In the sands of Heuco Mundo, A girl in all white walks around the wall of Las Noches. Humming a happy tune the white haired girl rounds a corner and bumps into some one.
"Ah! I'm so Sorry!" apologized the girl as she bows polietly to two lowly arrancar who look at her with an annoyed face as she straightens up and smiles an almost too happy smile.
"N-now if you'll excu-Gah!" said the white haired girl as she's pinned to the wall by her throat, by one of the arrancars.
"Your happiness is pissin' me off!" said the arracar that is pinning the girl.
"Yeah, me too" said the other Arrancar as she looks at the white haired girl with killer intent in her eyes.
"P-please...L-let me go!" said the girl as she struggles in the arrancar's grasp.
"Hell No, We're gunna teach ya a lesson" said the arrancar who is pinning the white haired girl.
"No! Why?! W-what have I done to you?!" said the girl as she struggles more, her hands are now gripping the other arrancar's arm, trying to pry the hand off her throat.
"Your too 'cheerful' to be an Arrancar" said the other arrancar as she puts her hand on her zanpakuto.
"So you going to Kill Me!?" said the white haired girl as she struggles more.
"Maybe, depends on how much ya fight back!" Yelled the arrancar thats gripping the white haired girls throat as she turns sharply around and throws the white haired girl a few feet away from them.
The white haired girl hits the ground hard and gasps as the wind is knocked out of her. From the cracking noise she had heard when she landed she geuss that she had a broken rib or two. the girl struggles to look up as she sees the two arrancars coming towards her. About three feet infront of her the Arrancar who had pinned her uses sonido as she gets to the white hair girl the arrancar kicks her in the stomach. the girl in white spits out blood as she's lanched further away from the safty of the wall.
The white haired girl starts to cough up alot of blood as she struggles to look up. Suddenly the other arrancar appears next to her.
"This is getting annoying, Goodbye" said the arrancar as she takes her zanpakuto out and stabs the girl on her back, to the side of her spine, probably piercing one of her lungs or her stomach. The white hair girl coughs up more blood, then she passes out.
"Hmpf, what a weakling" said the arrancar who pinned her.
"Not even worth our time" said the other arrancar she sheathes her zanpakuto and starts to follow the other arrancar back towards Las Noches.
'Am i dead?' said the girls voice in the darkness of her mind
'no, your just unconsious' said a deep voice full of power.
'Who are you?'
'Who are you!?'
' I'm your Zanpakuto spirit '
'I thought we arrancars aren't suposed to have zanpakuto spirits?'
'they do, they're all just too blood thirsty to hear us'
'does hearing you make me less blood thirsty and weak?'
'No. If anything, it makes you stronger'
'why Are you talking to me?'
'Because one, I dont want you to die, and Two, you called my name'
'...I did?'
'Yes, you did...Now, do you want to die like a nobody, or do you want to live and fight like a warrior?'
'Wait, what?'
'Its a simple question young one'
'How am I supposed to answer to no one?'
Suddenly whiteness erupts around the white haired girl, and she finds her self on the banks of a lake frozen by ice, and all the trees and brushes are coatted in a think layer of ice.
Standing in the middle of the lake on a ice rock is a giant white ice dragon.
'Do you see me now?
-chapter 1 end-
I had like three dreams that I can remember.
1- I was in my school at my desk, When I suddenly look out the window to see gin badly injured(Our soccer field some how had Black versions of the HM trees) and walking towards the school, I asked my teacher(Math, ugh) If i could go to the bath room, but when I Ran out of the room I saw Ukitake and Shunsui with Nanao behind them talking to each other, THEN i noticed there was other captains in the hallway, So i oddly ran down the hallway as I ate a soul candy and changed into a soul reaper. The hallway bent and curved till it hit the gym,(the way a spiral stair case bends). Only The captains looked at me, and Ukitake followed me saying "Come Back Here!". I was jumping off the walls, but I guess I was caught because I ended up back in the room. I looked out the window to seen Aizen, Gin, Orihime, Hitsugaya, Ulquiorra, Shinji, and Luppi waiting for me on the gym roof which is right below our windows to the class room, I then put my hands on the glass and I Melted through the wall/window and I fell down to land a little bit away from the group on the roof. I looked back up to see Ukitake and Shunsui staring down at me with wide eyes, I smiled then I ran over to them, Luppi huged me and we started to talk when i was suddenly blown back, off the roof. Then i landed on the ground, I then spent the rest of the time trying to get back on the damn roof.
2- I was in the soul society Libary, looking up restricted books/information. I was in the restricted section when i walked out of it. Then I saw Hitsugaya standing their, he asked me why I was here and I said "To look up books" then I started to flip through a random book to wait for him to leave, I must have had a restricted section book because I started to run for the door when Hitsugaya yelled "WAIT!" he chased me till walked into Walmart and started to look at their Bleach section when I same what i thought was Rukia and Ichigo Cosplayers, When i tried to talk to them they just walked away. I was then running from ichigo and rukia, being chased throughout walmart, First I had a purple scarf on then I switched it with a pink/red one...Then i ran out of Walmart, ran around the parking lot, jumped over cars, and then i ran into Build-a-Bear, found a white Chappu bunny, made it, left a note to rukia, then I continued to run. I ended up running into and out of Walmart and the SS Library where I was chased out by Hitsugaya, I then woke up while I was trying to climb a wall...
3-Errr it started out wierd, I think Hitsugaya was trying to...rape me then I ran and I'm guessing that I was in SS, there was like an Arena where there was the battle between Aizen and SS, Soulsociety won. Kenpachi, Yachiru, Ikkaku and that guy with the feathers was walking towards me.(oh and theres snow on the ground) I felt embarrassed that I didn't fight for SS(I'm a soulreaper) So I ran, jumped onto this building, where i look in to see Some guy teaching some soulreapers some thing. by this time EVERY ONE knows I didn't fight so I got to the top of the roof, Then a jumped from roof to roof for a bit till I jumped down and ran around the circle wall on the Arena where I see an injured Gin, I bent down and i start to heal him when Hitsugaya and Ichigo comes Hitsugaya shouts 'why are you here!?" to gin, gin says he couldn't go back to Aizen because he would have been killed because he fought for Soul Society and against Aizen. Then we run around in the forest try to clear Gin's name, Oddly my zanpakuto has the ability that which ever Zanpakuto itr hits, the owners minds switch bodies so its like I'm in someone else's body, First I was in Ichigo's, then it was kenpachi, then it was Rukia, then we were running farther into the forest, the group stoped and waited for Ichigo to come back from fighting Kenpachi so that we could get away, I was still nursing Gin's wounds and we were in a clearing when a kenpachi came into view...but there was no Ichigo...Then I woke up!
I've had other dreams, but I dont want to make it TOO long a post.
random eh?
Akina White
The Silver Limb Alchemist
We walk around talking to complete strangers; Laugh for absoulutly no reason at all; Have stupid fights that are over in ten minutes; Attempt to dance and sing like they do in music vidios; Had a billion "you had to be there" moments; Gang up on the heiffer that has a problem with one of us; Make fun of each other when we walk into stuff; Act like were on crack; And no matter what happens were always there for each other through the good times and the bad; Because we are BEST FRIENDS!!!!!!!
2011, the year before the end of the world. London, England, A girl wearing a gray over coat and a gray berret is seen running down maine street. Her long light brown hair blowing out behind her, and tightly griped in her hand is a dark navy blue book bag.
"Of all the days to be late I just Had to pick today!" said the girl under her breath as she rounds a sharp corner. Thinking back to the day before today, the girl remember's how she got into this prediciment.
' "Alright children! I have an important announcement for you all, so please gather around!" said the teacher as the students of the private warner academy placed down their pencils and gathered around their home room teacher, Mrs.Travers.
"Alright children, as you may or may not know, this month is our annual Career month! So that means that today during free period you are all to go down to the announcement board in the court yard to pick your job for the month!" Said Mrs.Travers as the bell rang.
"Time for free period! you are all dismissed!" said Mrs.Travers as the children collected their belongings into their identicle navy-blue book bags.
"Also remember to look carefully at the jobs listed! Some may need more than one child!" shouted Mrs.Travers over the chatter of the children.
As Mrs.Travers went to sit down, she notices a girl with long light brown hair standing infront of her.
"Ah, yes, what do you need Amanda?" asked Mrs.Travers as Amanda holds out a brown journal held together by two twine strings tied tightly around the book.
"I-I finished my new story Mrs.Travers" said Amanda as Mrs.Travers smiles and takes the book from her.
"Thank you Amanda, I'll read it tonight before I go to bed" said Mrs.Travers as she runs her hand slowly across the journal while staring down at it.
"I just love your stories Amanda, their so full of action and adventure. And your new series of stories have been just extrordinary! your main character Amber reminds me so much of myself when I was her age!" said Mrs.Travers as she smiles warmly at Amanda.
"Th-thank you Mrs.Travers" stuttered Amanda as she looks at the floor, a slight blush on her cheeks.
"Oh my! look at the time! Amanda, you better hurry to the court yard or else all of the good job's will be gone!" said Mrs.Travers as she looks to the clock.
"O-okay Mrs.Travers, See you tomorrow!" said Amanda as she grabs her book bag. Amanda then runs out of the door and down the stairs leading to the court yard.
As Amanda reaches the court yard she see's a large group of kids around the announcement board. Hurrying up to the edge of the group Amanda tries to peer over the student's heads. After about five minutes Amanda has finally made it to the front of the board. But sadly every single job had been taken exept for one. Amanda quickly put her hand on it at the exact moment another hand is placed on the paper. As Amanda looks to her right she see's none other then Caitlyn Waters, her greatest rival and enemy.
The rivalry began when Amanda was in kindergarten. Caitlyn was boasting about how she could beat all of her classmates in a race, and Amanda over heard her. Amanda told Caitlyn that she could beat her two times over. The argument ended when they challenged each other to a race. During the race both of the children didn't see where they were going, due to the fact that they were to busy glaring at each other as they ran. And they were both knocked out cold when they ran into the wall of the school building.
"This is My job, My hand was on it first!" said Caitlyn as Amanda glared at her.
"No it isn't! I got here first, Go find your self another job!" said Amanda loudly as Caitlyn glared at her as well. As the two girls started to get into another argument, a third girl, with glasses, steps up and hits both girls over the head with two text books, one in each hand.
"Stop bickering you two! your acting like five year olds!" said the girl. Amanda turns her head to look at the girl with the books, and imediatly reconizes her.
"Your Marisa right? i think I've seen you before..." said Amanda as she tries to think about where she saw her.
"Of corss you've seen me before! I'm in your class! numbskull!" said Marisa angryly as she shifts the two text books to be held by her left arm as her right fixes her sliping glasses.
"Why did ya hit me?! I was right in the middle of a very important argument!" said Caitlyn in an angry voice as she rubs her head with her free hand.
"Because you two were fighting over nothing! And next time look at the job before you start fighting!" said Marisa as she grabs the paper with the job on it from under Amanda and Caitlyn's hands.
"Look! see? it says 'Three applicants needed!' Do you know what that means? it means that this job calls for Three people!" said Marisa as she hold up the job paper. Amanda and Caitlyn look at each other then closely at the paper. Caitlyn then reads it out loud.
"'The three witches book store. Now hiring! Three applicants needed! If you are interested please come to Manchester street, building 608, you cant miss it'." said Caitlyn as Amanda straightens up.
"Manchester street, building 608? an't that the place where that crazy old man lives? what was his name? dootlee? dottlvee?" said Amanda as she continues to list random names.
"All of those are wrong, his name is Dottlebee, Mr.Dottlebee...but I didn't know that there was a book store there..." said Caitlyn as she straightens up and puts a finger to her chin in thought.
"There Isn't one there, never has been, It must be a mix-up of address's...but its the last job so we should probably check it out tomorrow..." said Marisa as she fixes her glasses again.
"Yeah, your right, besides we have no other choice" said Amanda as Caitlyn pouts but nods her head in agreement anyways.
"Alright then we meet at the end of maine street tomorrow and walk the rest of the way there together?" said Marisa as Caitlyn and Amanda nods in agreement.
"Okay then see you guys there!" said Amanda excitedly as she jumps up and down. Spinning around Amanda then runs off towards her next class as the bell rings.
"Hyperactive numbskull..." muttered Caitlyn as Marisa nods in agreement while she fixes her glasses yet again.
"See ya later" said Caitlyn as the two girls turn opposite directions and start to walk off.
"See you tomorrow" said Marisa as she walks off to her next class as well.'
Now being late was an under statement. No Amanda is far more then late, she is about four hours late. It seemed as though she over slept for three hours, then it took her another hour just to get ready. Now she is Running down Maine street at full blast hoping that the other two are as late as her, Sadly they aren't because as Amanda turns yet another corner at the end of maine street she almost runs into Caitlyn and marisa who were awaiting her arival.
"Your Late." Said Marisa as she takes a step back and watches Amanda stumble before she catches herself and stands up to stare at them both.
"S-sorry, I kinda over slept" said Amanda as she rubs the back of her head.
"Kind of over slept? We've been waiting for like six hours for you! I was ready to just go to our job with out you!" said Caitlyn angryly as she glares at Amanda.
"Actually she is four hours and seventeen minutes late." corrected Marisa as she takes her glass off and cleans them with a handkerchief she got from her pocket.
"I'm So Sorry! You see I was having a Really nice dream, and I was really cozy in my bed that I just didn't want to wake up!" Said Amanda as Caitlyn and Marisa starts to walk down the street.
"What ever! just hurry up or else we'll leave you behind!" said Caitlyn loudly as Amanda runs after them.
"Ah! W-Wait for Me!" shouted Amanda as she follows the two down the begining of Manchester street.
"608, This is it..." said Marisa as she looks up from holding the paper with the job listing on it. Infront of the three is a small book store. A sign is hanging over the door way with a picture of a cresent moon, next to the cresent moon is a small star. And in fancy gold lettering the signs reads 'The three witches book store'.
"Nice place, but I wonder what happened to old man Dottlebee?" said Amanda as she tilts her head while staring at the book store.
"Doesn't matter, lets just go in..." said Caitlyn as she walks up to the enterance of the book store.
"He either moved out, of changed his house into a book store" said Marisa as she follows Caitlyn to the doorway of the store.
"I geuss so..." said Amanda as she walks cautiously up to the doorway.
"Ready guys?" said Caitlyn as she looks over her shoulder to see Amanda and Marisa nod in unisen.
"Okay, Here we go!" said Caitlyn as she pushes the door open. As the door opens bells that are attached to the other side of the door jingle.
"Whoa! Its huge inside!" said Amanda as she stumbles in side the book store.
Shelves of books line the walls and fill up the spaces inbetween, making about six or eight isles you can walk down. To the right side corner, closest to the door is a cash resgister. And to the left corner in a little quarter circular area is a coffee table and three easy chairs in black leather, along with three individual lamps above each chair.
"Well I guess that 'Dont judge a book by its cover' would really work for this place..." said Marisa as she fixes her glasses.
"Hello!? Is some body Here!?" shouted out Amanda as caitlyn whacks Amanda on the head.
"Dont shout out, stupid! this is a Book store! not a cavern!" said Caitlyn angrily as Amanda rubs the back of her head.
"Ow! That hurt Caitlyn!" said Amanda as she glares at Caitlyn angily, who in turn answers the glare with one of equal magnitude.
"Stop fighting, Do I have to hit you with books Again?" said Marisa in an annoyed tone as she walks up to a book shelf. Taking an old looking book off the shelf Marisa starts to flip through it.
"Enjoying that book?" said a man with blonde hair as he looks over Marisa's shoulder, which is easy due to him being taller then her. In surprise Marisa slams the book shut and pretty much jumps back ward away from the man and into another shelf.
"Holy Cow! You scared the living day lights out of me!" said Marisa as Amanda and Caitlyn start to laugh.
"So sorry, I thought you would have noticed me coming up behind you! my serest apologizies Madam" said the blonde male she he takes marisa's hand. Bending down he gently kisses the top of it. Of corss marisa pulls away with a light blush on her face.
"Stop that! its wierd!" said Marisa as she backs away to stand beside Caitlyn and Amanda who has recovered from their burst of laughter.
"Ah, sorry madam, its in my nature as a gentleman to greet one such as your self in that way" said the blonde haired man as he steps out of the isle and bows gracefully.
"How may I be of service to you three fine examples of young ladies?" asked the blonde haired man as he straightens up.
"We came to ask you about your job listing for three applicants" said Marisa, in a completely un-emotion voice as she fixes her sliping glasses yet again. Amand then turns to Caitlyn and whispers in her ear.
"She recovered pretty fast" whispered Amanda to caitlyn who nods in agreement.
"Its in my nature to recover from some thing as silly as that" said Marisa, now in the middle and behind the two a little bit.
"And Yes, I can hear you" added Marisa as Amanda and Caitlyn jump backwards, startled.
"My, My, you three are very lively, you will like it here very much...Now just to find those job applicant where did I put them?" said the blonde man as he starts to look around the register area.
"Daphne! Hannah!" shouted the blonde man as a dark red haired girl, and a long dirty blonde haired girl walk around a book shelf.
"What do you need now?" said Daphne in a plain tone as the blonde haired man rubs the back of his head.
"Well, it seems that I've missplaced those job applicant papers...Oh! and these three girls are going to be our newest batch of workers!" said the blonde man as Daphne and Hannah look towards the three girls. Daphne then turns her head back to the man.
"One, the papers are in your back left pants pocket...and Two, are they strong enough?" said Daphne as she looks the three girls up and down.
"They seem a little weak to me." said Daphne as the blonde man laughs lightly.
"Ah, well, I'm sure their strong enough!" said the man as he pulls out three folded peices of paper.
"Alright girls, all you have to do is fill this paper out, and tomorrow you can start working!" said the blonde man as her hands Caitlyn the papers who passes the other two to Marisa and Amanda.
"Okay then, any questions?" asked the blonde man happily as he smiles a large smile, showering off his perfect white teeth.
"Ya, I have a question for you..." said Amanda.
"Whats your name? you never told us" finished Amanda as the man smiles again.
"What a fine question m'lady! I am known as a legend! A thousand names I have been given around the world! I am a wo-OW!" said the blonde man as Daphne whacks him in the head with a large book. She then turns to the three girls.
"His name is Alex Draco, He collects old books" said Daphne plainly as Alex rubs his head.
"that hurt Daphy! why are you always so mean to me?" said Alex as Daphne holds the large book above Alex's head. She then drops it.
"Oops, it sliped." said Daphne in another plain voice and Hannah helps Alex to his feet.
"Tommorrow, Eight A.M sharp, Be here, Dont be late." said Daphne as she pushes the three girls out side of the book store. As the girls turn around Daphne then slams the door in their face and flips the Open sign to Closed.
"How Rude!" said Caitlyn as Amanda walks into the street while reading the paper.
"Well, it cant be helped, we must have came in when they were about to close..." said Marisa as she fixes her glasses.
"Hey guys? Look at the job Applicants, dont they look a little bit wierd?" said Amanda as she holds up her own Applicant paper. Marisa and Caitlyn then quickly look at their papers, Marisa reads it off.
" 'Please fill out all area's listed, this information in confindentual and will be with held.
Clothes size:
Hat Size:
Please answer the following questions,
What's your favorite color?:' " said Marisa, she then looked up at Amanda with an arched eye brow.
"So? its just the normal stuff, whats so wierd about it?" said Marisa as Caitlyn nods in agreement.
"No, look at the bottom of the paper, theres another question" said Amanda as she walks over and points to it on Marisa's paper, where some thing has been written in messy ink. Marisa then reads it out loud.
" 'Last question, please be truthful, the truth will always come out in the end.
Do you believe in magic?:' " said Marisa as she tilts her head.
"Thats a strange and random question..." said Caitlyn as Amanda wiggles her fingers in an up and down motion.
"Spooooky! who would want to know some thing like that? I bet this Alex guy is a wierd monster from the under world sent to take the souls of young girls like us!" Said Amanda as Marisa whacks Amanda's hands down.
"Your crazy and stupid, Yes Alex is wierd, but under no circumstances is he a 'demon from the under world' sent to kill us!" said Marisa as Caitlyn nods in agreement.
"Yeah, she's right, now go home and get some sleep numbskull...And No watching scary monster movies! they will rot you brain even further then what it is!" said Caitlyn as she and Marisa start to walk off together.
"What ever!" said Amanda as she sticks her tongue out at Caitlyn's turned back.
"I an't nuts, that Alex guy just gives me a wierd feeling..." muttered Amanda as she follows Caitlyn and Marisa home. Inside the book store window, Alex watches Amanda leave.
"Do you think she's catching on?" asked Daphne, who is busy stacking papers into a pile.
"I dont know but is she does, that would be very bad for us" said Alex as Hannah and Daphne nods in unisen.
In a small victorian house, Amanda is at her desk doing her home work.
"Tomorrow Is the starting day of career month, that means no home work for a whole month!" said Amanda as she scratches her black cat's head.
"An't that right Artimis?" said Amanda as the black cat meows happily. Just then Amanda sees the job applicant paper on her desk.
"Might as well fill this out, I'm done with home work anyways" said Amanda as she opens it up and starts to fill it out.
As Amanda finishes filling it out she looks at the last question.
'Do you believe in magic?'
'Its a simple question Amanda, Of corss I beileve in magic! who wouldn't?...but still some thing about it...' thought Amanda to her self as she pets Artimis with her free hand.
"Oh well! I must be imagening it!" said Amanda as she writes under the question 'Of corss I do!'. As Amanda finishes the last word, the lights suddenly start to flicker, and out side the wind picks up, Artimis suddenly hisses and the fur on her back puffs out. Jumping down Artimis doves straight under Amanda's bed. Amanda then looks up at her desk light, after about a minute the wind dies down and then the lights come back on. Amanda then looks down at her paper and gasps. Written below where Amanda answered the question, in black ink is says.
Amanda then shakes her head and turns off her desk light. getting into her bed she stares up at the ceiling.
"I Am watching too many monster movies..." mummbled Amanda as she snuggles deeper into her bed and goes to sleep.
(Irichin no hana) (HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR)
You are only you, and no one else.
There could never be a replacement for you.
Don't ever wither away, you Lone Flower...
Bathing just perfectly in the sunlight.
It's almost as if you've blossomed from it.
Regretting the place you wished to grow on.
You struggle to get away from it, right?
All the emotions you've spread over the land.
Let them all out!
All your grief and distress, everything I will take in.
So please don't cry, smile for me, you Lone Flower...
Even now, if you wither away like that.
I want to see your innocent self one last time.
I wish to be the strength inside of you!
Even if there comes a time when the whole world becomes your enemy.
I will protect you!
You are only you, and no one else.
Up until now, and from now on.
Even if there comes a time when the whole world becomes your enemy.
I will protect you, don't ever give up, you Lone Flower...
(~Nagareboshi Shooting Star~) (Home Made Kazoku)
When I look up at the sky
The stars, see, are sparkling
Each giving off its own light
Like the people on this planet
Yeah, so I, too
Want to shine particularly bright
I close my eyes and make a vow in my heart
And entrust my dreams to that shooting star
I’m in my usual park
I can see the night scenery
On the slide
That’s been my special seat for years
Whenever I’m worried about something, I come here
Just like then, I’m on my way to my dreams
But unable to fulfill them
“Maybe this is the end of the line”
There are days when I say weak things like that
But every time, I remember
That starry sky where I looked for a shooting star
The wish I made when I was little
Hasn’t changed even now
When I look up at the sky
The stars, see, are sparkling
Each giving off its own light
Like the people on this planet
Yeah, so I, too
Want to shine particularly bright
I close my eyes and make a vow in my heart
And entrust my dreams to that shooting star
Hiding out in the schoolyard at night with my mates
We climbed the wire netting
The field seemed to have a different face than during the day
We headed for our sea called the pool
We didn’t have swimming trunks, so we were all stark naked
Someone jumped in with a strange yell
The splash echoed through the night
“After him!” Everyone else piled in
We floated gently, looking up at the sky
Looked at the stars in front of us, and talked about heaps of dreams
And looked for that shooting star
When I look up at the sky
The stars, see, are sparkling
Each giving off its own light
Like the people on this planet
Yeah, so I, too
Want to shine particularly bright
I close my eyes and make a vow in my heart
And entrust my dreams to that shooting star
Looking up at the sky, there are countless stars
The same number now that there was years ago
My dreams are endless and crazy
Incredibly bright, like that star
Hey! If you keep hanging your head like that
You won’t even be able to see the things you can see
Look up at the sky, keep your head up! Hey!
“What do you think of the sky you see?”
Someday, like that shining star…
I wanna shine
When I look up at the sky
The stars, see, are sparkling
Each giving off its own light
Like the people on this planet
Yeah, so I, too
Want to shine particularly bright
I close my eyes and make a vow in my heart
And entrust my dreams to that shooting star
(Closer )(Joe Inoue)
You've gotta be extra careful with
The things that are close and dearest to you
You know the closer you get to something
The tougher it is to see it
Explain to me all my happiness
That you just experienced by my side
Or maybe you're so blessed in ways that
You can't even remember it all
That you are standing here with me
That you live and breathe and see and feel
They're all little miracles and wonder
Just by themselves.
You've gotta be extra careful with
The things that are close and dearest to you
You know the closer you get to something
The tougher it is to see it
You know the closer you get to something
The tougher it is to see it
And I'll never take it for granted
It's fine to say "Never give up"
Say "Keep chasing your dreams on
But the more time you spend talking big
The less you get done with life
I'll let that handful of courage in my heart
Help me survive another day
And I'll never take it for granted
Let's go!
Mizuki Manami (Hollow version of Orihime)
Shiro-san, and Gaa
Sosuke Aizen's Army(at the moment, she doesn't pick sides)
Medic/Nurse in Hecho Mundo
Chiyutacchi (Healing touch)
Zanapakuto Spirit:

Chiyutacchi (Healing touch)
Release Command:
"Cast Hope Upon the Fallen, Chiyutacchi!"
Shikai Abilities:
She can heal and make shields using her zanpakuto.
She hasn't discovered her zanpakuto's power yet, The other thing that Chiyutacchi can do is appear in real life, as a tennis ball sized chibi version of her self, but she must stay near Mizuki or she'll disappear.
Bankai Abilities

Kind, likes to goof of sometimes, is like Orihime herself besides the fact that she can get easily pissed off, is a little bit over protective of her friends.
Hueco Mundo Arc:
Mizuki Is Orihime inoue's Hollow, Mizuki has always been with Orihime. When Orihime was sad, Mizuki would cheer her up and they would talk about everything they could. When Mizuki woke up one night she found herself bandaged up and apart from Orihime. Only when she talked to Orihime about it did she find out that Orihime doesn't remember Anything about her. Now Mizuki stays in Hecho Mundo, not because she has to, but because thats where the person who saved her life is, Shiro-san (or better known as Ichigo's Hollow) fixed her up after he found her with wounds on her torso. Mizuki now follows Shiro-san around, and works with Gaa(doc) as his assistant.
Powers and Abilities:
She can heal much like how Orihime can, she doesn't need to say their names. Only difference is that they look like hollows with the white skin(and hair) and with yellow eyes.
She can also fight using Tsubaki(Hollow-verson) and her Zanpakuto, though she has almost no training in the field of swordsman ship. She normally just uses her own Shun Shun Rikka, Though she is slowly starting to train with Shiro on swordsman ship skills.
(please dont steal my OC)
Shiro-san, and Gaa
Sosuke Aizen's Army(at the moment, she doesn't pick sides)
Medic/Nurse in Hecho Mundo
Chiyutacchi (Healing touch)
Zanapakuto Spirit:

Chiyutacchi (Healing touch)
Release Command:
"Cast Hope Upon the Fallen, Chiyutacchi!"
Shikai Abilities:
She can heal and make shields using her zanpakuto.
She hasn't discovered her zanpakuto's power yet, The other thing that Chiyutacchi can do is appear in real life, as a tennis ball sized chibi version of her self, but she must stay near Mizuki or she'll disappear.
Bankai Abilities

Kind, likes to goof of sometimes, is like Orihime herself besides the fact that she can get easily pissed off, is a little bit over protective of her friends.
Hueco Mundo Arc:
Mizuki Is Orihime inoue's Hollow, Mizuki has always been with Orihime. When Orihime was sad, Mizuki would cheer her up and they would talk about everything they could. When Mizuki woke up one night she found herself bandaged up and apart from Orihime. Only when she talked to Orihime about it did she find out that Orihime doesn't remember Anything about her. Now Mizuki stays in Hecho Mundo, not because she has to, but because thats where the person who saved her life is, Shiro-san (or better known as Ichigo's Hollow) fixed her up after he found her with wounds on her torso. Mizuki now follows Shiro-san around, and works with Gaa(doc) as his assistant.
Powers and Abilities:
She can heal much like how Orihime can, she doesn't need to say their names. Only difference is that they look like hollows with the white skin(and hair) and with yellow eyes.
She can also fight using Tsubaki(Hollow-verson) and her Zanpakuto, though she has almost no training in the field of swordsman ship. She normally just uses her own Shun Shun Rikka, Though she is slowly starting to train with Shiro on swordsman ship skills.
(please dont steal my OC)
A new school year has begun, and the same number of kids are attending school, no newbies to speak of, but will this last through out the school year? Tune in to find out what the out come of this school year will bring!
Chapter One-
--The New girl--
Destiny High is the largest high school in all of Destiny island. It is a normal school, with normal kids. Being on a small Island, there arn't many ex-change students. Actually, in its 100 or so years of being open, it has never had an Ex-change student walk through its doors. The students, and some teachers think its 'Bad luck' to have an Ex-change student attend the school. But its All about to change, with the arival of one lone girl.
A black skate borad with pink-ish red heart designs on the bottom. A white T-shirt with a red heart on it. A denem jacket with cut sleeves, Jeans with a rip on the left leg showing the knee. A dangly heart chain attached to two jean loops. a brown one strap bag, the strap resting on her right shoulder as the bag rests on the left side of her waist. And finally add in a pair of black Sun glasses and a dark navy demen hat with a pink-ish red heart on it and what do you get? The very first Ex-change student to step onto Destiny High's school grounds sense it opened about 100 years ago.
"Hnn...another school, another normal boring year..." said Tisaki as she makes her skateborad roll across the ground then jumps on it getting a fast boost of speed.
'i'm late for my first day of school, great' thought Tisaki as she rolls down the hall way at top speed, she didn't have to worry about running over students because none where in the halls exept for one, very slow kid with dirty blode hair in a Mohawk, and probably his two friends telling him to hurry up or they will be late for class.
"Hurry up Demyx, i dont wanna get in trouble again!" said a spikey red head with green eyes.
"ya, i wanna be on Time for once in my life, because Some one always make me late" said a blonde boy with a hair do that look like he got a swirly.
Sadly Tisaki never even saw the mohawk kid stand up from picking up his stack of books. at the last second Tisaki noticed him but it was too late, WHAM! The sound of metal weights hitting cement was what the students and teachers, plus the mohawk kid's friends heard as well. Tisaki layed on the ground, groaning she sits up half way, her left arm holding her up and her right hand rubbing her head.
"Owie...what the hell did i hit?" muttered Tisaki a little bit annoyed at hitting some thing.
"Dont you mean Who the hell did i hit?" muttered Demyx as he sits up painfully coughing.
"Demyx! are you all right?!" said the red head and blonde in unisen as the blonde boy kneels down with a worried look on his face as he looks at his friend. The red head on the other hand looked pissed but didn't say a word as he glared at Tisaki.
"ugh...yeah...i'm fine..." said Demyx as somthing suddenly drips down from his head "wha-?" said Demyx as he touched the substanse then looked at it. It is blood "B-B-Blood! I-I'm B-Bleeding! I'M GUNNA DIE!" yelled Demyx as he started to freak out as The blonde boy is trying to calm him down.
"Demyx! calm down, your not gunna die!" said the blonde kid as he takes out a hankerchief putting it to Demyx's gash on his head.
Sadly the red head boy couldn't control his anger any more,
"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!? YOU COULD'VE REALLY HURT DEMYX! LOOK YOU MADE HIM BLEED! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE ANY WAYS!?" yelled the red head. by this time every one in all the classes near this incident had piled out of the class rooms looking at the four-some, the teachers where in front of the group, making sure no one trys to start a fight with any one. Tisaki on the other hand is now standing, under her arm she holds her skateborad and hat.
"Look, I dont really care if your friend there is DYING, i'm not having the Best day, after my boat was late for two hours, then i couldn't find the damn school, now your yelling at me for some thing that Cant really be helped...damn if this is how you treat new Ex-change students, then i can see why your school isn't listed in the best schools to transfer to..." hissed Tisaki a little bit.
Suddenly everyone's eyes accept for Tisaki's gets wider.
"Wh-what did you say?" stuttered the blonde kid as he stood up while helping Demyx up.
"I told you already, i'm an Ex-change student!, geez you guys dont listen very well do you?" said Tisaki as she looks away. Suddenly a teacher with long gray hair looks at the other teachers, the other teachers then start to clear the hall ways as fast as posible, and soon the only one's in the hall way is the red head, the wounded mohawk kid, the blonde boy, Tisaki, and finally the gray haired teacher.
Tisaki was totaly confused, Suddenly the gray haired Teacher grabs Tisaki's wrist "Your coming with me..." he hissed in a cold un-emotional tone, he looks at the three with a cold gaze "You three will come with me as well..." he said in the same cold tone. He then walks off towards the center of the building on the most upper floor in the center on the school. the three students looked at each other. they then started to follow the teacher.
--Chapter 1, END--
Chapter 2-
--New 'Friends'--
Tisaki, The gray-haired Teacher, and the three students enter the Principal's office. It is a circular room with a glass dome, a desk is in the middle of the room. Sitting at a black chair is a tall middle age man with long silver hair and a frown that would make any one feel uncomfortable.
So now you're just going to stand there,
Like a little kitten,
Staring at a wall,
Feeling all alone in this world we all live in,
That one day, you'll finally find a place in this world,
That one day, you'll find someone who belongs in your heart
That one Day...
You'll live again,
That one day...
You'll be set free
That the wall will move for you
The Thing Is...Is That It Will NEVER Happen.
Day 1-
I'm starting this late but...i've been busy an' all.
Anime Boston 08- first convention i've been to, I spent like 2 months on my cosplay (I was konan!).
6:00 A.M- We started out in the morning, i was with my three friends who were dressed as Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and sadly my dad came he was Kakashi.
8:00 A.M- We got to Boston at around 7 A.M...but we had to find a parking spot close to where the anime boston was at, we got a hotel too...also close, we got dressed in our cosplays then we went to some park to wait for more people...we didn't wanna be the first ones in the building o-o...
10:15 A.M- Lots of people have came now...random people are running up to us, taking pictures of us, god i wish i cosplayed as Deidara...
11:00 A.M- I'm scared now, people have been running up to us telling me that theres this Akatsuki group coming...they need only konan to complete their group...oh and we've moved in to the building...been here for some time, i think we're gonna go out side now.
11:30 A.M- Oh My God, the Akatsuki group found us, Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke are trying to hold them off, i have climbed up a big tree and Tobi is trying to climb up it...shoot i think Kisame found me...god damn his sword is poking me...he's tall.
12:00 A.M/P.M- lost track of time...Kisame poked me to hard and i fell out of the tree...On tobi...Kisame then made sure i didn't run(which i tried to do) later i found out it was VIDEO TAPED! by pein even!...had to join the group anyways, now tobi's limping and we're doing this type of walk with all naruto characters...i'm walking next to pein, Deidara and zetsu are next to Tobi helping him...poor guy...
12:45-Akatsuki photo shoot...hardly any konan's...oh god naruto just ran by when the picture was taken...Run Naruto Run!...(no chance, limping tobi caught him)
1:00- We are being stalked by fangirls, after the photo shoot like ten of them came down from the top of the stairs... every one ran every which way after like some one yelled "FANGIRLS! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!" i'm telling you that this is now like clover field, i got the camera first while we were running, now i think Zetsu has it...Deidara, and Sasori are up in a tree watching out for fangirls...while we rest...i'm getting better at Origami...the 'art of paper folding' more like 'the art of paper cuts'...hahaha good thing i brang my akatsuki band-aids...i have a sasori & Deidara one on ^^...i think its 2:00 now...getting cooler...
2:30- We're eating lunch now, some sort of japanese lunch box, Zetsu is trying to teach us how to use chop sticks, Hidan got mad and is now stabing the weird yellow blocks...Zetsu says their japanese omletes...i'm eating my rice balls first...itachi is eating Dango...he's letting me try some...
2:45- We're finished eating, sasori and deidara had eaten in the tree...dango is weird, i like the dark brown one and the white one, Itachi never told me the green was wasabi paste...ew. Deidara is getting out of the tree fast, sasori fell, i think the fangirls found us...
3:00- no, not fangirls, a pack of Organization XIII guys...their mean, i think Xibar and Axel are flirting with me and Deidara...Sasori is getting pissed...And i think i just heard the scream of the fangirls...I told Deidara about it...he thinks i'm nuts.
3:05- Haha...i'm not nuts, now we're All running away from like 20 fangirls...running next to Deidara at the end, Tobi fell, they got him...screaming at deidara "I TOLD YOU SO! TAKE BACK WHAT YOU SAID! NOW!".
3:08- Deidara said "not now! Konan!", i triped him...fangirls got him...good...i think Sasori is mad now...
groups splited up, we're behind this building, Roxas some how came with us, he's 15, really short, and is annoying, Sasori hit me over the head.
3:25- Last i heard is that the Organization XIII guys got blind sided by the fangirls, looks like they were after them, but now there are groups looking for roxas, and us. we're doubling back to find tobi and deidara...
3:30-found tobi and deidara, Deidara hit me(no surprise). And Roxas found the rest of them...seems that their in my hotel...same with the rest of my group, oh god no...
8:00 PM- okay i have the real time now, around 4:00 we went to some cosplay contest, we one...and i think the Organization guys one too...yay we got plushies of our selfves and pocky! i have a konan plushie to complete my Akatsuki Collection! we're heading back to the hotel...found out Deidara cosplayer is a girl, Deidara, Sakura, me and the organization larxene are having a sleep over...i think tobi is at the door...
8:15- it is Tobi and Roxas and Namine, they wanna be in the sleep over too, we said yes...i think the boys are having their own sleep over in this huge room that the Organization guys rented out...i think their planning some thing.
9:00- We were talking about naruto characters we loved! then suddenly the boys bursted in and took us into their room!, i grabed my sasori plushie... Deidara is mad at Sasori i know i shouldn't cry, but i'm pissed And i'm crying, i found out that Namine is Roxas's younger sister, god she cried loudly, I kicked Axel in the groin then retreated to a corner till Zexion came over and told me that it was Axel, Xigbar, and a few others from My groups idea...i went over and we played truth or dare...
10:00- Namine is asleep, I said truth to Demyx's truth or dare, he asked me if my hair is is, i dyed it blue...Pein chuckled, i hit him, found out that Pein and sasori are the same age as me.
11:00- okay,its 11:00 i'm falling asleep, slowly, Kakashi(my dad) is in his own room sleeping...Deidara is being carried into the girls room by Sasori. Pein picked me up, he said i'm really light. Larxene had woke Namine up when she got up so their in there now...
6:00 A.M-i woke up, got dressed, did my hair and my teeth with deidara...stupid konan's hair...and Sasori gave me back my Sasori plushie...i left it in the boy's room, i blushed. Deidara asked me if i liked sasori, i blurted out when Sasori and other people were in the hallway that hes Hot and i like him...every body laughed exept for Pein, Sasori(he blushed i think) and Deidara (yelled at me that she's his and to stay with pein) i punched deidara...pein choked on his tooth brush, kisame laughed and inhaled his, he choked too... Tobi came out of the room (ours) with his mask on and a tooth bush sticking out of the edge of it... he was half asleep and didn't know any better. We ALL laughed.
And that was only day 1! stay tuned to the others!
It was three years ago today that I met her. Her hair, Her eyes, everything about her made me want to know more about her. This is Her story.
'Tat,tat,tat' the sound of feet hitting the paved road made me look up from what I was doing. Ulquiorra and I were running some 'Errands' for Aizen, actually we were doing a reiatsu count of the nabouring towns around karakura. In order for us to get the idea of how many people may try to stop us when we destroy Karakura.
Suddenly a girl with black hair comes into view, and behind her a massive Hollow is chasing her. Ulquiorra looks at the two with a raised eyebrow same with me. Then one thought runs through my mind 'she isn't a soul, why is a hollow chasing her!?'.
She was running pretty fast so it was only a matter of time that she passed us, and she did. She turnt the corner sharply, almost running into Ulquiorra if he hadn't of side steped in order to evade her.
As the girl turnt the corner the hollow skidded to a stop a few feet in front of us, probably noting that we're espada's. I was right about to kill it when Ulquiorra shot it with a cero, I growled at him.
Gin the Kitty- 276,532~
Fallen Wish- 238,303~
Ancient Katana- 479,796~
Bone Demon Mask- 493,090~
Black Cat Fleece Hat- 370,847~
Inari's Beads- 350,644~
let it Snow- 49,338
Total- 2,260,000
gold code1-
gold code2-