Wulfy- scream Why do you keep on saying "OMG"!?
Wulfy- O that is awesome!!! blaugh heart So what are you still going with you original idea this year?
Sakura-Don't know yet...lol
Wulfy-Hmmm well instead of the fox....I say you be a sexy kitty kat!^_^
Sakura- YEAH!^_^ mrgreen Thanks Wulfy thats a good idea! Are you sticking ith your original plans?
Wulfy- No Ive changed my costumes lol I'm debating between a ghost, Freddy, or evil killer clown...lol
Sakura-Wow..lol can I see what each of them look like?
Wulfy-Sure! And while im doing that you can throw together your sexy cat costume!^_^
Sakura- OK!
Wulfy-Well here's Freddy!^_^
![User Image](https://public5.tektek.org/img/av/0910/d12/1639/f28b255.png)
Sakura-Ok cool looks almost just like him!^_^
Wulfy- Heres the Ghost
![User Image](https://public5.tektek.org/img/av/0910/d26/1905/2d43711.png)
Sakura- Cute and kinda creepy! I like it!
Wulfy- AAANNNDDD finally the killer clown!
![User Image](https://public5.tektek.org/img/av/0910/d26/1932/24a0793.png)
Sakura-O_O Ok yeah that's just scary!
Wulfy-So lets see your cat costume!^_^
Sakura- surprised pps:
![User Image](https://public5.tektek.org/img/av/0910/d26/2011/b55a302.png)
Wulfy- WOWY!!! SEXY!!!
Sakura- : opps: I'm not that good looking! lol
Wulfy- Bull crap! You look beautiful!^_^
Wulfy- rolleyes Sooooo which one do you think I should be?
Sakura-Hmmmm.....I DONT'T KNOW!!!!!! gonk I love all of them!
Wulfy- Ok...uummm how about iny mini miny moe!!!^_^
Sakura- Nothin....
Wulfy- *shrugs and starts singing iny mini miny moe while pointing to each of the avatars*
Sakura- *starts tapping her foot impatiently*
Wulfy-...and you are....IT!!!! WHOO it landed on the creepy killer clown!!!^_^
Sakura-Awesome! mrgreen Hey Wulfy are we doing a special skit for Halloween?
Wulfy-Yep!^_^ On Halloween the skit will have avatars included!^_^
Sakura-Kool...so what type of skit are we doing exactly?
Wulfy-Welllll....Im not sure yet...I wanted to do a documentary on the holyday but I fear that will get to boring....
Sakura-Uhhh..Wulfy why did you say "holyday"?
Wulfy-Because to me Halloween is Christmas!^_^
Sakura-....Still don't get it....
Wulfy- *sigh* It's a religion thing...lol
Sakura-O...lol Ok. So plan A was a documetary....What's plan B?
Wulfy-I thought about taking some of Halloween's well known icons(trick or treating,Jack-O-lanterns,cosumtes...etc.) And explaining where they originate from but once again to boring for this lovely holyday!
Sakura- -_-' Ok...plan C?
Wulfy-A story skit basically.
Sakura-OOOO!!!! What kind of "story skit"?
Wulfy-I'm not saying cause I dont wanna spoil it for other peoples but i'll tell you after we're done here.
Sakura-Yah!!^_^ Hey hve you seen Tsuki around?
Wulfy- Come to think of it...no I haven't...wonder how her and Hiro are getting along...
Sakura-I don't know cause ever since they left that day I haven't seen or heard from them...
Wulfy-Hmmm...I wouldn't be surprised if Tsuki took him away somewhere and turned him...
Sakura-Maybe...Hey Tsuki I have a question.
Wulfy- Ask away.
Sakura-Your a wolf right? So why didn't you just dress up as a werewolf for Halloween?
Wulfy- rofl 4laugh blaugh Do you wanna know how MANY times ive been a werewolf?
Sakura- rofl ALOT!! lol
Wulfy-Yeah A WHOLE LOT!!!! lol
Sakura-Hey who's side are you on? B.O.O or S.I.N.?
Wulfy-B.O.O You? And why?
Sakura- Just curious, S.I.N
Wulfy-Your very random tonight...lol
Sakura- Yeeaahhh...hey I got to go get ready for Halloween talk to you later! BYE! *Sakura runs off*
Wulfy-Hmmm...wonder hat that was about...o well better get to work on my costume!^_^ Bye every one!^_^