Random update.
So yea... Random update of my life... Well a few days ago I tried to strangle myself... After seeing my brother whom is a lot older than me cry (I've NEVER seen him cry before) I will never do it again... Seeing him so... Broken tore me apart... Even though I'm a year and a half behind in my school work I'm almost finished with all my classes.... Only one person reviewed my preview for the first chapter of my book RIse of the Flame so I can't put the whole chapter up... My cell phone was taken because my mom found me using IM on it, talking to people from Gaia... And now I'm stuck with my grandma's old phone which haves no texting, IM, or internet... My DS was taken away with all the games.. But I hide my Gamboy Advanced SP so I'm playing games on that... Atleast I can still play my Xbox 360. I've been playing Fable 2, the first one had better controls... So yea.. Life is ok I guess...