me and black always knew we'd rule the world one day we just took our time unlike all the other villans who pop out and say 'hey heros im gonna kill u and rule the world' i mean do they really think those plans will work, cuz if the heros know ur gonna kill them they'll see it coming and then your done for.
so while me and black slowly worked our to complete rulage all the other villans lead the heros off our trail but if the heros get to close for comfort we let them get close enough to snap the trap and they vanish or we hire a villan to lead them away from us i mean we r brainy and we blend into everyday people
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i like hats chocolate and random stuf
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95% of teens would go into a panic if Edward Cullens was on a 200 story building about jump to kill herself. Copy and paste this if you are one of the 5% who brought popcorn, a chair, and shouted "DO A FLIP!"