Additional References
None Yet.
Name ::
- Heke
Job Title ::
- Attraction / Leader of the naga
Residency ::
- Discarded Sin’s (Faolin’s Building) In an underground pit with all of the other naga that he is in charge of.
Race ::
- Quarter Human – 3/4th’s Albino Naga
Hair Color ::
- White
Hair Style ::
- Poofy/ Fluffy tight curls
Eye Color ::
- Red
Skin Color ::
- Marble blue and white
Length ::
- 32’ 2’’
Age ::
- 19
Personality ::
- Heke is a natural leader. He understands the value of sacrifice if it is to indeed help, aid, or protect other’s, and he is best known for throwing himself directly into the fire to keep the flames from burning those he cares about. He has always had a chip on his shoulder to where he feels he will never be good enough, or is never going to accomplish what other’s expect him to achieve. He feels that even if he gives 100 percent into something he’s always coming up short in the eyes of those that he loves or works for. He also has the tendency to be overwhelmingly naive
Clothing ::
- He enjoys wearing things around his neck. Scarves, shall, and various other neck like fashions. He enjoys wearing most any colors, except for white because it has the tendency to blend far too much with his already pale flesh tone.
Distinguishing Traits ::
- He has one scar along his tail near the rattle at the tip where he was burned with an acid like venom during his first encounter with Darque. His ears are almost fan like because of his mixed blood where as full naga don’t have ears at all.
Brief History ::
- Heke was born of a mating pair, meaning his mother and father didn't love each other very much, and they had only gotten with one another to make a child to further their species and be on their way. He was lain in a clutch of nine other eggs but he was the only one who was actually born alive from it. He is an albino, and known to be the only one of his kind. He's rarity was bad enough before the poachers, and now ever since they swept through the world gathering them up in order to skin albino naga alive for their skin's, he is safely kept in the sanctuary of Faolin's care.
He came to Faolin against his father's wishes, however, in order to get closer to the other naga that Faolin was keeping in his pit so that he could help them, better them, and make sure they got what they needed. Faolin, a great collector of rare breads of creatures would have been foolish to ignore the chance to actually own an albino of his species, and thus agreed to a deal. He would release and free fifty naga from confinement, either his own or off of the black market that wished to indeed be free once again, and in return Heke was his to own. Permitted nothing but slavery and whatever Faolin asked of him.
Special Abilities ::
- His venom isn’t exactly lethal in a normal bite where as it more or less just makes you really sleepy for a day or two. However, it can place a person into a coma depending on how much of it mingles within a person’s system and what race they are.
Habits or Quirks ::
- When he’s nervous, irritated, or concentrating he has the tendency to run his fingers through his hair and tug on it, gently.
Name ::
Job Title ::
Residence ::
Race ::
Hair Color ::
Hair Style ::
Eye Color ::
Skin Color ::
Length ::
Age ::
Personality ::
Clothing ::
Distinguishing Traits ::
Brief Background ::
Special Abilities ::
Habits or Quirks ::
- Tarin
Job Title ::
- Right-hand Naga (to Heke)
Residence ::
- Discarded Sins (Faolin’s Building)
Race ::
- Naga
Hair Color ::
- Maroon
Hair Style ::
- His hair has been woven into dreadlocks, which when down go just past his shoulder, yet when tied up into their typical ponytail position, they hang to the back of his neck. A few stray locks hang on either side of his face.
Eye Color ::
- Purple
Skin Color ::
- Dark gray, practically black.
Length ::
- 37’ 10”
Age ::
- 25
Personality ::
- Tarin is a very controlling individual. He doesn’t like to follow orders and typically does everything his way. The very way that he acts and holds himself demands attention, which made him such a decent leader for the naga before Heke’s appearance. He tends to think things through before acting out. He’s also a flirt, and he has issues keeping loyal to the trio, despite how his partners understand his sexual nature.
Clothing ::
- He only wears gloves or armbands, seeing how nothing more is really required. Often times he’s seen wearing rings, and the colors for these differ. Tarin tends to stick away from wearing anything that’s completely black.
Distinguishing Traits ::
- Tarin is by far the largest naga in the group, thus far (seeing how Heke is still growing). Other than that, his personality as a massive flirt makes him rather noticeable. He also doesn’t have ears, instead he has the thin skinned membrane like hole in his skull similar to a serpent.
Brief Background ::
- Tarin was originally a wild born naga. When his mother and several others were captured he ended up entering the world of the black market, where various people purchased and traded him and his kind for different uses. Several were skinned, others were shipped off to shows or to private collectors. His life pretty much consisted of this sort of treatment, which resulted in him being very nasty to anyone other than naga.
Faolin purchased him several years ago, despite how the seller warned the moth of Tarin’s temper. Yet Faolin found this naga to be entrancing. His sheer size and color alone was worth the price paid, and when Tarin met Faolin, he expressed his disgust with various bites/wounds, combined with him only speaking in a serpent like language. So he was thrown into the naga-pit, used as mere display instead of anything more. Up until Heke appeared and told Faolin that the naga wasn’t stupid. If anything Tarin’s one of the smartest naga in the group. Tarin isn’t entirely sure how he ended up in the situation he’s in with the two partners of his. Yet he’s not the sort to look a gift horse in the mouth.
Special Abilities ::
- Despite Tarin’s size he is horribly strong. His venom is considerably weaker than most would assume, but the sheer strength that comes with his size is enough to cause most to hesitate in attacking him.
Habits or Quirks ::
- Completely unsaid, Tarin has a love of tiny things. Children are a weakness for him, because he likes the aspect of protecting something precious. He also loves furs, which Faolin tends to spoil him with various furred blankets.
Name ::
Job Title ::
Residence ::
Race ::
Hair Color ::
Hair Style ::
Eye Color ::
Skin Color ::
Length ::
Age ::
Personality ::
Clothing ::
Distinguishing Traits ::
Brief Background ::
Special Abilities ::
Habits or Quirks ::
- Darque
Job Title ::
- Frankenstein/ Low-class naga
Residence ::
- Discarded Sins (Faolin’s Building)
Race ::
- Naga
Hair Color ::
- Light aqua
Hair Style ::
- A long streak of hair goes from mid skull to his forehead, shaggy and often in his eyes. Yet he doesn’t have hair on the sides or the back of his skull due to him having a ’hood’ similar to that of a cobra. This is scaled, which allows scales to creep up onto his face/neck as well.
Eye Color ::
- Pale Gray
Skin Color ::
- For the most part he is transparent, allowing muscle and bone to be seen. Yet this is only in direct lighting. In the shadows he appears to be a purplish-white.
Length ::
- 9’4
Age ::
- 27
Personality ::
- He is a very reserved naga. Though it’s quite obvious from how he holds himself that he doesn’t trust people. It’s hard to get him to open up. Yet when cornered he’s very skilled at defending himself (thanks to Tarin’s teachings). Despite his reserved nature to others, he’s very passionate about his beliefs in a one on one setting. He’s also very proud of what he is, as well as his appearance. Despite the beauty of several of the females, he considers himself lucky to have found two partners of a higher class.
Clothing ::
- Typically none, save for the ‘hood’ but that’s not really an option on if he gets to wear it or not seeing how it’s part of his skin. He tends to wear extravagant belts or scarves around his waist. Anything that hangs, and isn’t heavy fabric.
Distinguishing Traits ::
- His naga body shows clear transparent areas where the scales simply allow one to view into his very body. Watching the muscle twitch or seeing the areas where the muscle has mostly worn away to show bone. He has several old wounds, and despite his small size his blood is pure for what he is. An odd genetic trait. A lack of pigment to certain scales. For this reason he’s considered of high value to Faolin. He’s also considerably smaller/shorter than his two partners.
Brief Background ::
- Darque has always been viewed as a freak. He’s never had a chance to live his life within an actual wild habitat. Instead, Darque has been under the thumb of someone else. He was born within captivity, and once born he’s been passed about from different merchants to different buyers, in an attempt to find someone who could actually tame the small child. During his growth spurt, food was scarce, and as such Darque is small even for his specific type. For a male, he’s horribly tiny, something which he dislikes mention of. Even when was purchased by Faolin, the moth tried to appeal to his better nature only once. A pale hand had reached inside of Darque’s crate, which naturally he aimed to bite. Once this was done, Darque found himself tossed within Faolin’s fabled ‘naga-pit’. Yet being so much smaller than the other naga posed an obvious issue. Darque was quickly placed at the bottom of the food-chain.
Before Heke’s appearance to the naga-pit, Tarin entered. What with his large size, Darque didn’t move to speak to the womanizing beast. If anything, the large black naga soon surpassed expectation and had the entire clan under his control. This didn’t stop the random attacks that Darque had to deal with, and really he didn’t complain. This in and of itself causes a gap between Darque and Tarin that neither can really fix. Listening to the sounds of Tarin mating with whichever female gained his fancy, combined with the daily attacks? Darque believes it is not his place to bring up the past, and Tarin is hardly the sort to realize his behavior needs to be apologized for. Only when Heke appeared did the three of them work out a relationship. Darque stood up to Heke, when the albino took his mutterings as a threat, and when they fought Darque managed to get one good bite in. Which was rewarded by having him thrown into medical, just to have his fangs removed, and venom glands sewn shut. It was Tarin that came and curled up with him, Tarin that came and checked on him. Which is where that relationship began. Whereas with Heke, his kindness and general personality attracted Darque to him, and the two of them are still working on getting Tarin to keep to their ‘trio’ instead of moving outside of it.
Special Abilities ::
- Darque does not have the fangs that a naga should have in order to inject poison. Faolin (after an accident between Heke and Darque) had a surgery performed upon the naga so as to remove the fangs entirely, as well as to sew up the venom glands located at the base of his lower jaw. It’s because of this that if he’s in the dark, his neck seems to glow almost electric blue. It makes him gorgeous to look at, and draws quite the attention of the crowds, due to his appearance under a blacklight. Which is always good for business.
Habits or Quirks ::
- He’s known to ignore a person should a question come up that he has no intention of answering. He spends most of his time in the company of his partners when not performing. It seems that only those two would be able to see what he really thinks or feels. Otherwise Darque has a slight hiss when he speaks, his tongue (being pure white in color) is often seen twitching or flicking past his lips when he’s frustrated with any given situation. His tail, also has a series of pale purple rattles on the end of it, no more than two rows however (due to him growing a new row, every ten years).