Don't mind me. I'll be updating this over the next couple days. Just throwing down topics
EIR 10/30
Bad Moon, Hidden Ace, The Nightmare. Dappy Dandy was announced.
Buki guest arted the Nightmare this time and gave it creepy spider and bug poses.
Bad Moon completed its evolution. The i am werwolf poses are quite popular on zOMG since some people mistake them for the werewolf monsters. :/
Hidden Ace... gave more poses that are just like its last couple evos.
Since I'm writing this late, the next EIR is due tomorrow. According to Tektek, the EIs up for evolution are Catastrophe, Reve and Pietro. ..Verrrryyy Interresssttttiinnggg. Cat and Pietro are from the same artist. The Cat has its own random cat schedule, but Pietro hasn't evolved in about two months. The Reve is also known to have its delays. Pepper and Reaper are busy Gaia artists. Hopefully with the event underway and almost over, their items will be able to update or else there will be no EIR tomorrow. O:
Dappy Dandy
"Dappy Dandy celebrates the grandiose flamboyancy of being a dapper gentleman. Expect this EI to go on a fantastical voyage through the realms of challenging beards and fine, fancy attire."
It scares me. As much as I like fancy attire, I don't care for any beards...
Yay for more beard options... I used to wear beards on my female avatar, but I haven't done that in a couple years.
Gaia H2k9
Wow, this was a great event. So many things to do. The manga update was very funny, what with Gino running around as a naked clam head. The Demonbusters event was not forum based this year. Skittles invaded our Trick or Treating and I'm not even miffed. And vampires and werewolves with famous names roamed zOMG each night.
Trick or Treating
Not much to say about it. It was your average ToTing. You could click on any store every 60 seconds to earn a Skittles candy. You would get an item on your 15th piece of candy. There are eight Jack items. You also have a random chance of earning a Skittles trick or treat pail instead of a Jack item.
The NPCs dressed up to support their side by wearing shirts or various drapes on top of their normal clothing. They'd also hail her Infernal Majesty or thank the righteous one as a farewell when giving a candy piece.
BOO supporters: Ian, Rufus, Josie, Liam, Ruby, Peyo, Mirai, Devin, Sam, Logan, Becky,
SIN Supporters: Moira, Sasha (She says "Glory to her Infernal Majesty" ...which is kind of scary coming from her. XD; ), Agatha, Vanessa, Natasha, Nicolae, Rina (o ___o; ), Bildeau, Ribateau,
Other: Edmund (Batman costume), Carl the Elk (Wears one bandanna from each side), Julie from MTV (No costume, no reference to the event), Brennivin, Kanoko (dressed up as hatsya from Fallen Wish EI), Radio Jack (Dressed up as Jack Sparrow pirate)
The main event was titled Demonbusters. Long ago, Overseer and Sentinel were two demigods who argued over a worm. They cast spells on the worm which backfired. The overseer was locked into a shell of peace. Sentinel was locked into a dark box full of demons. Jack released Sentinel to wreak havoc for H2k9 since he couldn't find anyone else who could put on a better show. (Mini-comic.)
Sentinel brought Bruce back to life as a demonstration of her awesome power.
This year you could choose to be on the side of the Benevolent Order of the Overseer (BOO) or the side of Sentinel's Infernal Army (SIN). Each side offers a soulbound skin item. The catch: only the winning side gets to keep their skin. Event ends tomorrow 11/06.
The event is mission based instead of forum based. Every 25 or so seconds, you can choose to do another "mission." In these missions, you can gather experience points and often loot that you need to run other missions.
In order to run better missions, you must recruit followers. This incited mass panic in the GCD at first because the first two options let you pay 10 cash for 5 followers, or tell your Facebook friends that you need followers... or to invite yuor Facebook friends because you need followers... There is another option. You're given a direct link that you can ask friends to click in order to be your follower. There's no limit that I know of to the amount of people you can follow. Users can only follow other members of their side. At 50 followers you can do every mission except for sacrificing your experience (100 followers are needed).
It took me an hour to gain 100 followers by posting my link in my home forum and I was ToTing and running missions at the same time. Not too bad.
Each side has a weapon that fires at the other side. People actively running missions helps raise the percentage on the weapon so it can fire. Weapon fires add to the overall score also.
First mission: Get skin
Fifty missions: Earn robes
First worm (loot item) earned: medallion
First Follower: Sour patch kids yellow and red item thing..
Ten Followers: 3k
Fifty Followers: Spear for BOO, Portal for SIN
Five Hundred Missions: Shield for BOO, Mace for SIN. Let me tell you, that is soooo the most time consuming part of this event. If a person were able to perfectly click a mission every 25 seconds, it would take them about three and a half hours to perform 500 missions. Take into account that you can't click it every 25 seconds and... that really adds up. @ .@;
There are three types of missions: build, power and sabotage.
Run enough sabotage missions to earn 250 experience: 3k
Earn 250 exp in each category: 10k
Since the Overseer is off fighting a war, Jaws from the Venus Sponsor world sits in our aquariums as a substitute overseer.
I've said enough already, but I want to make sure i say that I really enjoyed this event. I didn't have to deal with posting in a laaaaaggy forum for the chance at some grunny goo. I didn't have to wait forever for a page to load, only to find that the cow has been tipped the max number of times already. We were granted event-only skins. This will make a lot of people happy since they complained that the skins in the stores weren't special enough. (A lot of people will also be angry when their side loses. For the record, the people of SIN complained each and every time that BOO got ahead in points and claimed that it was always the fault of a glitch. :/ Maybe not all of SIN did that... but I saw enough GCD threads complaining. I'm on BOO and want BOO to win... but I dread, completely dread the complaining that would happen if BOO won. They'd say it was rigged from the beginning and blah blah blah. More people in the side of SIN doesn't automatically mean they'll win and it doesn't automatically mean they'll lose either. So shut up already. Yes, there have been glitches and they get fixed and scores get adjusted. I did not hear the side of BOO complaining... just SIN... Sorry to those of you who are on SIN and never complained hysterically. I just saw a lot of threads like that and I'm sorry those people were on your team.) Um, where was I? Oh yeah, I also liked that zOMG wasn't as stressful as trying to snipe Easter eggs first from each other. The event lasted long enough, but not too long. If I were able to turn off the weapon animation while doing missions, the event would have been perfect. The weapon animation screen is pretty... but my comp starts complaining if it's left up for a few mins.
H2k9 Cash Shop Items
O Righteous One brings you the full wardrobe of the Overseer in his original form, before his unfortunate (but glorious) transformation into a clam. You can also have the majestic Overseer of Old stand next to you, silently judging your every move.
Look positively demonic with Her Infernal Majesty, featuring the Sentinel's entire wardrobe. It also has a companion pose, if you're into having scary devil ladies stand next to you.
My Little Overseer takes your favorite benevolent clam god and turns him into an adorable plushie to hold and gently squeeze like a small kitten or a ripe melon.
Allegiance Bundle: get all of the above plus the bonus Autumn Wings in one sweet, discount package.
This came out on Nov 03, and all I have to say is... Pumpkin sleeves! OMG. o wo I'd been drooling over Sentinel's sleeves from the time we got our first glimpse of her. And the infernal majesty item includes sleeves. :3 <333
Now I just have to decide whether the sleeves are worth 499c. I really like all the items enough to get a bundle. I'm not in dire need of any of them though, and that money might be more worth putting towards an EI. ...but pumpkin sleeves... wellll they have bits of red on them and are a very gold orange color.. so I would have trouble wearing them... I don't know, I'll have to tektek this.
zOMG h2k9
The event on zOMG consists of two parts. You can trick or treat in Barton and you can fight vampires and werewolves out in the lands.
The events take place each night between 6pm GST and 6am GST. This meant that the event was on for a little over an hour, then off for a little over an hour.. and repeat.
Trick or Treating
There are twelve or so pumpkins that light up at night. You can trick or treat at each of the pumpkins once per Gaia night. You'd either get a trick or a treat. Treats include CL 1.0 rings, gold, regular recipes, bits of rare or common loot and orbs. With orbs, you get one orb per level. A CL 1.0 or 1.9 person gets 1 orb. A CL 3.8 person gets three orbs. A CL 10.0 person gets 10 orbs.
Tricks include getting floss or toothbrushes (loot for the Halloween event recipes), getting attacked by pumpkin fluffs and getting warped to various places. I was warped all over the place. I was happy when a warp sent me somewhere else within Barton town. I also got warped all over Village Greens. I got warped to the null crystal in Zen Gardens a couple times. I was once warped to Logan in Bass'ken. I was also warped to the Hive in the Aquaducts two times. @ .@;; At those times, I had my CL suppressed below two.. so... that was scary. O: Two hits from the shockroaches and I was dead. XD; I hated getting warped... mostly because it took soooo long to load the world I was loaded to, load the null crystal, load out of the null and then load barton again. DX Right now, loading time into worlds has been lengthened since they've rewritten the monster code so the monsters don't lag you as much while you're playing in that world... but running from land to land and loading each one is killer. It's added a lot of time to collecting the zDC.
When ToTing, you wanted a pumpkin fluff to appear. You got a chance at a gumball if you killed one. You could only get one gumball. And yes, this was a repeat of last year's gumball item. zOMG also recently celebrated its one year anni. Sooo I think they were just giving more people a chance at that item... since there were much fewer people playing last year. If you already won a zOMG gumball, you'd get a message saying all you got was pumpkin guts instead. You could get the item at any level for fighting the CL 1.0 fluff. However, I swear I got the pumpkin guts message more often when i was suppressed below two.
Yeow, I talked that much just about ToTing and that part was simple. XD;
Vampires and Werewolves roamed the various lands. They spawned from Portals that contained their Nests.
You could kill vamps and wolves in the various lands for the loot to complete the Halloween recipes. It was treated like a mini-event. To kill them, you'd have to suppress yourself to the CL cap of that land.
You could also enter portals. Portals each had three rooms. You could enter at any CL you wished, no matter which land. You'd either find wolves or vamps inside. You had to kill a preset amount of monsters for a chest to open, and then move on to the next room. The only way to obtain the Halloween event recipes was from out of these chests, and they spawned at random. The chests also gave gold, orbs and pumpkin lids, pimpkin seeds or candy corn. The lids, seeds and cc were loot needed for the Halloween recipes.
The event was rather easy on solo runs. You'd get enough time to sit and rest for stamina between monsters. Only one monster would appear at a time. In a crew of two, you'd face from one two three monsters in each wave. You'd also see a stronger wolf or a night fright monster here and there.
If rings drop, they drop two CLs below your level. At CL 8 you'd get CL 6 rings. At CL 10, you'd get CL 8 rings. They'd range a bit... you know, like 7.8 - 8.2.
Night fright eyes, jackies, werewolf pup plushie.
There's also a night fright skin recipe in the market... and we all expected that item to appear in this event, but it's apparently being held for a future project the devs are working on.
my zomg progress
I was level 9.0 at the start of this event. My goal was to get the rings I use up to 8 or 9, then raise my 9.0 rings to CL 10.0. I got a few CL 7 ring drops while in the portals. I realized that if I destroyed the rings, I'd have enough orbs to get a set of ten 9.0 rings to 10.0. (I already had about 600 orbs, after the ring destruction i had a little over a thousand orbs... and was left with 382 orbs after I rose all eight 9.0 rings to 10.0. You can do the math there if you care that much.
I was going to wait. I was going to ring swap those 7.0 rings with some of my 4.0 rings. However, since the event time was limited, I rose to CL 10 so I could hopefully get CL 8.0 ring drops. :3 I did get a few of them. <3
So yeah, as of late night 11/02/09, I had a set of eight CL 10.0 rings. :3
And, as of evening 11/03/09 my 40th ring fiiiiinaalllllly dropped. o wo I now have all forty rings also. At the end of this event, I'll ring swap and distribute more orbs.
Unisexing Project
[I Wanna Unisex You Up!]
Meriko got caught up in the event and forgot to roll the dice for the prize winners from last week... soooo she bought extras and gave each entrant an item. The items were flame martial arts tops for girls and marine neck ribbons for guys.
I got a flame martial arts top yesterday. o wo <333
Definitely check out the thread.
It returned sometime this week. I forgot the actual day. It came with a new item: Lumina Shroud for 2,311,009g.
That butterfly dress and crescento's ship aren't in the shop this time, but the smouldering helm, merlin's hat and royal raiment are still there.
Gold Lotto
Ever since the School Survival Guide event was over, the gold lotto link stayed up in our header. As of 11/02, it now moved to the games tab. [announcement]
11/02/09 Planet 51
Watch the trailer to earn a spacesuit item. Open a virtual world to earn a pair of ears and antennas. You must walk around a simple maze to gather three items. It's really cute since your avatar is randomly generated as one of the alien models they have available. There's a guy alien who has no pants. It makes me wonder how that fits into the movie...
View User's Journal
lanruoJ 'sdrawkcaB
Most of the journals will log the big updates and feelings of the times. I plan to look back on these in the future. Some large change affecting our lives now usually often turns into something we rarely think about.
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