Abigal Graves
Character Name: Abigal
Full Name: Abigal Denise Graves
Nick Names: Abby, Abigraves
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Birthday: December 19th, 1988
Marital Status: Single
Hair: Deep purple, nearly black, typically worn in pigtails. Worn down during casual affairs or relaxation.
Eyes: Ice blue. As she blinks, it also appears that a small flash of lightning passes over her pupils.
Language: English.
Blood Type: O
Height: 5'5
Weight/Body Structure/Physical Faults: 105 pounds/ Abigal is very skinny and often appears malnourished to most who are unaware of her fast metabolism.
Race/Species: Human.
Parents/Elders/Guardians: Johnathon Graves, her father.
Beliefs/Religion: Agnostic
Career/Past Careers: Model (on the side, rarely) and receptionist for her father's clinic.
Dreams/Life Goals: To be able to model for LoveRock, her favorite company.
Hobbies: Drawing (penwork and pointillism), photography
Likes: Design, international fashion, music of all kinds (studying of), custom costuming work, digital design, logo creation, dolls, zombies, the supernatural, Romeo&Juliet stories, The Beatles, the circus, clowns, Tim Curry, Disney fairy tales, secrets, soft music, instrumental ballads, the idea of Sid Vicious.
Dislikes: Repetition, louder music, rap, excessive use of the same styles (such as the eighties making a comeback), impersonators, knock-off brands that are uncreative, ice, skating, physical activity that doesn't effect her body, models with unattractive faces.
Fears: Aging, quiet people, the thought of people watching her do anything other than modeling (read, write, dance, anything), spiders, snakes, people who walk alone past her, the smell of smoke, confronting a person whose face she can't see, modeling nude.
Strengths: Her ability to spot the difference between a Gucci and fraud, her nimbleness and ability to squeeze into tight spaces and compact herself, her ability to disguise others and herself, her "girlish charms."
Weakness: Her pride/arrogance, her immediate need to jump to conclusions, how easily she becomes uncomfortable, her intolerance for anyone too different from herself, her constant need to correct others on observations.
Good Qualities: Her good hygiene and need to look after ("make over" wink others, her faith in herself, her polite ways, her social/people skills.
Bad Habits: Her greed, her arrogance, her need to be correct or correct others she believe might be wrong, her insistent need to be "perfect," or at least the best looking in a crowd, biting her nails until they bleed unless she wears nail polish.
Turn Ons: Bondage, restraints, abuse, actors, long/curly hair, soft jazz music/a jazz musician, performers, situations that would regularly be considered unlikely.
Turn Offs: Predictability, fem-dom, self absorption, childish behavior, neediness, loud people, the smell of sweat/body odor.
Normal Talents: Sewing, drawing, dancing, memorization/memory (auditory), adaptation skills.
Temperament: Abigal is naturally soft tempered except when questioned, and she generally responds poorly to any who doubt her or her abilities. Despite that her father has high hopes for her in the medical field, hoping she'll follow in his footsteps, Abigal hopes that her mediocre modeling career will take off and she'll have luck in what she considers the real world. Her heart is in the right place, though she generally doesn't know how to express it. Beneath her polite exterior is a darker woman, who she is convinced will emerge when she becomes involved with a relationship.
Background: Abigal's father studied for years of his life to become a doctor. Her mother, Eliade, was one of the polite young women who worked with him during his time at University. During the time they spent together, Johnathon bought a luxurious home (a dome, nonetheless, three stories) for Eliade, himself, and their expectant child to live. During childbirth, Eliade's life was lost, and Johnathon was forced to raise Abby as a single parent. When she was growing up, few people said much of anything to her about her absent mother, a few children asking in school and leaving her wondering herself until she was old enough to comprehend fully that her mother was dead and had no hopes of returning. As she entered Junior High, Abby began to plan on what she wanted to do for her future. At first, she saw no other option but to go with her father's plan, but was then invited to a modeling agency as an eighth grader, which she left as soon as she began working for small time gothic companies. Through high school, she remained popular despite her appearance because of her confidence and her ability to cooperate with those around her when she found the means to. After two years of University, Abigal dropped out. She felt as though there was nothing that she could do to improve her career by throwing money down the drain. She works as her father's receptionist in the hopes that her career will take off.