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buki's gaia journal
Mini evo and...
...Illustration for the Dappy Dandy sometime next week.


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I'm very much in love with this color combo. Even my Christmas dress is in a similar color and plan to wear it with Dappy's color theme. Unfortunately I'm pretty bummed most Gaian's don't care for it based on what I can tell from the polls. :/

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commentCommented on: Sat Dec 19, 2009 @ 02:29am
That pendant looks beautiful *o* And the picture is hot ;D Keep it up Buki heart

commentCommented on: Sat Dec 19, 2009 @ 02:49am
This looks pretty cool Buki

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commentCommented on: Sat Dec 19, 2009 @ 02:51am
Awesome drawing!

Excited for the evo now, thank you for the heads up heart

commentCommented on: Sat Dec 19, 2009 @ 03:08am
✖✖I look forward to the next evolution!

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commentCommented on: Sat Dec 19, 2009 @ 03:22am

That's so cool, Buki.

Dappy is a really exciting EI, I love all of the clothes!!
Good job&happy holidays~<333

commentCommented on: Sat Dec 19, 2009 @ 05:21am
Are we getting those eyes? :p
Thanks for the preview, I'm looking forward to the next evo biggrin

Gil PizzaEater
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commentCommented on: Sat Dec 19, 2009 @ 08:02am
SNAZZY!!!! <3 How handsome!

commentCommented on: Sat Dec 19, 2009 @ 10:42am
heart the preview looks awesome! I love seeing how items evolve! PLease don't take it to heart that the polls don't look amazing though, not everyone votes and most don't bother to feedback if they're happy with it (they only speak up when they have something bad to say sweatdrop )

Sand Dancer Shaka
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Lady Kayura
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commentCommented on: Sat Dec 19, 2009 @ 01:30pm
Give it some time, I'm sure they'll warm up to it ^_^

commentCommented on: Sat Dec 19, 2009 @ 02:23pm

Wow...that is such a beautiful illustration. So clean cut...that just says a lot about the EI in itself. >w< While Dappy did seem a little odd in the beginning, I think that with the last evolution, it's picked up and does seem worthwhile. I'm sure more people will like it. It has some cool gentlemen type items that a lot of people have been wanting and still is cute on everyone. And the hat. *drools over the hat* So adorable...plus, you've got like...the holiday EI to compete with, and you know people always get overexcited over those. And it's not had many evolutions. It has a lot of promise. Don't be bummed!~


Sky of the Silver Ocean
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commentCommented on: Sat Dec 19, 2009 @ 02:35pm
Yay! A mini evolution <3

I like the colours you're using for the DD, the red in the items work with the SIN skin and i've been wanting to make a blue/red SIN avi for a while now.

commentCommented on: Sat Dec 19, 2009 @ 03:56pm
Unlike everyone else, I don't really care for it.. Sorry! DX
It's just not my cup of tea.... Perhaps in the future you will add awesome poses? But for now I'm sticking with my pendants and aces.

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commentCommented on: Sat Dec 19, 2009 @ 05:16pm
love the colours Buki!! and with this illustration I think we can expect more fans wink

commentCommented on: Sat Dec 19, 2009 @ 06:08pm
I really liked the vest and the hat from the last evo.
I actually prefer ei's that are mostly clothing items. Keep up the awesome work and the mini hats!

average b-side
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commentCommented on: Sat Dec 19, 2009 @ 06:31pm
What exactly is an "awesome" pose?

commentCommented on: Sat Dec 19, 2009 @ 06:35pm
I think it's adorable. Mainly for the smaller hat options. I'm not sure how much I can work with it though. That's my main problem. I tend to stick with specific avatars.

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commentCommented on: Sat Dec 19, 2009 @ 09:52pm
Oops.. I meant to say awesome items and poses.. xD
But yeah, I'm just saying add some very awesome accessories that many people would like, very detailed clothing , new hair, new eyes, and what I mean by poses is like moving your hands up will trigger a something to happen. Like moving your right hand up will make dappy attack you or something like that.. I do like the colors of the EI just the overall theme is just backing me away from it...

commentCommented on: Sat Dec 19, 2009 @ 10:33pm
Oh Buki, I love you so much. heart

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commentCommented on: Sat Dec 19, 2009 @ 11:37pm
Re-designing and reinventing classic menswear, accessories, and detail isn't enough? sad pixeled a monogram damask style pattern into the vest, turn it around and additional embroidery in the back. The bowler has more detail than the GS store versions too in 4 colors in a single hat. I don't get it gonk


commentCommented on: Sat Dec 19, 2009 @ 11:47pm

It's my believe that all of the poses you make are -awesome-, Buki. Your detail and the item quality makes it a lot more interesting than others. What I think certain people are looking for is you to add things that resemble old collectibles. Things that are extravagant beyond clothes and accessories. I don't personally think this is necessary. The intention for the item is clear and the path that you're on is already appealing to many people<3
Don't be down because a few people aren't happy with the item. Not everyone is attracted to certain styles. Fashion based items are typically better suited for stores, and when people see it elsewhere, it is often difficult to drop that mindset. They want sparkly, shiny, but that's not what everyone wants. Keep up with what you're doing and keep your integrity. Nothing you've done has ever been disappointing, to me at least.

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commentCommented on: Sun Dec 20, 2009 @ 12:48am
I'm one of those not excited with Dappy so far... sweatdrop

But Dappy just started so i believe it can get better at the right time! 3nodding

But i agree about the matching dificulty...Dappy looks like Yemaya pearl...it only matches with itself (even tho the hint about matching the yellow/gold instead of the red/blue helped a bit).

Gl with dappy blaugh

commentCommented on: Sun Dec 20, 2009 @ 02:32am
Pff, let them roll off your back.

Pirate Dirge
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Kai-Shan Valandria
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commentCommented on: Sun Dec 20, 2009 @ 05:33am
Awww, don't be bummed! :*(

Personally, I think the quality is very nice, I'm just not feeling it because of the color scheme. I'm very fussy in my colors, and I don't usually do bright colors is all. It's a very nice item, just not something Aloy would wear.

edit: Just read your posts, and you do a really good job making small accessory items. That's what tends to draw me to EI's - little things like jewelery, hats, shirts, skirts, gowns (which draw me in liek whoa, we don't have enough really elegant ones, I'm partial to the Fremere gown and the Donkeyskin ones) and fantasy-inspuired things, like fairy swirls and the like. The key to making a successful EI is to have many different small poses that can be used in a wide variety of outfits, and a great example of that is Biancamella, which is still amazingly popular despite the relatively small number of poses. Personally, if you needed some inspiration, I'd check out some of the SF threads looking for more male-oriented clothing, and maybe see if pepper-tea has some ideas, since she has the elegant accessories thing down to a 'T'! 3nodding

commentCommented on: Sun Dec 20, 2009 @ 07:29am
love the sneak peak. and oddly enough i'm digging the color combo too. looking forward to friday. smile heart

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commentCommented on: Sun Dec 20, 2009 @ 06:48pm
Re-designing and reinventing classic menswear, accessories, and detail isn't enough? icon_sad.gif pixeled a monogram damask style pattern into the vest, turn it around and additional embroidery in the back. The bowler has more detail than the GS store versions too in 4 colors in a single hat. I don't get it icon_gonk.gif


Well... No really :/ guy's would be happy that someone is actually focusing on guy items for them. But.. If the item is just focusing on classic menswear and accessories. I don't think not that many people would want the dappy dandy... Unless they are making a red/blue/white/gold avi.
Really you would need to add clothing that has been very popular lately and go with that. Accessories try and have colorful pins, ummm perhaps pins on feet? Also try make those redish/orangish eyes the art you made up there into a item. A lot of people loves very well made eyes, just look at the blessing! I don't think it costs 1 million gold just for the legs and horns. Hey if the eyes were really well done I think I would buy the dappy just for the eyes xD
A edit of a edit: Just read your posts, and you do a really good job making small accessory items. That's what tends to draw me to EI's - little things like jewelery, hats, shirts, skirts, gowns (which draw me in liek whoa, we don't have enough really elegant ones, I'm partial to the Fremere gown and the Donkeyskin ones) and fantasy-inspuired things, like fairy swirls and the like. The key to making a successful EI is to have many different small poses that can be used in a wide variety of outfits, and a great example of that is Biancamella, which is still amazingly popular despite the relatively small number of poses. Personally, if you needed some inspiration, I'd check out some of the SF threads looking for more male-oriented clothing, and maybe see if pepper-tea has some ideas, since she has the elegant accessories thing down to a 'T'! icon_3nodding.gif

"I second that!" Yes accessories are major! And pepper tea is a great example! Like what she said just ask her for some ideas.

commentCommented on: Mon Dec 21, 2009 @ 05:50am

I'm diggin' the bright primary scheme... and that art makes me want to jump through my monitor and smooch him!

And I said I'd never do that again. XD

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commentCommented on: Mon Dec 21, 2009 @ 09:39am
I love my Dappy, you've make some awesome clothing and nice hats in that EI!
Don't be too sad because of the polls, remember that we can only vote on one EI and that not everyone will vote... I for one don't because I never know which one to vote for because I always have two or three favorite!

Tough that I agree that I've yet to see a fan thread... but I see many wearing Dappy!
One of the best way to know that if it's liked it's to use your journal, like you've just done! Tough that it could have been done without the childish sound that your '/bummed' add but it's ok (and it might only be me).

Continue your awesome work on Dappy and don't change it!
Your work is amazing, you should give us more EI!

commentCommented on: Tue Dec 22, 2009 @ 07:15am
I am the embodiment of fear and evil

I love the dandy and have the 1st evo, so know that you have my support. However, I really want those eyes! Please make them happen if they don't already happen in the next evo. owo

of the House of Demonic Dreams

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diet otaku
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commentCommented on: Tue Dec 22, 2009 @ 08:13pm
the poses are growing on me, but that doesn't make a difference if the price is too high. can we get some $5 and under EIs soon please? crying

commentCommented on: Wed Dec 23, 2009 @ 06:51am
I think people are having trouble warming up to the Dandy because it is such a unique EI, from the colors to the theme itself. Many of the most popular items on Gaia come from pretty traditional or safe themes, e.g. angelic/demonic/anime/fantasy, and not so much attention is put on the actual fashion, especially modern. That, combined with the fact that the Dandy is competing with the superquick-evolving, spirit-infested holiday EI, likely lend to the seemingly lackluster poll results you've been seeing.

I really love what I've seen so far. The detail, especially on the back of that vest, make me so incredibly happy. I've been on an androgynous avatar spree lately, all because of the Dandy. Can't wait for more evos and art! crying heart

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Chobo Chevalier
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commentCommented on: Wed Dec 23, 2009 @ 09:43am
Oh man, this item has been like.. a dream a long time coming for me... I only have 2 so far, but If I play my cards right by January I plan to be the (VERY) proud owner of SIX Dappy Dandies...

I really liked this phase a lot, and am eager to see what else comes from it... can we get an option to wear the monocle on either eye? I know that IRL my left eye is the one that I need corrective help with, but some people have the same issue with the right eye.

It's nice to see a male centric item, I'm pretty used to ones that seem more female specific most of the time... Your attention to detail is quite lovely, and I look forward to being a very classy man in the future.

Thank you Buki.

Chobo - EI Enthusiast.
(I just finished my quest for one of every EI, so now I can work on multiples! I'm so excited!)

Edit: You might not be able to tell, but I'm wearing the vest too, it only shows when I turn around, and there's a slight hint of color around my waist... but I am wearing both of the ones I have.

commentCommented on: Wed Dec 23, 2009 @ 10:48pm
Ditto @ Sand Dancer.
Not everyone votes in polls and Gaians are more likely to post a thread to complain.
When they like something they sit quietly and happily in a corner, not voicing their thanks.

Imo, I_Illusion kind of needs to learn how to give constructive criticism without sounding completely elitist and overly entitled. They make it sound as though Dappy Dandy is a complete failure so fair.
I disagree whole-heartedly.
You shouldn't change your plan or idea just to gain mass appeal. So what if it's a bit niche? I think people will be seeking it out eventually when they realize what polish and versatility it truly has.
I have been intriguied the entire time with this item and the bright jewel-tone colors are a great departure from past EI's. If I had the money, I would definitely purchase multiples of this item. Unfortunately I just spent the meger amount of cash I've been hoarding on two Snow Apples.

Anyway, good job, Buki.
Keep up the wonderful quality work.

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commentCommented on: Thu Dec 24, 2009 @ 12:24am
Imo, I_Illusion kind of needs to learn how to give constructive criticism without sounding completely elitist and overly entitled. They make it sound as though Dappy Dandy is a complete failure so fair.

sweatdrop Sorry I didn't mean to be elitist in anyway... Just giving some opinion... But who knows without my word in it the item might be great, and I understand it's just beginning.. I'm just pitching some ideas, that's all.. Just giving idea's, I will tell the truth that I am a little criticizing it but I'm not trying to be harsh about it.. sweatdrop To be honest more when I was writing what I wrote up there I was a little scared of sounding to mean, but I don't mean to be an expert in anything... The only expert thing I'm in is being me and nothing more... sweatdrop I'm just one person Buki, don't feel bad from just my opinion, feel good only to your own. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't listen to people sometimes, only take in a little of what people say unless there's a big commotion about it from hundreds or thousands of people... Then you might want to take some consideration.

commentCommented on: Sat Dec 26, 2009 @ 10:38pm
I love the Dandy! I have one on my main. The colors are great and I love the era it is based in.

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cybertronic purgatory
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commentCommented on: Tue Dec 29, 2009 @ 03:16am
I just wanted to say how much I love the Dandy. Thank you for always getting it out at a reasonable pace and keep up the beautiful work!

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