I'm fantasizing about the girl I love saying things like: "I love you too" or even, "I do"
Should I be fantasizing about f**king her?
I don't ever want to f**k...
I want to make love.
I don't want a "one night stand"
I want to be able to stand to look at myself every night.
is that so wrong?
My dad always says things like "When you leave her" it pisses me off...
I would never leave.
My dad looks at the girls from my school and makes rude and disgusting things...
I can't ever tell if he's joking or not.
I just want to scream at him.
"You're married!! How can you even look at those girls?! Don't you love your wife?!"
I want to punch him in the forehead and yell at him
"Why would you even say those things about them?!"
I bet that he didn't even marry Marcie because he loves her.
I bet he married her because he knows that she's the best he's gonna get.
It disgusts me when he talks about how he wishes he could "Tear into a piece of that a**." or makes sounds like an idiotic horny animal.
While he wants to go and f**k everyone and his wife at the same time, I want to hold my one girl and feel wanted.
Is that really so wrong?
it seems like all the other guys in the world want to f**k the world...
am I really so weird because I love only one girl?
because I want to spend my life loving that one girl?
because I don't see other girls like I see that one girl?

Community Member
but in this case, I think weird is the only respectable way to go.
odd, in the sense that you are definitely unlike most guys.
and it is for that reason that I respect you.