roses can be black,red,orange,purple but roses have never been rainbow,their is this rose it has been said if u find a rainbow rose don't touch it it will show you the people whom have dies in these forests but one has been known to go and find this rose but no one specks of her name because the one whom specks of will be haunted by her and if u see her and scream she takes your tong and kills you slowly but painfully her name is not important now the rose on the other hand has been cursed by her and whom ever see's it can't help but go over to it and if u touch it she will get you and you will never be the same how do i know this i am the girl that had first found it and she has taken my tong and guess what yes i am dead i am her puppet so don't run don't hide i will find you and take your tong
![]() Lady_Oriyu Community Member ![]() |