It is strange sometimes how time moves, and life changes. How you can look back on everything that has passed and wonder, was it really that short of an amount or time, or could it really be all that long ago? Isn't it funny how sometimes seem to last a lifetime and yet it was no real time at all. And how sometimes seem to go so quickly when they have lasted forever? I have never understood the flow of time and how our perception of things seem to change it. I only know that it does change depending on how we look at things. To regret the past is senseless, especially when you come to find that there is so much more yet to come. And yet... I do at times, while at others I look at what leaving the past behind has brought to my attention and it makes me smile. I heard somewhere that life is made up of years that mean nothing, and moments that mean everything. So here's to those moments.
The March Haress · Wed Nov 18, 2009 @ 10:26am · 0 Comments |