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Hello there, my name be Pirate Queen Zephyr, and welcome to my journal of randomness. Here anything may and will happen. I have random comments, stories, and strange ideas/ questions!
Full, detailed character bio and entrance post for new site
<b>This character can work with or without the ability to summon. I would very much like to keep the summoning, since she does not use the ability a lot, and when she does is generally doing it under the influence of something else that wants her to summon it or another thing, but I am capable of deleting this ability. Do keep in mind, it is not: "I summon a giant demon God to smite my enemies!" it is generally a "Some image burned into my head, demanded to be drawn in blood, I did it, and now there's a giant spider thing crawling out of the hole in the wall as it closes. Oh God, Oh God, Oh God, today is going to be the day I die, isn't it?" The only reason it ever works to her advantage, is either the being is thankful to be let into our world, and MIGHT do something helpful real fast before leaving, or it will demand a payment for its services, which she will rarely deny. The only reason she is not dead yet is because she has an uncanny ability to get along with most things that appear, and knows better than to ever get in their way for anything. Which of course, can't last forever. Eventually, she will end up summoning something by accident that decides to kill her. </b>

<b>Name:</b> "Pirate Queen" Zephyr ShaBAM Russell
<b>Nicknames:</b>Z, Pirate
<b>Weight:</b>100 pnds
<b>Age:</b>19, though she looks younger, and generally gets an answer between 14 and 16 when she asks people to guess her age.

<b>Gender:</b> female

<b>Body Type:</b> Average/smallish build
<b>Hair:</b> Short pixie cut with long bangs, dark brown, sometimes looks more black, sometimes she'll color it so it has a deep red tint
<b>Eyes:</b> brown with a red tint
<b>Current Status(Hero/Villain/neutral):</b> true neutral
<b>Occupation:</b> Self Claimed Pirate and Demonologist in training
<b>Marital Status:</b> single
<b>Alliances:</b>Zephyr does not choose sides, she chooses people. And if you can pay her price, she will be on your side. (Her price generally consisting of anything from the simple promise that it will be an adventure, to ancient taxts on the supernatural (or a translator for said ancient texts).
<b>Personality:</b> Zephyr has been described by people as "An ADHD pirate who can be surprisingly serious at times", which rings true in a way. Zephyr is generally very friendly, outgoing, spontaneous, and easy going. She takes very few things seriously, and treats most of life like a game. Her attention span is short, and she can grow bored with something fairly easily, moving on to what ever is next. Zephyr is not really a bad person, at heart, she simply has different ideas of what is right and what is wrong. To Zephyr, literally the only things in this world that are evil are rape, and child abuse. Everything else depends on situation. She sees absolutely nothing wrong with trespassing, theft, vandalism, torture, and even murder. She seems to be generally happy and hard to bring down, though it is often times actually a front she plays to avoid confrontation. She is rarely truly as happy as she pretends to be, though it is fairly easy to make her happy with small acts of kindness or the simplest events or gifts. (If you make a big to do about giving her the lint in your pocket, she will accept it quite happily, on most days.)

Though it might seem like she is one person, she actually has five basic personalities, which often intermingle or show themselves at different times. These are the other personalities:

The child: The child usually comes out in random combination with the dominant Zephyr, or at times on its own. It is, who she was to begin with, before her personality split, before she "died". The child has been preserved, waiting for the opportunity to come back out and play. Her childhood was primarily survival, and it was only in recent years that she finally grew comfortable enough to act like the child she never got to be. It is usually fairly easy to tell when this personality has taken over, though to some it might seem just like she is playing a game or being dramatic, which she does tend to do.

The first Zephyr: the first one to take the name of Zephyr, the personality that was dominant for many years, the one that kept her alive, though now it does not present itself as often. It had two years of being completely asleep, but in recent times had become increasingly active again. This personality is generally troublesome, and likes to get in as much trouble as possible for the others to deal with when it leaves. It likes to hurt people, physically or mentally, and couldn't care less if the people it hurts are close to the others or not. It is brutally honest about what it thinks, and what it thinks is rarely pleasant, and certainly never nice. It doesn't take kindly to threats, and hardly needs an excuse for a fight.

The Queen: The queen is regal. She is order. She is professional. She keeps things in check, and is one of the few that can keep the first Zephyr almost calm. She most commonly appears when things get too out of hand to correct them, or when something important has to be done or explained. She is the voice of reason, impartial to all things, calm and collected. She generally watches more than she interacts.

Other: There are instances of times, where she does not have a determined definite personality. She describes it as something, not someone, something, that has crawled it's way inside her and won't leave. Something that claws at her insides, curls up tight inside her stomach and chest, crawls up to claw against the inside of her skull. Sometimes, it is quiet, and sometimes, it rages. It tears it's way through her, or so she claims, and what it feels is primal rage. It demands flesh and blood, and it's own flesh will do. She is generally good at fighting it, at keeping it under check, though occasionally it can be a battle.She is unsure as to whether it is one presence, or several in one.

Outside: Zephyr is a channeler. As a result, there are the occasional short lived visitors that will share or temporarily take over her body. It can be as short and simple as something climbing in to speak a few words before dissipating, leaving behind no explanation for what it said, to something taking over her body to preform a full dance routine before leaving with a laugh. There are generally two signs that say she has been taken over for a time. If it is more common to a ghost or previously human spirit, her eyes will go blank or have a mild white film over them and her voice will come in the form of a whisper of someone else over her or under her own whispered voice. If it is any of the other most common things, her teeth tend to go sharp and her eyes will either bleed to black or red, though this is generally short lived. Any entity that remains for more than fifteen minutes to a half hours time will leave her feeling drained and exhausted.

Etoss: Etoss is, in a way, her muse. At least, that is how she refers to this top-hat wearing being. It is always grinning widely with sharp teeth, and seems to dance from place to place. It considers itself both amused, and amusing. It will, occasionally, enter her. When it does, she generally finds every little thing so funny she can't help but laugh, and once she starts laughing it is extremely difficult to stop. She will generally go along with it until it starts hurting, and then she will have to fight to kick it out. Nothing personal, but she can only stand so much. It watches with wide eyes, and the only word it speaks is it's name, "Etoss" (which she ends up speaking in half a rasp, half a whisper).

<b>Significant features:</b> Zephyr does not, by any means, look her age. It's her face, mostly, which looks younger than she is. When she asks people who don't know how old she is what they think, the oldest anyone has ever guessed is 16, the youngest was 11 (But that was an older woman who probably couldn't see right, so she doesn't really take it to heart).
<b>Likes:</b> Stuffed Bunnies, rum, treasure, adventure, music of all kinds, anything that has to do with the supernatural, dress up, drawing or painting or coloring (especially on walls and furniture), having fun, getting others to loosen up and have fun, dancing, bouncy rooms, ice-cream....and lots of other random things.
<b>Dislikes:</b> People who are stifling to the creative process, when people are too stupid to realize: she would have come along with them willingly if they had just asked her nicely- this means you Batman!, a bunch of random things depending on mood, people who don't do their jobs like they should-especially authority members, the crappy justice system, when one of her therapists leave or quit and she has to start all over with a new one, being ignored, being blamed for something she didn't do, just makes her want to do it since she's getting in trouble for it anyways.
<b>Costume Design(?):</b> Zephyr absolutely loves dress up, and will rarely pass up an opportunity to do so. She always carries her stuffed bunny, Bun-Bun, with her, even if it is in her backpack or side bag (which ever she is wearing). Her favorite colors are black, white, and red, by themselves or in combination with each other. With her outfits, she can often times be seen wearing black cat ears, a real cat collar complete with bell, and two real gray and black fox tails. She tried cat tails, but they didn't flow or feel right, and only got in her way, so fox tails it is. She tends to either dress in black and white pirate garb with a modern twist, in a modern style of Gothic Victorian attire, or occasionally in Lolita wear-same color themes, and either cat or more commonly bunny themed, in dresses with little bunny patches on them and always with bows.
<b>Powers, abilities, combat:</b>Zephyr has a knack for somehow managing to get in and out of just about anywhere. No one is quite sure how she does it, and she certainly isn't telling, but she is often found wondering around outside of her cell at Arkham, or security gets called because she managed to slip inside a museum after closing hours. She never says how she does it, but usually (at the very least acts-and quite convincingly at that), like she just wondered in, and wasn't really paying attention to how she got out or in.

Zephyr comes from a long line of the spiritually sensitive. From mind reading, to premonitions of death, to just seeing ghosts. Though her family has not ever made advertisement out of it, they have it. She herself has been able to see spirits since she can remember, and over the years discovered her other two abilities: summoning and channeling. She is a person that seems to naturally attract all manner of supernatural beings, and as a result is very comfortable around them. It is not uncommon to see, upon first glance of a darkened room she is sleeping in, several distorted figures or creatures lining the walls, watching her as she sleeps. She is terrible at controlling her own abilities, and usually ends up summoning something by accident rather than on purpose, often times without trying she simply ends up opening the way for something to come through. She has no problem with the things that come through, she usually gets along with them, even considers them to be her family, even though they have already told her they are waiting for the day when they will eat her, she doesn't mind. She thinks of it as a good way to die, and right now they are getting along splendidly. Even if they don't always get along with the other people around.

Most people do not believe her when she talks about the monsters and spirits that can be found in so many common places, and dismiss it as her imagination. Until they see the creature crawl from the wall beside her, as if the wall itself is stretching into its form. The rest of the people that have or will not see, she just ignores when they call her crazy.

<b>Combat</b> Zephyr generally prefers to remain out of combat, since she's generally not very good at it. During big battle, she will generally stay on the side lines, watching from a safe distance. When it comes down to a fight herself, she generally tries to talk her way out of it, cut a deal, or if worse comes to worse she will simply do her best not to get killed.

In rare situation, a creature may or may not come to her aid, depending on if all of the following conditions are met: The attacking party or parties intend to kill, they are unprovoked on her part, her own blood must be drawn to attract them, and she has to really need their help, not be able to get out of the situation any other way.
She SAYS that they help her because they are her family, which to her they are, since they really did take her in when she ran away. The more likely reason, is two fold. The first, they like having a human in their pocket, to help them when they need it, or do things like let them out if summoned by someone who knows how to contain them in a protection circle, or just having a human to voice what they want when needed. The other reason, they have already told her they will be eating her when the time comes, they would hate for their meal to be killed before that time comes.
<b>Habits:</b> Random wandering, talking either to herself, or to whatever else is around, when under stress her arms and hands tend to shake.
<b>Mental Illnesses:</b> Zephyr has been diagnosed with: Multiple personality Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, ADHD, and Insomnia. All of which she refuses to take medication for at this point. She deals with everything the best she can, and when it gets to be too much, she checks herself into Arkham until it passes and she feels better again. Or at least, that's what she usually does. If they don't keep her over medicated, to the point where she can't function, she can generally come and go as she pleases, which is another reason she will not take her medication unless it is literally forced.
<b>Weaknesses:</b> Zephyr has a very short attention span, and although she doesn't pick sides for the most part, she can easily be bribed or bought. In fact, she often encourages bribery, telling you what she wants when she says no to money. She is also highly open to the power of suggestion, and will often do what is asked if the person asks nicely, or makes the suggestion sound like the task will be lots of fun or a great adventure.
She refuses to take her medications, because she says it makes her feel like a zombie, and indeed they do. Not only do they seem to dull whatever personality she has, so she only remembers tiny parts of the day, wonders in a semi-catatonic state, but she says taking it chases off the creatures she is friends with the most...and makes her susceptible to the creatures she usually does not like having around, the ones that cause harm. The doctors, or course, don't believe her, but then, they rarely do.
<b>Phobias:</b> Zephyr has mild Arachnophobia, which she is working hard to try to correct, since she knows spiders aren't bad creatures.

Although she wouldn't trade her personality for the world, Zephyr often times worries she doesn't fit in with physical humanoids. It is usually a quiet fear, nagging at the back of her mind, though it can sometimes manifest itself as what it is, or as sudden hatred and disgust for humans in general, including the people she usually considers to be her friends, as well as a feeling of isolation. Because she has spent so much time around spirits and monsters, or locked in a room, she worries that she just doesn't have it in her to be a real part of any group, which is possibly part of why she refuses to pick sides in manners, but will wander between groups at will, being generally friendly with members of both. She doesn't really feel that she could ever be a part of either, truly.

Another thing Zephyr has a mild phobia of, are drugs. Drugs, medications, and anything else that lowers her inhibitions. She does not like anything that takes away her control over her own body. She doesn't care what other people do in their free time, but she is both uncomfortable even around the things, and uncomfortable around people who are doing them. She also never accepts the excuse "I was high," or "I was drunk", for anything. In fact, she is much more likely to kill anyone who tries to use that excuse.

<b>Weapon of choice:</b> Zephyr likes to use the "tools of the trade", being two flintlock pistols, a sword, and very old fashioned bombs. Though, in a real pinch she can use quite literally anything as a weapon, she does enjoy the flair associated with the old fashioned pirate tools.

She will often times speak of feeding people to demons or monsters, which she does, though not as often as she would like people to believe. The fact of the matter is, even though many are around, most of them do not have definite physical forms, and they certainly do not always require food or even like the idea of eating people.


<b>Arkham Diagnosis:</b> Patient suffers from hallucinations on a daily basis, which she claims to be spirits, or demons. She suffers from resulting insomnia, claiming said beings "won't let her sleep". Patient seems to exhibit a mild case of Dissociative Identity Disorder, or Multiple Personality. Resulting side effects include mild occasions of depersonalization, derealization, and occasional small spurts of memory loss. Though the personalities, for the most part, seem to at the very least be aware of each others existence, which makes this case seem very hopeful. Patient suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, the only disorder she has expressed genuine discomfort with, as she says the flash backs get in her way. Patient also suffers from muscle spasms at times, mostly in the hands, arms, or legs, though no cause has been determined. Brain-scans show no abnormalities, and patient is otherwise physically healthy.

<b>Criminal Records:</b> multiple counts of: breaking and entering, trespassing, theft, impersonation, arson, destruction of personal property, vandalism, kidnapping, bribery, disturbing the peace, murder in the first and second degrees, public indecency, and that's what she remembers from the list.

<b>History:</b> Zephyr's history, she claims, begins the day she said her father killed her, though it is not determined if this is figurative speech or not. She claims, "it seemed a waste, such a young body to die, so it was given up to the surrounding spirits. Some stayed, over the years, and some left. They fixed it, patched it back together, until eventually it boiled down to what you see now. The child is still here, preserved, and so are the rest of us." What is known as fact:
Zephyr was born to a mother and father, who traveled the country as what she calls "Hypsies, a mix of gypsy and hippie". They did not stay together long, and she spent the first part of her childhood with her mother, until at the age of seven she went to live with her father. She lived with her father for two years before running away and being placed in the foster care system, which she then also ran away from at the age of thirteen. She claims she did it to become a Pirate, to lead a life of adventure, where she could be her own person and no one would tell her what to do. She has somehow managed to survive on her own this long, and even managed to avoid jail time for any of her actions, avoiding capture until coming to Gotham, where upon she was placed in the care of Arkham Asylum. Zephyr does not have a very hard time speaking about her past, when asked, though she does have a tendency to make up tall tales about grand adventures, which could not possibly have truly happened. When in one of her rare serious moods, she has spoken of many different hardships. She talks about being locked in a room for months at a time. Or about how her mother would only cry, and her mothers drunk for a boyfriend, though at the time she did not understand such things, she does now. She talked about being "that kid", the one that the kids would beat up and the teachers would laugh. She talks about the years when she hated everyone and everything, and of the days she was medicated. She talks about all the times she nearly died, how verbally abusive her father was and how it crushed everything she was. She won't talk about sexual abuse beyond how much she hates it, the one thing she will not discuss. She will admit to having been raped once, but will not discuss the matter, claiming "It took care of itself."

But, above and beyond all of this, she talks about the present. She talks about how far she has come, and how happy she is able to be now. She talks about how she wouldn't be who she is if not for all of that, and that even if she's not the best person in the world, she is who she is, and she will make the best of what ever she has. The times she does mention the bad things that have happened, she mentions it not in a way that she feels bad or sorry, but as what it is to her. "Facts. It happened, and that is all there is to it."


<b>First Appearance sad In the Roleplay)</b>

Zephyr was very happy, because today, she had made a new friend! His name was Max, and they were even going to get ice-cream! He was very nice, though his brown hair was cut too short for her taste, and he was dressed so...normal, but who was she to complain? They had met at the park, and he asked about the bunny she was carrying, and why she was wearing cat ears and two fox tails. She wasn't really offended by his curiosity, but explained to him all about Furries. He laughed, but not in a bad way, said it was interesting. He was seventeen, and had been passing by when he saw her, and was curious. And now they were heading over to get ice-cream, because ice-cream was yummy.
"This is the bestest ice-cream place in town!" she commented happily, pointing at the small shop ahead.
"You'll see! Their flavors are amazing, like mint chocolate that's brown instead of green, and just....Wow! You'll see!" she told him with excitement. He just laughed again, good natured.
"We'll see about that." which made her turn on her heel.
"Is that a challenge?" she asked with a point and grin.
"It might be." he grinned back, "Race you there!"
"A challenge!" she declared, running after him, determined to win. They reached the door at the same time and both squeezed and shoved in, trying to beat the other. It earned them a look from the man behind the counter, but they were too busy laughing to notice, debating for a moment who had won and then deciding to call it a tie. It was a good moment, she felt so...normal right now. Was that possible? She smiled at the man behind the counter, pointing a thumb at Max.
"We got a new comer here," she grinned playfully, even though she knew it wouldn't matter much, none of the shops knew their regulars anymore, even when they dressed as wonderfully as she did. And then, she wasn't really a regular either.
"What can I get you?" the man asked, as Max peered over to look at the flavores behind the glass. Zephyr, however, knew exactly what she wanted.
"I would like rum ice-cream please, in a cup." She smiled brightly.
'We don't have rum today." the man said, "You'll have to pick another flavor." Zephyr's smile remained, though it was candid now.
"I'll have rum. In a cup." she repeated.
"We don't have rum." the man repeated again.
"Will you check the back?" She asked, insistant on getting her ice-cream.
"We don't have any back there, i know." he said. Zephyr kept the smile on her face, though the longer this conversation continued, the more forced the smile appeared.
"Will you check the back, please..." she said, and Max noted the forced smile, suddenly wondering about his new friend.
"Look kid, I just work here. I make what they tell me to make, and today they didn't tell me to make any rum." he spoke to her, and her eye gave a twitch, the smile fading from her face as her head lowered, her bangs falling into her face. Max busied himself with looking at the different flavors and trying to decide which one he wanted. The man behind the counter continued to speak,
"Look kid, I don't have all day, just make up your mind and pick something else, I-" he never finished his sentence, because in that moment Zephyr had drawn her flintlock pistol and shot him in the head, making Max let out a scream and jump at the sudden noise, backing up with a look of terror at the gun. Zephyr's face was all too serious, and her eyes had a dangerous tint of anger to them, even the way she carried herself had changed, as the arm holding the gun remained extended. She flopped her head to the side so she could see him, smiled a smile that was not at all friendly, and told him,
"Don't go anywhere now..." in a voice that held something just as dangerous as the eyes. She then proceeded to hop over the counter, and walk to the back to check for herself. Indeed, not finding any back there, she walked back, stepping casually over the body now bleeding on the floor, and grabbed the scooper, putting some Amerito ice-cream in a cup instead and taking a bite with one of the sample spoons. The moment she took her first bite, she smiled, closed her eyes, and breathed in. When she opened her eyes they were normal again, and she looked around, pondering for a moment how she got on the other side of the counter. She looked at Max, who's eyed were wide and fearful. Spoon still in her mouth, she asked him,
"What?" he blinked in disbelief, sputtered a bit, and then pointed at the dead body just behind her. She turned her head, looking down casually.
"Oh...how did that happen?" she asked.
"How did that happen?!" Max practically yelled, "How did that happen?! You shot the guy, that's how it happened! Jesus, do you always go around shooting people?!" he demanded. Zephyr, however, eyed the body skeptically.
"Hm...you sure I did this?" she asked, leaning down to examine the bullet wound, "I suppose it does <i>look</i> like my work..." she noted, taking another bite of her ice-cream. Max stared at her in disbelief. She stood, and turned with a sudden smile.
"But, you know what this means, don't you?" she asked with sudden excitment. he shook his head, eyes going wide for a moment again.
"We get the whole shop to ourselves! We can play shopkeeper!" she declared happily, grabbing an ice-cream scoop and putting on a friendly smile.
"Oh, why hello there young man, welcome to Zephyr's ice-cream shop of awesome! How may i serve you today?" she asked happily. Max, however, was backing towards the door.
"Oh, are you going already? you haven't had your ice-cream yet! It's freeeee!" she called with a grin.
"You....you're crazy!" he finally sputtered, running out the door and leaving a frowning Zephyr behind.
"Crazy?" she repeated to herself, shoulders slumping, then looked up and felt the cat ears on her head.
"You think it's the ears?" she asked, forcing a laugh. In actuallity, she was extremely disappointed. That had seemed like such a nice person, and there she had gone and run him off without even thinking. She shook her head. Humans just didn't make much sense to her, even though she was one. or maybe, was it society that didn't make any sense to her? How was she to know. All she knew for sure was, she should probably leave this shop. She headed for the door when she heard a snickering noise. She paused and looked up at the corner of the ceiling by the door, where she saw a black creature hanging upside down with no lower body. It snickered at her, swinging side to side with boney dangling arms, and she just frowned at it.
"Oh, shut up..." she muttered, leaving the shop for whatever was her next destination.


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