your room: Beds, tv, my sister and my dog..
86. Gum: Ew.. dont like gum.
88. Country: Any country in Asia.
89. Mall: King of Prussia
90. Car: Uh.. Zonda R!
91. Boy's name: Jade, Kai, Aki, Azure
92. Girl's name: Magdelena, Azurah, Ari, Ryan
93. Family member: All? I love them equally.
94. Restaurant: Yokohama
95. Movie place: Regal, i guess..
96. Person to go to the movies with: Tanisha, or Dejah and Nadja.
98. Brand of shoe: Converse.
99. Brand of clothing: Whatever brands are in my closet.
100. Body part of a chicken: Leg!
101. Swear word: b***h. Or BZ as I cover it up.
102. Month: Any where it gets really cold.
103. Possession: iPod.
104. Team: Umm.. Steelers -FTW-
105. Season: Autumn + Winter.
106. Radio station: Ugh.. No radio please.
107. Magazine: Cure and Shoxx
108. Favourite grade: Either 10th or 11th. But I think it was 11th.
109. Least favourite grade: Wow.. umm.. 9th i think.
110. Teacher: Parkhurst.
111. Least favourite teacher: Innocenzo
112. Subject: Music
113. Subject to talk about: Music! Or German, Yaay Lane!

Section Six: Family

114. Who's your mum?: Cherise Harris
115. Who's your dad?: Nick O'Brien
116. Any step-parents?: Dont count him as a step-parent. He's just my moms boyfriend..
117. Any brothers?: Two younger
118. Any Sisters?: One younger
120. Coolest: They're all cool.. But I think Quran wins. No but Dejah.. Damn.. Its a tie.
121. Loudest: Dejah
122. Best relative: I cant do that to the fam!
123. Worse relative: The one's who give lectures..
124. Do you get along with your parents? To an extent yeah..
125. With your siblings? Yuup.
126. Does anyone understand you? They try to and ultimately fail. Lol
127. Do you have any pets?: 1 puppy
128. If so, what kind and name? Cocker Spaniel, Labrador, Standard and Miniature Poodle. Names Trouble.
129. If not, what do you want as a pet?: I said I gots one. But I would like a newt or a ferrett. : D
130. Can I be a part of your family? Sure! We might have room for one more!

Section Seven: School

131. Are you still in school? Yes.
132. Did you drop out?: nope
133. Your current GPA: liiike 3.4, 3.5.
134. Do you buy or bring lunch?: Mines free bishes.. Lol
135. ABC's?: I likes them. But whats after Z? Lol
136. Favorite class: German.
137. Play any sports at school?: Only if they had extreme ping pong..
138. Are you popular?: Popular is a lable and I dont lable.
139. Favorite memory: Gawd, thats too hard to answer.
140. Most humiliating moment: When I found out someone who I liked didnt like me after I damn near stalked him..
141. Most funniest moment: Everyday is a funny moment when its with me and Tanisha!
142. Most scared moment: When some creepy dude liked me but didnt say anything.. He just watched my every move..

Section Eight: What do you think of when you hear

145. Chicken: How?
146. Dog: Aww.
147. Christina Aguilera: -nose bleed-
148. Ricky Martin: Livin La Viva Loca!
149. 50 cent: Lmao
15o. Poop: Dookiee
151. Beach: No
152. Desert: Cake.. lmao
153. Water: My hair! Noooo!
154. Osama: Yo mama
155. Love: Austin &3
156. Your little brother: Quran or Chris??
157. Butt: Cheeks
158. Clowns: Whee
159. Wonder: Girls
16o. Brown: Cow
161. Banana: Yuck
162. Sex: Moar please? -Lmao-
163. Parents: Sure..
164. Homosexuals: Happy times : D
165. God: Forever

Section Nine: Do you believe in

166. God: Yeah
167. Heaven: Yeah
168. Devil: Yeah
169. Hell: Yeah
170: Boogy man: Please dont tell me he's still alive.. &__& &__&
171. Closet Monsters: I killed them along time ago.
172. Fortune tellings: Fortune cookies!
173. Magic: Sometimes.
174. Love at first sight: Uhmm..
175. Ghosts: Yah
176. Voo-doo dolls: Ehh.. Nah
177. Reincarnation: I wanna be a leotard.. For my.. Own personal reason.. &__&
178. Yourself: I guess I gotta if no one else does..

Section Ten: Do you

179. Smoke: No.
180. Do drugs: No. MEDS...
181. Drink alcohol: Once or twice..
182. Cuss: YAH
183. Sing in the shower: Yup
184. Like school: Not really..
185. Want to get married: Maybe, but my sister says I have committment issues.. &__&
186. Type with all of your fingers: Yup
187. Think you're attractive: Uhh.. I've been told I was..
188. Drink and drive: Havent tried it yet.. -Hmm.. lol-
189. Snore: I did.
190. Sleep walk: Like one time I did.
191. Like watching sunrises and sunsets: Depends on if I'm in the mood.

Section Eleven: Have you ever

192. Flashed someone: Nope
193. Gotten so drunk til you threw up everywhere: Noope
194. Told that person how you felt: Yeah, I do everyday. ^___^
195. Been arrested: Dont think so..
196. Gone to jail or juve: Nope
197. Skateboarded: Tried & PHAILED.
198. Skinny dipped: No
199. Rock climbed: No
200. Killed someone: I wish..
201. Watched porn: Okay that wasnt my fault! I walked in on someone at the wrong time and they made me! D :
202. Gone on a road trip: Aaaaahhhhh!! Nooo Went to Balitmore and ended up in Massachusettes.. HOW IN THE HELL!
203. Went out of the country: I will soon..
204. Talked back to an adult: No, I get yelled at if I do..
205. Broken a law: Idk.. I might have.
206. Got pulled over: No
208: Cried to get out of trouble: Yeah. : P
209. Let a friend cry on your shoulder: Yeah
210. Kissed a brother's or sister's friend: Noo, but would like too -Lmao ***** SIKE NAH-
211. Kissed a friend's brother or sister: Noooo
212. Dropped something on the floor and let someone eat it anyways: Yup she was a BZ..
213. Moon someone?: Nope
214. Shop-lifted: Yeah
215. Worked at McDonald's: NEVAH
216. Eaten a dog: Ew.. No.
217. Give money to a homeless person: I wanted too, but I always got told not too..
218. Glued your hand to yourself: Yup!
219. Kissed someone of the same sex: Yeeeah!
220. Had a one night stand: No..
221. Smoked: Nevar.
222. Done drugs: No. MEDS!
223. Lose a friend because of your ex: Yeah.. -___-
224. Slap someone for being stupid: Sorta
225. Had cyber sex: Umm this one time.. -Lmao-
226. Wish you were the opposite sex: Sometimes I do yeah..
227. Caught someone doing something: Like what? If you mean that, then yeah and it was scary.
228. Played a game that removes clothing: Yup
229. Cried during a movie: Fox&The Hound.. So sad.
230. Cried over someone: Because it was hella funny yeah!
231. Wanted to hook up with a friend: Yeah!
232. Hooked up with someone you barely met: Sorta..
233. Ran away from home: Tried to but phailed.
234. Cheated on a test: Yaah.

Section Twelve: Would you

235. Bungee jump: Yes
236. Sky dive: Yes
237. Swim with dolphins: HELLZ YEAH
238. Steal a friend's bf or gf: Nevar.. But someone did.. Wont mention any names.
239. Try to be the opposite sex: It worked in 7th grade..
240. Lie to the police: No?
241. Run from the police: Nope
242. Lie to your parents: Mmm.. : D
243. Backstab a friend for your own well being: Dont think so..
244. Be an exotic dancer: Nooo
245. ******** a donkey for 1,000,000: Lmao, oh the thoughts that run through my head. Haha No.

Section Thirteen: Are you

246. Shy: Around certain people.
247. Loud: VERY!
248. Nice: When I wanna be.
249: Outgoing: Not really.
250: Quiet: Nope.
251. Mean: Hell yeah.
252. Emotional: When I'm on my meds.
253. Sensitive: Ehh.. Depends
254. Gay: As in happy? Then yes. As in the sexuality? Then partially.
255. Strong: Sometimes I guess.
256. Weak: Sometimes
257. Caring: I am waaay too caring. I gotta work on dimming that down a bit.
258. Dangerous: Oh yeah, you better watch out.
259. Crazy: Yeah. No one understands me.
260. Spontaneous: For the most part, yeah.
261. Funny: Hehe.. Noooooo. I lie. I have people on the floor DYING more than half the time.
262. Sweet: I'm a sweetheart :3
263. Sharing: My s**t. Not yours.
264. Responsible: For the most part.
265. Trustworthy: Yeah I kinda am. I just forget stuff.
266. Open-minded: Yaaaah
267. Creative: Sometime, i guess..
268. Cute: I've been called cute a few times but sexy beats it by a landslide.. *A*
269. Slick: Oh yeah, and I'm suave. Lol
270. Smart: Sniffed too many markers so no.
271. Dumb: Yup ^O^
272. Evil: I'm so evil, I'm evil.
273. Ghetto: NEVER!
274. Classy: I can have class when I'm at a formal event.
275. Photogenic: When my hair is lookin good and I feel good.
276. Dependable: Mostly yeah.
277. Greedy: With money..
278. Ugly: I think I am sometimes.
279. Messy: Sorta kinda yeah.
280. Neat: If I gotta be then yes.
281. Perverted: Lol.. Yes.
283. A b***h: Well, I'm my mothers daughter ^^
284. A Good Listener: Sadly yes..
285. A Fighter: No I'm just a schemer.
286. A Party Animal: At my own parties. -In my mind.-
287. A Game Freak: HELL TO THE ******** YES.
288. A Computer Freak: Yet again: HELL TO THE ******** YES.

Section Fourteen: Future

289. Dream job: Translator, Voice Actor or Music Teacher.
290. Dream house: Condo somewhere populated!
291. Husband/Wife: Austin baby!
292. Kids: Maybe.. &__&
293. Names: Boy:: Aki Girl:: Ari
294. Pets: Maybe a dog..
295. Car: Can I has a Zonda R, pwease?
296. Age you would want to get married: Idk.
297. Best Man/Bridesmaid: Haji/Tanisha
298. Honeymoon: Jupiter. Lmao actually idk.

Section Fifteen: Your friends

299. Best friend: Marra!
300. Known the longest: Marra (17, going on 18 years FTW!)
301. Craziest: Marra, Tanisha and Elasia.
302. Loudest: Tanisha
303. Shyest: Marra
304. Best hair: Hmm.. Me : D
305. Best eyes: Marra
306. Best body: Damn... Tanisha for sure.
307. Most Athletic: Marra Chelly Chell!
308. Hot-Tempered: Tanisha!
309. Most impatient: Tanisha..
310. Shortest: Andreana
311. Tallest: Umm.. idk were all like the same hight.
312. Skinniest: Elasia
313. Best singer: Elasia
314. Funniest: Marra and Me. -Together were unstoppable!-
315. Can always make you laugh: Marra
316. Wish you talked to more: I talk to each of them enough.. Lol
317. Wish you saw more: Marra. D :
318. Who drives you insane after a while: Tanisha definitely, sometimes Dre.
319. Who you can stay around forever and never get sick of: All of them, Except Dre sometimes.
320. Ever lose a friend because you took it to the 'next level': No dont think so.
321. Whose always been there when you need them: Tanisha
322. Who is like your family: Marra cuz I've known her the longest and shes like my sister ^^
323. How many friends do you have? Mostly all of the Sophomore/Junior and Senior Freaks/Outcasts and Anime Fans. Lol
324. How many are really close? All of them. We're all like one big happy freak family : D

Section Sixteen: The last

325. Thing you ate: Waffles!
326. Thing you drank: Orange Juice
327. Thing you wore: Invader Zim hoodie
328. Thing you did: Text
329. Place you went: School
330. Thing you got pierced or tattooed: Ear
331. Person you saw: Sister
332. Person you hugged: Tanisha
333. Person you kissed: Austin
334. Person you ********: Whoa.. No one buddy. Calm down with the colorful vocab.
335. Person you talked to online: A Villy! Or Austin.. Lol
336. Person you talked to on the phone: Mommy!
337. Song you heard: Renai Rider - Buono!
338. Show you saw: Spongebob
339. Time you fought with your parents: Umm.. dont remember.
340. Time you fought with a friend: I'm not a fighter I'm a lover.
341. Words you said: "Dejah wants to know if you can get the dog some food."

Section Seventeen: Now

343. What are you eating: Nothing
344. What are you drinking: Nothing
345. What are you thinking: Why my mom posted she wants to have me tested on Facebook and I'm thinking about Cam &33
346. What are you wearing: Pajamas!
347. What are you doing: This survey.. Duh?
349. Hair: Messy bun.. lol
350. Mood: In pain..
351. Listening to: The tv.
352. Talking to anyone: Nope
353. Watching anything: Some show on TLC my sister turned too..

Section Eighteen: Yes or No

354. Are you a vegetarian: No
355. Are you a carnivore: Yes?
356. Are you heterosexual: No
357. Do you like penguins: YES!
358. Do you write poetry: Nah..
359. Do you see stupid people: Yuup
360. You + Me = A lovely day of deep sea diving with David Hasslehoff : D
361. Do you like the Osbournes: Eh..
362. Can you see flying pigs: All the time! Why do you see them too??
363. Do you sleep with stuffed animals on your bed: Yeah.. They keep me company and keep the vampires away. & w&
364. Are you from Afghanistan: No
365. Is Christina Aguilera ugly: HELL NO
366. Are you a zombie: Braiiins.. Gimme yer brain BISH! I'm a ******** Zombehh
367. Am i annoying you: Naw maaan why would you think that..? -Sarcastic much?-
368. Do you bite your nails: I kinda stopped that habit.
369. Can you cross your eyes: Idk.. I think I can.
370. Do you make your bed in the morning: Who does that anymore?
371. Have you touched someone's private part: Umm.. About that. Lol

Section Nineteen: This or That

372. Winter or Summer: Winter
373. Spring or Autumn: Autumn.
374. Shakira or Britney: Shakira -I had no other option..-
375. MTV or VH1: Neither
376. Black or White: Black.
377. Yellow or Pink: Yellow
378. Football or Basketball: Football
379. Mobile Phone or Pager: Mobile Phone.
380. Pen or Pencil: Pencil!
381. Cold or Hot: Cold
382. Tattoos or Piercings: piercings
383. Inside or Outside: Inside
384. Weed or Alcohol: Neither
385. Coke or Pepsi: PEPSI HELLZ YEAH!
386. Tape or Glue: tape :3
387. McDonald's or In-n-Out: McDonald's i guess..

Section Twenty: Opinions

388. What do you think about classical music: Not on my favorites list.
389. About boy bands: Only if they're Big Bang, ShinEE or SS501. -dies from major nose bleed-
390. About suicide: I dont think about that.
391. About people who try to force their opinions on you: They should go die nao..
392. About teen pregnancy: Bad teen having a baby! I chop yer bewbs off! D :
393. Where do you think you'll be in 10 years: Hopefully traveling like I want to.
394. Who do you think you'll still be friends with in 5 years: Tanisha, Dre, Marra, Christian, Elasia, Haji and Shae for the most part.
395. About gay men: Some of my closest friends are gay..

Section Twenty-One:

396. Do you have a website: Umm no.
397. Current weather right now: Dark and Cold
398. Current time: 7:53 PM
399. Any shout outs: No one really.. This quiz was just to waste my time until my mom got home..
400. Last thoughts: I wanna get on the xbox so bad.. ;____;

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