Really? You're not only an idiot, but too lazy to even CLICK to find out
what I mean. You must be 12. Oh-no, if someone uses proper grammar,
they must have no sense of humor; why so srs?! ಠ_ಠ
Think of it: why are you going to tell somebody to take it down a notch
if they're intelligently discussing something & pointing out flaws?
- Threatened, much?
Stop making yourselves and your generation look like shallow

<span id="test30099739">. . .</span><br/><div id="post30099739" style="display:none; margin-right:75px;">
- PS - see that? THAT is flaming. Get it straight.
But, whatever... should I blame you for your idiocy? It's not entirely your
fault you live in a nation deliberately undermining the full capacity of its
childrens' minds. But it IS partly your fault. How else would you explain
the existence of intelligent individuals in this country who exist in the
middle to lower class DESPITE the shitty education?
The only reason this irks me so is that intelligent people need to dumb
themselves down for the rest of you. I'm tired of having to explain myself
AND THEN put it into baby terms for you. I don't even speak with an
elevated vocabulary.
Stop with your "I won't speak properly cuz this ain't school" BULL s**t;
It's not "sticking it to the man" when you can't communicate clearly.
Just pure idiocy.