random mood swings
biggrin happy smile kindof happy redface blushes sad *cries* stare mad glare xd mad or laughing head off 3nodding gee thx (sort of other blush) blaugh happy *sticks tungue out* gonk scared and sad scream a we bit angry stressed angry sweatdrop nervous heart love emo sadish xp laughing head off or mad whee yeah or thx wink ahhh yeah sad sadish surprised hey! eek oh dear *scared* confused ackward cool cool lol ahh hahahah....no mad why u....... razz yeah.....ummm cry *cries* sad evil little demon twisted big evil demon rolleyes *sighs* not again exclaim Yeah! question what? idea i got an ideal arrow next neutral what? mrgreen hi-larios ninja ninja what out 4laugh cute pose rofl so funny pirate arg im a pirate talk2hand no no no burning_eyes opps cheese_whine hungry dramallama duh wahmbulance my bad
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do u ever wonder why there is so many stars in the sky, or why the ocean never stops moving?...I do.