Ratt Scabies:

Once upon a time in the kingdom of Delain there was a Queen. This Queen, whose name was Queen Vivienne, was incredibly beautiful. However, in addition to being incredibly beautiful, she was also incredibly vain, and that would lead to her downfall.
The Queen's favorite color was a shade of purple called Tyrian Purple, more commonly known as Imperial Purple. The Queen loved this color so much that she decided to prohibit anyone from wearing it but her. Unfortunately, the kingdom of Delain was famous for its Tyrian Purple dyes, and, despite its royal connotations, was a common color of clothing in Delain, even among the peasants. So the Queen commanded her subjects to burn any Tyrian-colored clothing that they were in possession of. Grudgingly, they did so, and slowly began to make new clothes for themselves, without the offending dye.
Not a month after her decree, a neighboring kingdom invaded Delain. Since most of the land (including many in the castle itself) was preoccupied with making new, non-Tyrian clothes, they really didn't stand a chance.
Within another month, the kingdom of Delain had fallen to their foes, and the leaders of the other kingdom had decided to have the Queen Vivienne beheaded. As they lead her out in front of what remained of her subjects, she finally realized the price for her vanity. "I'm sorry..." she whispered, tears in her eyes, as the blade was let loose...
The Queen did not live happily ever after.

King Arawn.
Once on a time was a King anxious to understand
What was the wisest thing a man could do for his land.
Most of his population hurried to answer the question,
Each with a long oration, each with a new suggestion.
They interrupted his meals - he wasn't safe in his bed from 'em -
They hung round his neck and heels, and at last His Majesty fled from 'em.
He put on a leper's cloak (people leave lepers alone),
Out of the window he broke, and abdicated his throne.
All that rapturous day, while his Court and his ministers mourned him,
He danced on his own highway till his own Policeman warned him.
Gay and cheerful he ran (lepers don't cheer as a rule)
Till he found a philosopher-man teaching an infant-school.
The windows were open wide, the King sat down on the grass,
And heard the children inside reciting "Our King is an a**."

The Queen Who Stole Hearts
Long ago in a land far away, there was this young, beautiful Queen. The Queen never wanted to get old so she stole the hearts of fair, young maidens and keeps them in little cages that are always by her. Her wepon of coice was an arrow as black as night.
R e t r o Luna:

She's the goddess of gold, money, and the sky.
Mrs Error:

Queen of the sky
Drifting away, slowly but sure
She shepherds the clouds, so white and pure
For one so small
She acts so tall
She lights the sun, makes stars collide
Raises the moon, she rules with pride
Never seen, ever so shy
She is the queen of the sky

Madame Asy, once a beautiful woman, had covered her face with a black mask due to a terrible incident which, for the better or worse, changed her life.
Her mother had died and soon after, her father. It was now her time to be queen of Old Durem. As she took her first steps towards the crown an object quickly flew past her and tore through part of her nose. It was an arrow. She covered what was left of her nose with her hands and ran back to her room. Knights swept through the village looking for the person resposible and gaurded her room. That person would pay.
It had been five months now. She was ready. Ready to go back out again. She announced that she would be ready for the crowning and a crowd assembled once again. The door started to open and everyone became silent. They saw Asy step out and gasped and started to chat. She was wearing a mask. She walked up and accepted the crown and sat on the throne.
Five months passed again. The people of Old Durem now have accepted their masked Asy. They believe it has also made her a better woman than before. She, when not busy, helps the farmers farm and gives coins to the peasants and numerous other things. It now wasn't her beauty that mattered; it was her kind heart.
Team Diamond:

Introducing, Her Royal Highness, Corazon D'amour.
She is, as her name would so imply, the queen of hearts. She is loved and revered by her people, and admired by the many men in her kingdom. Except for the Knave of hearts, who only loves that tarts she bakes.
The Queen of Hearts she made some tarts all on a summer's day;
The Knave of Hearts he stole the tarts and took them clean away.
The King of Hearts called for the tarts and beat the Knave full sore
The Knave of Hearts brought back the tarts and
vowed he'd steal no more.

Monarch Morte
The Queen
She creeps
Her lust for power
must be satisfied
Inside the bedchamber
her husband sleeps
wrapped in a snowy silken sheet
the King

The empire of Acyuta was in a period of prosperity and growth – from the thriving metropolis in the center of it to the watchtower villages on the outskirts. Cahira was born to one of these watchtower villages - called Roshni - at sunrise, just as the brilliant orange rays crested the utmost ramparts. It was from that very moment her parents knew she was destined for greatness for, unlike most of her people, her eyes shown with the brilliance of fire.
The early years of her life were very plain; she was a nimble, active young girl with incredible wit and strength. All in her village came to know that she was indeed destined for greatness – they just did not realize the price. One night, when she was only fifteen, she was sitting in a tower keeping watch with her father when suddenly a fire illuminated one of the towers and the cry was heard, “An army approaches! Send a messenger to the emperor!” Despite Cahira’s protests her father forced her into one of the hidden bunkers at the base of all the towers. All night she listened to her village being slaughtered. She grieved for them all but dared not disregard her father’s last plea to her. Stay hidden. Stay safe. Your life is too precious to lose.
The next day she slipped out of hiding and ran to the place that was appointed should something like this ever happen. She found that she was not alone. Some others had survived, but they were in chaos. They bickered and cried, blaming each other for the loss of their loved ones, but Cahira remained calm. There was only one thing to do now; they had to finish their jobs and report. With her words she placated them and with her guidance a small group of them set out with Cahira in the lead. On their way they met a small group of enemy scouts and slaughtered them. When Cahira met with the emperor she brought their head with her. With tears streaking down her cheeks, blood staining her hands, and fire in her eyes she said, “Roshni is lost, her inhabitants martyred for Acyuta. Their sacrifice must not be in vain. We must stamp out these intruders to the very last and show them that we shall not bow! Acyuta cannot be destroyed!” And so the war with Nukpana, and their leader Salizar, began.
The emperor also saw the greatness hidden within Cahira and assigned her to join the scouts. She quickly ascended in the ranks, her ferocity and passion becoming legendary all throughout Acyuta. The war with Nukpana raged for 20 long and bloody years. The sacrifices of her people never failed to astonish Cahira nor did they ever fail to bring her intense sorrow. Every time she went into battle, every warrior she ever commanded, she blessed them all silently as she watched them pass, her eyes closed as she earnestly prayed to the gods that they would live to fight another day. She could not stand the suffering of the ones she loved – and she loved them all.
The final, desperate battle took place in the valley Chirayu. She led all the forces of Acyuta in a furious charge against the hordes of Nukpana and every man fought with valor; however, the invading army was just too great in numbers. While Cahira was in the thick of it all she looked around and saw her warriors, her countrymen, her friends falling all around. Her head jerked up to see Salizar sitting atop his horse at the head the hill and surveying the carnage with a smile on his face. Slowly her blood began to boil and she screamed, her powerful voice carrying over the sounds of the fray, “Salizar!” He looked down at her, his smirk slowly fading as her golden eyes seared him to his very soul.
Before he could even take another breath she set off for him like a predator, her eyes locked on the kill. If she could only defeat him, if she could rip his heart as he ripped hers out every day with the cries of her people, this war would be ended and the armies of Nukpana would be overtaken quickly.
She lept up, drawing back her weapon for a deadly strike – but Salizar was quicker than lightning. He plunged his sword through Cahira’s chest, his smirk once again returning as she fell to the ground. “Foolish child,” he crooned as he dismounted his horse and stood over her, “Wasting your life in such a futile effort.” Cahira gasped, blood slowly dribbling out of her mouth. She raised her eyes to meet his and his gaze faltered.
“The only waste,” she replied, her voice a deadly whisper, “Is that I can only kill you once.” She gripped her gisarme and in a final burst of strength and speed severed Salizar’s neck. She stood slowly, her knees shaking beneath her as she raised his head to the sky and cried out with every fiber in her body, “For Acyuta! For our fallen brothers and sisters! Let none of them live!!” Then she fell to the ground, staring up at the brilliant, fiery sky as the sun began to set behind the hill.
Acyuta won that battle and with it the war was finished and peace was returned. Many epic tales of Cahira’s life – and death – were spread throughout the empire, tapestries were woven, and pictures were painted; however the greatest of these was a statue made of pure gold that now stands at Chirayu, the place of her last stand. Every morning when the sun rises the statue almost seems to glow, her golden eyes once again alight with her love, her passion, her determination, her strength, her ferocity, and her tears. In that glorious light she will forever be remembered as Cahira the lover. Cahira the fighter. Cahira - Queen of the Battlefield.

*-:The King of Spades:-*
In the Archipelago of Dreams, which houses all things magical, is ruled by kings and queens of all races. For centuries, the humans have been represented by the Suit family. The King Of Spades is the oldest of his generation from the Suit family, and he grew weary of his job over time. He would often doze off, waking up with only a shout of "Justice is blind!" He grew so weary of his rule, he grew weary of those he ruled with. One by one, the Suit family disappeared. Their corpses were found with an Ace Of Spades on their chests. The Queen Of Spades grew suspicious that her husband was doing this. During the night, as the King was sleeping, the Queen made sure that he would never wake up. All that was found on the king's chest was a single card.
The Ace Of Spades

Queen of the Damned-
The still air muffled most sounds in the valley. A soft rustling and crunching noise followed her as she picked her way through all the corpses and skeletons. The bones were all stark white, as if they had been bleached by the sun, although there was no sun here. Well, not any that could be seen. A heavy mist always filled the valley. It wasn't a regular mist, it was so heavy and clogged the air that not many living creatures were able to breathe it for long. She could. She couldn't remember how long she had been there. In fact, she couldn't remember when she came from. But none of it mattered, she was the queen. Discarding some broken skulls she noticed a string of pearls around a boney neck. Yanking them off she put them on her head and continued on her way. This is all she knew and this is where she wanted to be. She was the only one here. Well, by choice. Everyone would show up here eventually and she couldn't wait to greet everyone.

The queen of nature herself, Natura.
Looking after her children, the plants and animals.
Never had she ever had to deal with pesky humans before.
She wondered if they would ever get a long, peacefully.
As the years grew on her worry increased.
Maybe it was time for her to show her true self.
She thought, and put the little greedy things back in their place.
Afterall, everything has it's place in nature.