A/N: This chapter is going to be pretty...odd.
I mean, if you've never played Kingdom Hearts, then this chapter pretty much explains everything.
Therefore, this is a filler.^^
No rant today...
The question caught me off guard, to say the least. I blinked a few times at him in confusion. My instant response as something like, "Er...the dark?" But there was another part of me though that wanted me to say something else...something about how darkness is the absence of something...the absence of life itself. My head started pounding, not recognizing this voice in my mind. It wasn't me, would have never thought of something like that. I shook my head to get it clear. "Well...it's dark...and with no...light?"
Wow. Note to self: Never mash up two ideas in one, I sighed mentally.
Riku sighed, expecting this apparently. I felt my cheeks heat up a bit. "That's the basic concept of what it is, darkness is the absence of light," He nodded slightly. "Darkness is also a very powerful, it can consume even the brightest light without any trace of it left. All darkness does it consume, do you understand that?"
I nodded slowly, letting it sink in. None of it really felt new, most likely because it sounded like it was from some lame movie or something.
"One of the things that the darkness consumes, the most important thing that the darkness consumes, are hearts..."
"Hearts?" I questioned, blinking.
"Yes," There was a long pause before he continued, as if he was trying to ind what to say next. "Heartless, the monsters we fight, are what they sound like. They are soulless and completely corrupted by darkness to the point there is nothing left. They feed on the hearts they take from others, and then they become a Heartless too. However, there is another type of monster we fight. Nobodies."
"Nobodies? Kinda sound like ghosts to me," I muttered with a frown.
"No, but there's a type of Heartless that are kinda like ghosts!" Sora chimed in, since he hadn't said anything yet.
Riku sent him a be quiet glare and sighed,"Yes, there are many types of Heartless. If you see as attacking something, do the same."
"Anyway," The sliveret coughed, "Nobodies are creatures without hearts. As they lack hearts to possess light or darkness, they are "nothing", and drift somewhere in the middle between darkness and light. They are also much harder to kill."
"Why, the sound pretty easy to..."
"They attack with a plan," He interrupted.
I stared at him hard for a moment, "Oh..."
"Hey, Riku! Do you think we should tell her about the Org...?" Sora asked, running a hand though his dark brown hair.
Riku concerted this for a few moments, I could see the gears turning in his mind. There was a long silence before the sliveret spoke again. "Why, they're all dead Sora. We defeated them a long time ago, remember?" The look he gave him was both stern but...thoughtful. Sorry. Not sorry for whatever they were talking about, but sorry for him.
"Yeah..." Sora placed a hand over his heart and looked sad. Really, really sad. "I still have dreams about Axel..."
"Those are Roxas! Not yours, don't confuse them," Riku basically growled.
"Er, uh, who's Axel?" I asked quietly, raising my hand like I was in school.
They both looked at me for a long moment with eyebrows raised. As if my question was stuipd or my raising my hand was. I slowly put my hand down thinking it was that.
"Oh he's..."
"A person. Well, not a person anymore that is. You don't have to worry about it," Riku said before Sora could finish.
I frowned, not liking how they were hidding something that seemed so big from me. This Org....what was it? And who are Axel and Roxas? Mostly, why were they keeping it from her...?
Doesn't matter....I'll figure it out later.
"Okay then...." I glared slightly, shifting in my seat so thaat I was sitting in iit sideways. "Anyway, I get what 'Heartless' and 'Nobodies' are, but what about what happened exsactly last night! How did I get Twin and why is it so-called 'powerful'? Y'know, that's not even the start of my questions!" I felt sorta angry, merly because of the fact that I think my headache was coming back...I blame them.
"Twin? You named it?" The brown haired boy smirked slightly.
"It came with the name..." I said defenceivly.
Once again with the stareing with raised eyebrows.
Riku sighed, "Your wepon's a Nobody's weapon."
Ok, now I raised an eyebow at him. "What?" I asked.
"Some people, very few people, posses a spesial type of power..."Riku began, but I inturupted with a very dumb, "Power?"
He sent me a 'shut up and let me continue' glare and after a few minuetes he contiuned, "Well, it's not as much of a power as it is a magnete. Weapons like yours that apeer out of nowhere, it means that it chose you. Like Sora's keyblade chose him."
All this just went way over my head, "What does this have to do with it being a Nobody's weapon?"
He looked down at the table, traceing desines into the wood with his finger. Invisable lines formed something in his mind while Sora and ?I saw nothing. "These weapons come when you make a choise or are confronted with darkness. Sora's keyblade came when he was faced agenst darkness and when he uncongessly chose light over dark. Mine came when I chose darkness, even though I fight for light," His traceing stoped and he looked up at me, his perceing blue eyes bruning into mine. "Nobodies have that power too, the chance is even less then ours though. But the weapons that chose them, are a mix between darkness and light. Much like Nobodies themselves..."
I shiver slightly under his gaze, wanting to look away. But, since no one has ever exsactly looked at me as serously as his, I just couldn't. I gulped, "Is it a bad thing?"
The slivert paused to consiter this, "No, but the only Nobbies that have ever possessed such weapons are..."
"Sorry to inturput, but I'm takeing greenie over her shopping, "All of us turned to look at Tyler who had apperently left at some point during our talk and had just come back into the room.
Funny, I didn't even reliuze it till now.
She grabed my arm with one of her hands and started to drag me out of the room.
"But we weren't done yet!" Sora cried, standing up too.
"Well, yeah. But you guys will get to have fun with her all the time! I want to play with her now!" She grinned and continued to drag me out of the room. "Besides, I got done with her new clothes and I want to show it off while we find something awsome to go with it."
That was when we left the room. Without me hearing about the only people who had ever had weapons like mine were.
But later on, I was told that there were only 12 Nobbies ever possesed a weapon like mine...
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