*Kicks open door* Alright, I'm Ordon, and I'm here to defend Ian.

Defend me?

Error. I am the one defending Ian.

Yeah, you're also a pile of useless scrap. Shut up. Your honor, may I question witnesses?

As long as your inquiries pertain to the case at hand, I see no reason against it.

Thank you, Your honor. I call Bucho to the stand.


Yes, you, you big tub of lard. Get up here. I have some questions regarding the evidence you provided.

I see no reason to question it.

Well I do. Just answer the question. Then I'll let you go do whatever you were doing before.


My first question regards the fingerprint on the pill bottle. You are no science whiz, but perhaps you find it odd that a bottle that went through an inferno has a fingerprint on it in perfect condition? It is obvious that it was placed after the inferno.

Objection! you are not certain it was placed after the fire!

Then how is it there? If you object again for no reason, I will reprogram you with a large axe. Please answer the question, Bucho.

Well, I don't know how it stayed on...

Very well. This question regards the tape. you enlarged a portion of it, correct?

Well, yes. I did so to prove that the guilty party was Ian.

But the tape only shows Ian was there. It does not show him starting the fire.


In addition, your enlargement covers the three openings in the wall for two frames. Something could have happened there. In addition, you removed a portion of the tape.

I ommitted what was unnesesary.

It's not up to you to decide what was not needed.


Very well, Bucho, you may step down.
Community Member
You make an awesome lawyer, dude.