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View User's Journal

A documentation of a human's existence.
Several years worth of entries. Not routinely updated.
Tall, Dark, and Ominous!
Before note: It's long. You've been warned.
So i went to the renaissance festival today, and boy i tell you i had quite the lovely time, even though it was only like thirty degrees! and i bet you're wondering what Tall, Dark, and Ominous is, am i right? Well, i'll get to that, and i can assure you, it's well worth the wait.
So today at 8:45 i go to the school all decked out in my lovely renaissance outfit, a poofy white shirt, a long pink fluffy dress, and a black corset. Oh, and also i had a black cape. So we get on the bus, and one of my friends is late (cough, avery, cough) but she gets there soon enough and soon everyones on the bus and ready to go. So we're riding and riding for about an hour and then Olivia dollface breaks out the madlibs book, and i tell ya, here i thought she was a sweet innocent little thing. Boy, was i mistaken! heehee..oh, but i'm not going to go too far into that. It was funny, nonetheless, and then after much madlibsing and talking we finally arive at renfest. We go to the front gate, take some pictures, and grab a program. AND GUESS WHAT. In that program, it says "New, Giant Cupcakes!" and it shows two smiling people holding a huge cupcake! so i'm like "Holy mittens, guys look at this!" and we're all like, yeah we want cupcakes! but FIRST we go to a little show with a fire eating guy. Who's pretty darn funny, but some of his jokes are..uhhh. Anyhow, we finish the show and the search begins. Of course, i can't read a map very good. i mean, i can if i HAVE to, but i don't really want to, not to mention my hands are already bloody freezing at this point because i forgot to bring mittens (oh, mittens! *slaps knee*) anyways, we give the map to ave, who leads us around on a wild goose chase (lol) but she DID eventually figure out where we were supposed to go, so i'll give her a mental high five for that. *slaps hand* oh yeah, go ave. Okay, so on our way to find these cupcakes we go around shopping at all these stores, and i get myself an "essence bottle" as we call them, and they're pretty much little bottles on a string that you fill up with a perfume of your choice. I got something called amarosa, i think. I'm pretty sure it's a drink?! anyhow, on the picture for the inscence it was a little drink, but i'm like, whatever because it smells absoloutly lovely. (i can smell it right now, because i'm still wearing it. Mmm..) Anyhow, we get the stuff and we keep stopping at different places because everyone feels like shopping. Oh, and at this one jewelery shop it said on the window "now selling Bella's bracelet" and i threw a little rant/hissy fit about how the bloody twilight franchise is EVERYWHERE and won't they just give it a rest and stop ruining my lovely books *sob* but then one of my friends actually bought it, so i was like Okay, whatever floats your boat. so after much walking i'm like "GUYS! The cupcakes remember?! i WANT THEM!" and everyones like "YEAH, CUPCAKES!" so then we ask people where the area is that the map says they are, finally get over there, and then we're like, Oh, we're lost again. So i yell up to these dudes on a balcony and i'm like "hey, where are the cupcakes?" and they call back down "oh look, it's high school musical four!" Uhh, okay? "Whatever, we're looking for the cupcakes!" "what cupcakes" failures. then some helpful persons like "oh, they're right down there, follow the circle around and you can't miss it" Ohh, jeez. What a liar. we followed the circle around and got real darn close to missing it, because their sign was pathetic and small. Anyhow, we finally get the cupcakes and i'm pretty darn satisfied and me and ave share one and they were DELICIOUS. then we're walking and i'm like "hey guys, i think we should split into smaller groups cause we all want to stop at different shops and we keep wasting time because of it. it'd be a lot easier if we were in a smaller group" there was actually probably..hmm..about ten of us? so we split up into smaller yet uneven groups and go off again, promising to meet at 2:30 when we're supposed to go back to the front gates. So we're wandering for awhile and then we get some food and THEN.. SUSPENSEFULL MOMENT!.....i see him! He's very tall, wearing a long black coat that looks a little gothy. He's got black hair and a lovely face structure. In short, he was handsome. So i turn around and i'm like "Oh my gosh, barbara! look! he's gorgeous!" and she's like "eh he's okay" and i'm like "uhh? what" so then i get ave and i point to him and i'm like "looook!" so she does and i'm like "come on, lets follow him!" so then we start following this guy around, meanwhile, the guys in our group, "prince eric" as i call him, and robbie, they're like Whatever, and follow us around because they're good natured like that. And i'm following this dude. He's with his parents, and he looks so serious, I never did see him crack a smile *tear* anyhow, so i'm following him and then I'm talking to ave and i'm like "oh we need a nickname for this one!" so we come up with Tall, dark, and ominous. Yep, there's the journal title, i told you i would get to it. So we're following and then we see the fairy dust stand and that gets our attention for a second, so i'm standing there, torn between fairy dust and Tall Dark and Ominous and gosh it's a hard decision, but you know what, i pick the guy. So i'm like "oh, ave, i'm gonna follow him some more, be right back guys" and ave says that she'll come along too so we're following him nonchalantly and stuff, and the stupid guy at the fairy stand is like "OH YEAH, YOU BETTER BE RIGHT BACK! YOU PROMISED THESE PEOPLE RIGHT HERE, YOU DID!" and i'm mumbling under my breath "aah, this dude needs to shut up he's blowing our cover!" so we're following and then they make a circle and start heading back the other way and we meet back up with the group and i'm like "well, i can't follow him around all day... so i guess i'll let him wander off. But if i see him again, then it's FATE and i HAVE to follow him some more!" Then i talk to the fairy dust guy about how much the fairy dust things are, which is like 12 dollars for a big bottle of them, and the little bottle necklaces are 8. And i'm like "hm, well what if i bring a different bottle, how much would just the dust cost me then?" and he says "50 cents" so i'm thinking that's a slap happy good deal right there (haa, there were many cloak jokes that day as well) and i tell him that i'll be back then. so we wonder off and go looking around at some more things.. uhh, i'm not going to mention some of those other things. Ave knows what i'm talking about..the things barbara was going to take pictures of, the things that waved to us when we weren't so stealth like. Lol..oooh goodness. Anyhow. So we're walking and then BAM. Here comes tall dark and ominous again! and i'm jumping up and down and i'm like "Look! fate fate fate!" and attacking avery's arm to get her attention and then she squeals and then tall dark and ominous LOOKS AT ME! but, of course i was just acting like a fool jumping up and down so i turn away real quick like Ohh, not doing anything, no siree! Then he gets past us and i spin around and start following him again bringing the girls along with me and i'm like "ohh i knew we would see him again! quick, barbara, take a picture!" so she pulls out her camera but it's being stupid and not working so well and people keep getting in the way so we never do get that picture. Then i'm remember that Oh yeah, we were looking for more essense bottles to put some fairy dust in, cause they're a lot cheaper then the bottles that they sold there. So i'm like "okay, guys, i guess i'd better tear myself away from him again, because we still need to find those bottles for our fairy dust! but if i see him AGAIN, then it's REALLY fate!" so eventually we find our essense bottles and now we've gotta get our fairy dust fast and then get to the front gate to meet up with our people, so we're going towards the fairy dust place and then i see him AGAIN! and i tell avery and we're following sort of, but we have to get our dust, gosh darn it and we don't have much time left at all! so i don't follow him this time. Which was a mistake, because sadly that was the last time i saw him. Yeah, might not seem so tragic to you, but this guy. I don't know. He was so mysterious looking. I just wanted to figure him out, you know? Maybe? anyhow, we go to the fairy place and this guy is randomly going behind this lady and puts fairy dust all over her and i'm like "oh, i want fairy dust!" and ave says that she does too, so the guy says okay, you follow me, and he walks in a circle for like a whole minute and we're following him, then he stops and he's like "oh, no you guys keep walkign" so we do. and he's like "faster!" so me and ave are laughign and walking faster and bumping into each other. Then he says " you stand here", and he draws an X on the ground, then he draws an X for ave, then he makes eric and robbie come over too, and then he calls over some random walking girls. He makes us say "I do believe in fairies!" only, when he says it, he's got this crazy accent going on so it's like "Ah, DO believe in fairies!" so we recite it like ten times and i'm like "umm. can you hurry this up, because we're reeally in a hurry" and he's like "nope, now i'm gonna go slower" so i'm like ah, crap. It's worth it i guess. so eventually our fairy ritual is over and we get some lovely sparkles sprinkled on us. then i go up to the guy who said he'd give me fairy dust for fifty cents and give him my bottle and ave gets some too and now we've got our fairy dust and we are READY! so we go back to the front gate, and then we take a vote on whether to stay or go home, because people are cold. And the darn sissys out number us, so it's decided that yeah, we're going home. But we've got ten minutes left. So i decide that i want to find myself a wooden rose, because i saw someone with one and they look really nifty. So we're all on a mission to get our last minute shopping done in ten minutes, so we're running, trying to find everywhere we want to go, and ave wants to get a flute, and olivia wants to find Freckles, which is the boy that we nicknamed who gave us our cupcakes. So we run, and yes, i do mean run, to the cupcake stand, and sadly, no Freckles is not there. So we keep walking onward, me looking for some roses and everyone else looking for other stuff, and i'm going as fast as i can looking, but then we have to stop for a few minutes so ave and eric can get their little flutes and learn how to sort of play them. (it's really weird, the way you play them. You put your palm on one side and kind of wiggle it around, or you use your finger. I dont' see how to do it, but ave did manage to make it work a few times!) So i'm like Oh jeez, we're not going to find these roses, we might as well head back, we're seriously running out of time. So we start running. Now, let me give you a bit of advice. Lets say that you happen to be wearing a tight dress that laces up in the back AND a corset on top of that, and you decide Oh, it seems like a good idea to run! i'll get places faster and i totally won't feel like i'm dying! Haaa, think AGAIN! So we're looping and looping and gosh darn it, we're lost. So i stop someone who looks like they work there and it's Mozzletoph (i don't know how to spell it, but that's how you say it!) the fire eating guy! and i'm like Hey, where's the front gate? and he's like Hmm.. hmmm.. yeah...i don't know. Great, thanks mozzletoph. off we run some more, trying to find the way out, but gosh darn it, none of these people know WHERE IT IS! so i just use the little bit that i can remember about where we are to find our way back, and it turns out we made a full loop around. by then we're breathing hard and dying, but we made it, thank goodness. So i get there and I'm like "we looked for those darn wooden roses everywhere but couldn't find them!" and Toph, our drama teacher, she says "oh, they're right over there!" Right next to the front gate. Ohh jeez. What a waste of life. so i'm like "oooh darn it! that SUCKS!" and she's like "ohh, just run and get them real quick. so we run over there and we get there and SUCCESS, we've made it to the roses! and we all get two roses ( i got a purple one for my mom and a blue one for me. Yeah, i'm pretty sure blue roses are my absoloute favorite) and we run back to the bus and get on and collapse. My hands are very cold by now, i might add. My moodring turned black, actually, which it does when it's at its coldest. Eventually we warm up though, and me and ave are sitting on the bus, singing along to a Kate Nash song (merry happy, if you want to know! it's pretty great!) and then i see this little Rhapsody thing is lit up on my mp3 so i'm like Ohh, whats that! i want to find out! so i click the button and it freezes my mp3 player. Yeah, thanks best buy for selling me that! Anyhow, we sing just on our own for awhile, then we all stop at mcdonalds real quick and get us some food and we go back on the bus, and we start singing some sweeney todd songs, which was quite fun indeed! And THEN me and ave decide that we should go to the mall since we've lost a whole three hours of fun. So we call our parents and blah blah blah and eventually get off of the bus and go to the mall. Now, here's some more fun parts. We go in there and there's like fifty band kids from out of town standing around in the food court. and we get quite a few stares, we do. Which i just love. So then we decide that we should talk in english accents to make it seem like we're not from around here, so we do. And we call up fawn and tell her to join us at the mall. She doesn't seem to appreciate our accents though, apparently. We take a seat in the food court and everyones just sneaking little stares at us, and i'm like "oh, you know don't you think people who stare are just So rude!" and i notice a couple of heads turn away real fast. Mmhmm it was lovely. Anyhow, that's about all there is to this journal, so i'll wrap this up, because i know it's been very long!
Very merry,

User Comments: [4] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Oct 11, 2009 @ 11:20pm
i do know what barbara was taking pictures of, and then waving to us.
heh heh heh...

commentCommented on: Mon Oct 12, 2009 @ 04:16am
Tall, Dark, and Ominous, Eh?
Sounds like a good day.
*sigh* If you were following that guy around everywhere though, you should have totally talked to him. Well, that's alright. Oh shoot, he WAS with his parents. That complicates things... never mind then. I loved your quote though, "Look! fate fate fate!" and at least you got a look! hehehe.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Oct 12, 2009 @ 09:45pm
yeah, i was right about to walk up to him and actually ask him if i could take his picture, but then barbara was like Oh, no you shouldn't that'd be weird, his mom's standing right there! so i didnt. i really wanted to though, and i would have if barbara didn't stop me! XD

commentCommented on: Tue Oct 13, 2009 @ 03:43am
aha. the essence bottle's scent was Amaretto. I remember now!

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