"Damn it all old man...", a young man's voice speaks from the shadows. He shifts his seating and attempts to read a piece of parchment that lays on the desk not far from the window. The young man reaches over to the sill and picks up the candle and places it not far from the parchment. His glasses catch the low light, masking his eyes in the glare. The young man slams the desk and quickly gets up, looking out the window, "Why did you choose me, out of all the others, why me?", he growls as he puts his head against the window, feeling the cold glass against his skin, lightening flashes outside the window again bathing him in a cool light, revealing his full form. The boy stands at about 5ft 8in, his skin is a mocha brown. His Russian blue tail twitches in agitation as his ears perk up to the loud noise. He brushes back his long, messy jet-black hair as he removes his glasses quickly and flicks them closed with a jerk of the wrist, revealing his golden-brown eyes. He looks back over to the parchment, his eyes seem to grow colder as he stares more intently at it. Finally he walks over to the desk and picks up the parchment and holds it to the candles flame. "Never again shall I live this lie...", he begins coldly, his eyes hidden behind the glare of his glasses,"For I fear my hearts goodbye...", he continues expressionlessly as the flames lick the paper, causing the words wrinkle up and turn to ash. The boy lifts up the flaming paper, watching it burn intently and reads the final words one last time: My will in testament...leave...all...words cannot...you will do well...mind...I leave the academy to you...Aerron...love...cherish...Ariel...my adopted son.... These are the last words visible upon the will, the rest burned beyond recognition. Soon the parchment fades to ash and scatters in the air. The boy breathes it in deeply, accepting the ash."Ashes to ash...dust to dust...I shall keep my promise...to one I trust...", he speaks poetically as the ash enters his body. The candle flicker momentarily and goes out completely as his ritual comes to an end.
Another letter sits on the desk were the old piece of parchment used to sit. The boy named Aerron places his hand on the paper as the words an letter on the page begin to snake up his arm. Aerron pulls open a drawer on the desk and takes out a large stack of blank papers. He places his hands on the stack as the words and letters snake down onto the papers. Aerron closes his eyes as eerie voices whisper throughout the room, each overlapping the next. Aerron closes his eyes as the last of the words flow onto the pages, then like a man possessed he quickly begin to fold each piece of paper into different winged origami creatures. Sweating lightly Aerron crosses to the window and opens it slightly, ushering the origami out the window. The paper creature begin to flap their wings and fly out into the stormy night air, fanning out unaffected by the rain...
"So then old man..." He speaks almost wearily, but smirking slightly "This is were it all begins?" Lightening flashes one more time bathing his room in light and then...darkness...
A small winged origami creature appears before you. Should you choose to touch it it reads this: Hello and salutations.
If you are reading this then verily your skills have been recognized and have been chosen to enroll here at '. Our campus consists of a 7 large domed environments serving as classrooms and training grounds. 37 recently refurbished dorm rooms, 3 people to a room or if you're the solitary person we have about 10 singles dorms. We also have a whole separate dorm for teachers and staff, just north of the students. Although you are free to make up a room in the free areas of the domes. Our library is located in the central building and contains vast knowledge not found easily anywhere else. Our nursing staff is top notch, they have been trained well in all areas of healing us Paranormals.
You skim the rest untill you reach the end of the note were an application is attached.
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