Total Value: 7,131 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Black Stockings
Dark Red Phat Sweater
Gray SKA shoes
Light Purple Leg Warmers
Lex's Dark Shorts

Total Value: 840,668 Gold, 8,200 Tickets
[Item Information]
Item List:
Noel's Gift
Neutral Starter Fantasy Boots
Elegant White Knee-Length Trousers
Elegant Black Satin Vest
Elegant Blue Satin Coat
Gold Prince's Rapier
White Zoot Suit Shirt
Captain Ara's Nestegg 6th Gen.
Captain Ara's Nestegg 4th Gen.
Black Leather Belt

Total Value: 166,005 Gold, 8,200 Tickets
Item List:
Spartan Cloak
Bronze Prince's Rapier
Neutral Starter Fantasy Boots
Elegant White Knee-Length Trousers
War of the Warlords