Chapter 3
Gemini and Leo left the forest and made it to the base of the mountains within a few days of traveling. The village was small and not very populated. It was at the base of the mountains so there was a lot of snow on the ground almost year round. Luckily it was mid summer so the snow was kept at bay for now but the air was still cold.
The buildings were made of old rotting wood. The village was a poor one made of farmers and peasants. Leo and Gemini looked around finding an inn for food and info. "Hello. You two must be travelers" the innkeeper said from the other side of the bar island. He was portly man with balding hair but a kind face.
Gemini nodded as Leo looked around for any sign of their ally. She looked up when the sound of church bells rang across the land. "Oh your just in time to hear the father's sermon" the innkeeper closed his eyes making a cross over his chest with his hand before clasping them together.
They heard the words of the father from all over and instantly they stood up recognition in their eyes. Virgo they thought together. They left the inn and started in the direction of the church. As they walked they noticed people in the streets stopping whatever they were doing bowing their heads and clasping their hands together. Even the children were doing it.
The duo made it to the church just as his sermon ended. The church was a once beautiful looking place but the years had not been kind to it leaving the wood decaying and falling but the serenity of it had not been lost. Leo pushed open the doors to the room and the two walked from in between the benches down the center aisle. The lighting was dim save a group of candles that was clustered around a man at the end of the aisle. The man at the end of the aisle by the altar looked up from his book toward them.
"Ah Leo. Gemini. What a surprise to see you two again" Virgo greeted them warmly. He was wearing brown robes and had brown hair that was tied around his head. He had kind warm eyes that made you feel safe no matter your circumstances. "What brings you two here?"
"You know damn well why we're here" Leo said and Virgo's face fell.
"Please refrain from using such language in the place of the lord" he chided softly. Leo growled at him but he was unfazed as he smiled back at her. Gemini stepped forward bowing to him as was customary in a church to a priest.
"It has certainly been a long time Gemini" Virgo said regarding his young friend. "I suppose you have come to persuade me to join your effort in this war?"
Gemini smiled and shook his head. "No. We come here to ask for your assistance in a rescue" he said softly.
Virgo raised an eyebrow. "A rescue. Of whom may I ask?"
Gemini's expression saddened. "Libra and Aqua. Your friends"
Virgo stiffened at their names. He may be young, in his mid twenties, but he had the look of age about him. "I'm sorry my friend but I cannot help you"
Gemini growled at him all sense of friendliness gone "So you would just abandon them?" he asked scathingly. "You'll leave them to die in Cancer's dungeons? I knew you didn't like to fight. But I never thought you'd be coward enough to abandon your friends!"
To any normal person those words would have angered them greatly but Virgo was only saddened. "I will not help you in this war. If that was your only reason for coming then I apologize. You may stay here if you'd like"
Gemini shook his head spitting on the ground. "No we'll leave" he gave Virgo on last sad and anger filled glance before departing. Leo followed him a little stunned by his outburst but agreed with him completely on it.
The two zodiac members left the village heading back toward the forest. Virgo wasn't going to help them but Gemini wasn't going to give up on Aqua and Libra. He'd never give up on Aqua.
Night fell and the two camped out in the open seeing as how there were no trees to use for cover or a fire. They sat back to back shivering. Splitting up into Kuro and Shiro didn't help much.
"D-dammit V-Virgo" Kuro said shaking teeth chattering.
"It's not his fault Kuro" Shiro began but Leo whacked him on the head.
"Don't start" she growled.
Kuro was about to speak then stopped. "Do you hear that?" he asked.
It was the sound of armor clinking and weapons jangling.
"Marching?" Shiro said softly. The trio stood and started running, hands on their weapons as they found the source of the sound. It was an army of soldiers. at least a thousand of them. Each armed with a weapon made of steel the best Cancer would give them and armor. They each wore Cancer's symbol: a golden crab.
At their head was a single man. He had blackish blue hair tied in a pony tail with a black headband. His shirt was missing a sleeve down the right side his pants hanging at an angle. On the headband was a circle in white with two fish circling each other.
"Pisces" Leo said through clenched teeth. Pisces and Leo were close growing up. So when he went with Cancer she took it really hard. She swore she'd either knock some sense into him or kill him herself.
"They’re going to the village" Shiro said following there path with his eyes and making the guess everyone was thinking. They were closer to the village then they were. "What shall we do?"
"Stop them of course" Kuro said standing "Virgo may be a cowardly a** but that doesn't mean those people have to die because we went there"
Leo bit her lip but nodded. Kuro and Shiro fused standing as Gemini. "Leo. I know you're feeling weird about seeing Pisces again but-"
Leo glared at him with the ferocity of a pissed off lion and Gemini paused in his tracks. "-never mind" He turned and started back toward the village. I hope we're not too late.
Virgo sighed reading the bible but his thoughts were else where. He felt bad for abandoning Aqua and Libra like that but he swore never to pick up arms again after the first try to persuade Cancer to reconsider. That still didn't ease his guilt. A scream echoed through the church forcing him out of his thoughts.
He stood and hurried outside stopping in his tracks. The village was getting ransacked and attacked by Cancer's soldiers. "Stop this at once!" Virgo shouted running into the street. A figure jumped off the roof of the church landing in front of him.
"Hello there Virgo" he said grinning. Virgo's eyes widened but his surprise quickly turned to anger.
"I must be blessed. Seeing three of my old friends in one day." he said tersely. "But what do I owe this meeting Pisces?"
"You know why I've come Virgo" Pisces said seriously. "You can either join Cancer or have your village destroyed. We don't want to kill you but we will if it comes to that"
Virgo didn't answer instead looking past them to the village and his people getting attacked and slaughtered. He closed his eyes inhaling deeply. "It seems I have no choice" he said softly almost a whisper.
Pisces smiled.
"I'm glad you see it our way" he said then stopped as Virgo's eyes began to glow a bright white.
"Pray, Virgo!" he said his voice rising. Pisces jumped spinning into the air seeing a wave of what seemed to be just air fly through the village knocking all the soldiers out immediately. Pisces landed on the roof his hands going to his back closing around his knives.
"Oh so you've finally decided to fight?" he taunted pulling one knife free the other one following it joining his other hand. They were both diamond blades with gold hilts but no guards. At the pommel of both blades was a steel cable wire connecting them both.
"No" he said his white eyes training on to Pisces. "I swore never to take up arms and kill another person for this senseless war. But I will not stand for you attacking my village or my people!" As he said the word another wave of air shot at the spot were Pisces had been but he was already on the ground running at him.
Virgo shot another blast from his hand but Pisces had already jumped throwing one of the knives at him. Inside both of the blades was a roll of coiled up wire that let them be stretched and used for about ten feet out.
Virgo saw the blade and shifted his weight air pushing his body and the knife into a completely different path. Pisces smirked. "Swim, Pisces" The knife swerved in the air and did a complete 90 degree change darting at Virgo like a shark after a fish.
Blood splashed on the ground and Pisces yanked his knife back the coil retracting to the original two foot long wire. "You won't beat me fighting like that, Virgo" he said smiling.
Virgo glared at him blood seeping from a gash above his eye blurring his vision. He's right. If I continue to fight as I am i will die...but my vow will be broken. Virgo squinted his eye together getting a clear picture for a second, thrusting his palm outward.
Pisces stepped to his left moving fluidly like a stream, The blast missed him by a hair and Pisces ran at him throwing his knife. Virgo raised his other palm flicking his hand up Pisces stopped as the air surged straight up in a geyser. Pisces smirked but Virgo was the one who had the upper hand. He turned his arm swinging it around in a circle pulling the other hand down with force.
Pisces looked around the air surrounding him and looked at Virgo. His face was sweaty and he was panting. This was his last move. Pisces closed his eyes seeing the air swirl like water in a stream. He dodged the first blast that came down jumping over the second and launching both knives at him.
I can't dodge in time A loud clanging rang out and as a giant claymore crashed in front of Virgo. Leo stepped out from behind it a murderous glare in her eyes. "Get out of here Virgo" Her voice even but was laced with hate and betrayal. "This isn't your fight anymore"
Virgo nodded and turned running toward the village to check for injured. Leo yanked the claymore from the ground holding it with two hands pointed at Pisces. His eyes had turned sad as he reversed his hold on one knife holding them at arm's length. The two stared at each other dead locked.
Leo closed her eyes taking the first step flowing into a dash that sent her flying at her one time friend and rival now enemy.
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Love is an emotion. Like pain it can be tamed. It can be broken. And can be left behind