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Random Bits of Writing
I'll post a lot of the stuff I'm either working on or finished with here. I'll label them as to if they are finished or not and if they're another addition to a pre-exsisting story, that will be mentioned as well. XP enjoy, review truthfully & fairly
Rain's Flashbacks and such part I
Rain opened her eyes slowly, not really wanting to be awake yet. She closed them again and listened to the soft hum of the light generator. Everything was running smoothly but she’d check just in case.

This was a good ship, no matter what its origin before it had come to her. She had to hand it to the Imperials—they knew how to build ships.
The smell of cooking slowly entered her nose and Rain opened her eyes again, frowning. “Damn it, it was supposed to be my day to cook.” She muttered under her breath. With a sigh, Rain rolled out of her hammock, grimacing slightly as her bare feet touched the cold metal floor. She dressed quickly and followed the scent of strawberry waffles to the kitchen.

Rigel had his back to her when she entered. “Morning.” Rain said, sitting at a stool at the bar where she could watch him cook. “Did you do something wrong or did you just feel like making waffles?” She grinned at the look Rigel gave her, “I have done nothing wrong. Here.” He set a plate of finished plate of waffles laden with strawberries and whipped cream in front of her.

“Thanks." she said before taking a bite. Rigel had gotten really good at cooking; she had to hand him that much. It still felt weird allowing someone else to cook for her though. When she’d worked for Nitima, the woman had barely touched the stove—which was just fine with Rain who liked cooking. But Rigel had really wanted to learn…

“What are we doing today?”

Rigel’s voice brought her back to the present and she looked up, “I’m gonna keep working on the ship. If you want, I bet I could find something you could do to help.” Rigel shook his head, “I was planning on practicing, but if you require my assistance…” Rain snorted at his overly formal words, “Go swing your sword around,” she said with a smile and a wave of her hand.

They ate in comfortable silence. Rain beat him to the dirty breakfast dishes with a grin, washing them quickly before heading to the engine room. She still didn’t understand why he thought that he had to cook AND clean up after. We’re a crew, crews share duties equally! she thought, conveniently forgetting that Nitima had made a point of never doing dishes.

With a sigh, Rain retrieved a hair tie from her pocket and pulled her hair back into a pony tail before grabbing her tool kit and headed outside of the ship to work on the outer paneling. She paused at the entrance, breathing in the air of Ilsig. Even in the spaceport, the familiar calming scent of the sea was still distinguishable.

A speeder hummed by, a low tech one similar to the one she had owned as a kid. Rain smiled remembering the old HL-7520I Humming Bird with a blue green humming bird carefully painted on the hood by a childish hand. It had been the first thing she’d learned to fly…


13 years ago…

“Dad? What’s the box for? Did you bring parts home to fiddle with again?”

Rain could hear Gaius’s voice downstairs. Forgetting the homework in front of her, she raced to the top of the stairs as fast as her eight year old legs could take her. Her dad looked up at the sound of her pounding feet and grinned, “Mention the word “parts” and look who comes running” he said with a laugh. “Daaaaaaad! You didn’t answer the question!” Gaius said in a voice that would have been a whine if twelve year olds still whined.

“It’s a surprise.” Her dad said with a smile. “That means its something for Rainae’s birthday.” Istavaan said. Rain jumped, she hadn’t realized her brother was there. Her dad sighed, “Don’t you guys have other things to do apart from bugging me?” Rain grinned, Istavaan was right. It was still a few days before her birthday but she was still excited; what was in the box?

“Way to ruin the surprise Istavaan.” Gaius said after their dad had retreated to another part of the house. Istavaan shrugged, “It was kind of obvious. If you got it then Rainae did too.” “Don’t call me that.” said Rain with a scowl at Istavaan. “I’m older than you so I can call you whatever I want. Besides, it’s your naaaaaame isn’t it?” he drew out the word ‘name’ for longer than necessary, his voice scornful. Rain’s scowl deepened and she put her hands on her hips. “Just because you’re 17 months older than me doesn’t mean anything Istavaan. You’re just mad we’re gonna be the exact same age again until December!”

It was Istavaan’s turn to scowl, but he didn’t say anything. Instead, he turned around and stomped into the room he shared with Gaius, slamming the door behind him. Gaius sighed, “Geeze crazy sister, I’m never gonna hear the end of that.” He said, using his old nickname for her. “Sorry ugly brother.” Rain said, giving Gaius a hug, “But it’s true! He is just mad.” She added looking up at him. Gaius tapped her lightly on the nose making her wrinkle it in mild annoyance. Whistling, he went back downstairs.

Rain went back to her room and picked the fallen textbook up from where it had landed. She stared at the cover without opening it again. She knew she’d find out what was in the box in a few days, but wondering about its contents was vastly more interesting than a history assignment.

At dinner, Rain did her best to wheedle clues from her dad, but he waved all her questions aside with a laugh and a shake of his head. “No hints, it’ll ruin the surprise. You weren’t even supposed to see the box.” The last sentence was directed at Gaius who shrugged, “I didn’t know! You were talking about car parts so I thought…” he trailed off, reddening a little.

“How was work mom?” Istavaan asked, changing the subject. “There was a wedding at the hotel so we were making all sorts of extra things.” Rain’s mom told them about how one of her co-workers had almost knocked the huge wedding cake off the table and the other small mishaps that had occurred that day.

“Come help me with the dishes Rainae.” Her mom said after dinner. Rain made a face, “Gaius and Istavaan never have to.” she complained. “It’s because you’re a girl. I bet that box had a little dolly for the little girly.” teased Istavaan. “You better take that back!” Rain said, clenching her fists. Istavaan stuck out his tongue, “I bet it’s pink with ruffles and curly blonde hair.”

Rain threw herself at her brother, clawing and punching every bit of him she could reach. “Rainae! Istavaan!” Rain’s mother pulled them apart. “Both of you will do the dishes. I will not tolerate fighting in this household! Istavaan said nothing as together they scrubbed the dinner plates under the watchful eye of their mother, but that was just fine with Rain.

Istavaan’s barb haunted her more than she let on however. The box hadn’t looked like it had a doll, but she wasn’t completely sure. Rain wasn’t sure what she wanted her birthday gift to be, but she did NOT want a doll. Playing house wasn’t as fun or as interesting as figuring out how droids worked by taking the simple ones apart piece by piece before putting them back together again like she did with Gaius and her dad.

Rain sighed and leaned her head against the cool page of the text book as she had been brooding in her room. The suspense was driving her crazy, and there was no way she could focus...but the assignment was due tomorrow. With a groan, she began to reread the assigned passage about how Corus had been founded.

The next few days went by at a fast trudge until Rain woke up on her birthday excited. She would find out what was in the box! She raced downstairs to find her mother cooking breakfast. “I thought you had to go to work today.” Rain said surprised. Her mother smiled, “I took the day off because its’ not every day my only daughter turns 9.” Rain hugged her before she noticed what she was making. “Strawberry waffles?” “I remembered that they’re your favorite, what kind of mother do you think I am?” she asked with a grin.

Gaius, Istavaan and her dad came down after a while and wished her a happy birthday, Gaius and her dad more cheerfully than Istavaan had. Rain fidgeted while they ate, silently wishing they would hurry as the rule was that presents could only be opened after everyone ate breakfast. She narrowed her eyes as Istavaan ate a little slower than normal but didn’t say anything.

Finally the plates were cleared and they went into the living room. Gaius handed her a package which contained a brown messenger bag with 10 credits inside one of the pouches. Istavaan gave her a book about the different star systems and her mom gave her sweatshirt. But the box she’d seen her dad carrying was nowhere to be seen. Maybe it had been only car parts. But why had her dad allowed her to think it had been for her? Disappointed, but not wanting to appear ungrateful: she started to thank her family for the presents but her dad put up a hand: “There’s still one more, but you’ll have to come outside to see it.” Rain looked at him, confused. Why would she need to go outside for a present?

Obediently, she stood up and followed her dad to the backyard, then she gasped. There was a speeder sitting innocently on the grass. It looked new, although Rain knew from experience how easy that was to do when it came to machinery. “Did…is this really for me?” She turned wide eyes on her dad who smiled at her expression. “I had to build it from the ground up because I didn’t want you to find out. And yes, it really is for you.” She hugged him, still stunned. This was beyond anything she’d hoped for.


Rain shook her head to clear the memory. She had work to do, and standing around dreaming about the past would not get it done. Being back on her home world sure brought back memories though. Rain pulled a pair of goggles and a hand held welder from the worn brown messenger bag her brother had given to her so long ago and got to work.

The solar panels proved to be less damaged than she had originally thought and she when she glanced at the sun’s progress, she saw only an hour or so had passed. She stretched and debated about what she wanted to do next. The right wing thruster had been making some funny noises lately but she also knew she should take a look at the frontal shield generator.

They could wait a little bit for her to get something to drink though. She carefully slid off the top of her ship, landing crouched down, one hand hitting the cement with the other arm stretched out slightly for balance. She walked slowly up the ramp, her leg muscles protesting at the movement after having been still for so long.

Rain walked into the kitchen and punched in the code for a soda into the replicator. Slowly taking a sip, she allowed her eyes to wander over the walls, taking in the various cooking impliments and cupboards. After a moment she shook her head and turned to go back outside, pausing for a moment looking in the direction of the cargo bay where Rigel was doubtlessly still working out. Smiling slightly she turned and walked down the ramp inhaling the sea breeze once again.

One of the ships at the far end of the hanger thrummed its engines and slowly lifted into the air before flying through the open hangar door and disappearing into the sky, adding the fumes of engine fuel and exhaust smoke into the salty air. Rain shook her head slightly, recalling how she used to lie on a grassy hill, waiting hopefully to see passing ships pass over her.


10 years earlier…

“Geeze crazy sister, how long are you going to stay out here?”

Gaius’s face leaned over her, blocking out the sunlight and casting his shadow on her face. Rain wrinkled her nose, “As long as I want to.”

She sighed, looking beyond him and back up at the sky where a ship had just disappeared behind one of the few clouds that decorated the blue sky. “I wonder where the ships go? Don’t you ever wonder?” Gaius rolled his eyes; this was the beginning of a debate that had been held several times before. “No I don’t. I don’t care where they go. It’s probably to other worlds just like this one. What’s the big deal?”

Rain sighed, and Gaius sat next to her. “They’re just cargo ships Rain, they take off, and then land on another planet the exact same way they do here. End of story. You’re never this curious about cargo boats.”

It was Rain’s turn to roll her eyes, “Cargo boats are boring. They just go to other islands. The ships, they get to go to all sorts of places. It’s not just the ships though, it’s the other planets. Did you know that there’s planets that have cities that float in the sky? They have holograms and other races that have snakes for hair and—” “You’ve been reading way too much science fiction crazy sister. The other planets are probably nowhere near as interesting as your imagination is making them out to be.” “How do you know? All you ever do is help dad fix up old cars. How do you know what is and isn’t interesting?”

Gaius frowned, “Up until you got that damn speeder, you thought ‘fixing old cars’ was something fun too. Now all you ever do is fly around and walk with your head in the stars! If you love those other planets so much, why don’t you go to them permanently?” “Maybe I will! I’ll become a pilot and I’ll never come back here again!” Rain snapped.

They sat in silence for a moment glaring at each other before they heard the familiar voice of their dad calling them from inside the house. Silently they got up from the grass and walked inside. They didn’t speak to each other until the next morning, but the words exchanged were by no means forgotten.


That had been the first time she had thought about becoming a star pilot. Still, her 12 year old self never would have imagined to have life end up the way it did. She shook her head to clear her thoughts, this was no time to daydream!

With another sigh, Rain approached the right thruster and began to try and determine what was wrong with it. The trouble emerged as being a faulty extension couplet which was simple enough to fix. Rain’s hands moved automatically as her mind began to stray again, the salty air bringing back memories every time she inhaled….

This is intended to be somewhat of a character development story for my table top RP character Rainae "Rain" Diende. The setting is the Starwars universe, but only because we wanted spaceships and it was easier to use the Starwars universe than to create a whole galaxy and such. Rain's planet Ilsig is completely original as is Rigel's world Nitima. (Its a very long story of how the planet got that name by the way)

Rain is a 5ft 4 human with blue eyes and blue hair (she dyed it, her original hair color is black) She generally wears black military surplus pants as they can handle getting engine grease and the like all over them, a random t-shirt and sturdy boots. She only ties her hair back when she's working on her ship. Rain is 22 years of age and is the Captian/Pilot/Mechanic of her ship. She's been flying with Rigel for about 6 months or so of game play and has been his girlfriend for maybe 2 or 3 of those months. (again, rather long story)

Rigel Silvern is a blue drakon who is rather short for his species; he's around 7ft to 7 1/2 ft tall (I can't remember at the moment) Drakons are similar to half-dragons in sence they have humanoidish bodies covered in scales with a long tail and a dragon head. Rigel is one of the few males of his kind that can turn into a full dragon which makes him a prime target for the dominant females looking for a strong potential mate. This is a bad thing in his opinon... the females chasing him, not the turning into a dragon.

He is from an underdeveloped and gender reversed planet that Rain and her then partner Nitima landed on by accident. His world was suffering from a strange plauge that had killed off over 90% of his species. Rain and Nitima gave him and a group of about 40 survivors a ride to the other continent where the largest group of survivors was. Rigel was fasinated rather than scared of the strange "magic" that allowed a giant piece of metal to soar through the heavens and bring the stars closer. He stayed on the ship and has done his best to help out with odd jobson the ship. So far, his most successful attempts at helping are at cooking (in which he excels but now he and Rain have a semi-playful rivalry in determing who cooks and who cleans up afterwards) and at sitting in the co-pilot seat,very carefully not pushing anything.

He gradually learned common through a simulator and is now almost fluent in it. His grammar and vocabulary are actually above Rain's and there is a running joke about her pointing out every time he uses a contraction or other forms of less than formal grammar.

Anyway. I'm writting this story to go into Rain's past more as its barely been scratched. I'm sorry if certian events don't make sence, this is based largely off the roleplay these characters appear in so if you have any questions, feel free to ask and I'll do my best to answer *nod*

User Comments: [2]
Paradoxical Symmetry
Community Member

Mon Nov 09, 2009 @ 02:11am

Awesome story Sesh ~_^ I really connect to Rigel in this story for some reason or another, write more about him! He is a pretty cool guy for a dragon, eh travels through time and doesn't afraid of anything.

Community Member

Mon Nov 09, 2009 @ 04:51am

Thanks for the comment, and I'll try to write more with Rigel. The problem is he isn't my character, so its harder for me, but I'll do my best ;D

Glad you like it btw <3

User Comments: [2]
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