The Blonde Haired Girl
"Wh-who turned out the l-lights, Wh-where is everyone?"
Real Name: Rei Fujino
Age: 16
Summary: A slightly ditsy girl with a penchant for falling in love.
Though she has trouble catching up she is strong of heart.
Favored Protection: Flashlight
The Black Haired Boy
"In this syringe is either a sedative or poison. Do you really want to find out which?
Real Name: Atsushi Maki
Age: 17
Summary: True survivor man. Overly prepared and ready to fight.
He is quick to distrust and will often incapacitate those he deems dangerous.
Favored Protection: Syringe
The Purple Haired Girl
"Please, there's no need to get all upset, nobody needs to get hurt"
Real Name: Kameyo Yukimora
Age: 18
Summary: Mature and serene, she flies to the aid of others.
Diplomacy is her forte and lacks much beyond it.
Favored Protection: First aid kit
The Boy With Sunglasses
"Hey kid, you ok? Nobodies going to hurt you while I'm around.
Real Name: Tamotsu Tachibana
Age: 18
Summary: Loner by nature - loyal guardian by trade.
Steadfastly refuses not to help those in danger.
Favored Protection: Axe
The Green Haired Girl
"But You...you promised me...you don't deserve to live."
Real Name: Hotaru Egushi
Age: 15
Summary: Slightly off kilter girl that can't stay still.
She does not take betrayal well due to a strong sense of right and wrong.
Favored Protection: Tazer
The Creepy Red Haired Boy
"No plea- *cough* don't run *cough**cough* away from me! *cough*"
Real Name: Ryo Tsukino
Age: 16
Summary: A poor soul always made to look like the villain.
He often tries to run from his problems because of this.
Favored Protection: Hammer
The Blue Haired Girl
"Oh that's right, you can't talk can you? I warned you I could fight though.
Real Name: Chou Izumimoto
Age: 17
Summary: Only wants to understand the chaos around her.
Used to be a "bad girl" and hasn't totally given it up.
Favored Protection: Vents
The Brown Haired Boy
"Stand back everybody! Susumu is here to save the day!"
Real Name: Susumu Moriishi
Age: 15
Summary: The youngest student and idealist youth.
Tries hard to be as strong as his sister.
Favored Protection: Wooden Bat
The White Haired Girl
"Ohohohohoho! Well isn't that just precious!
Real Name: Naomi Kikutera
Age: 18
Summary: Simply sweet young woman who loves tricks.
Uses her darling personality to manipulate the others.
Favored Protection: Anyone else
The Silver Haired Boy
"These wounds will take me soon. Read my notes, they explain everything.
Real Name: Fumio Shimabashi
Age: 16
Summary: He is cautious, reserved and above all else thoughtful.
Believes that only knowledge can keep him alive.
Favored Protection: Sheets of Paper
The Orange Haired Girl
"What?! You're all going to listen to a voice?! Idiots!
Real Name: Yasu Furukami
Age: 17
Summary: Relishes in her ability to deceive and confuse everyone.
Sadly she doesn't quite realize the consequences of her actions.
Favored Protection: Announcement System
The Green Haired Boy
"Heh, maybe it's silly but I'm glad we're here. I met you didn't I?
Real Name: Daisuke Himuro
Age: 18
Summary: This kid doesn't seem to have his priorities straight
He'd rather make friends then try and keep himself alive.
Favored Protection: Fists
The Red Haired Girl
"Holy ******** hell, pull yourself together or you're not going to make it."
Real Name: Hoshi Sakazen
Age: 16
Summary: Rough only begins to describe this girls personality.
Extreme lack of tact leaves her longing for any understanding at all.
Favored Protection: Smoke bombs
The Blue Haired Boy
"N-no really! I...uh..am...oh! I'm going to stop you! That's right!"
Real Name: Aoi Saga
Age: 18
Summary: An extremely unlucky and socially awkward man.
He means well but can't seem to get himself together.
Favored Protection: Ladel
The Brown Haired Girl
"It ends here. You've evaded my justice for far too long"
Real Name: Jun Moriishi
Age: 17
Summary: Was a member of the school kendo club and well know for her skill.
Wishes her brother could stick up for himself but loves him dearly.
Favored Protection: Boken
The Gray Haired Boy
"You were just joking right? He's still alive right?"
Real Name: Nobori Kurotake
Age: 15
Summary: Acts mature compared to the others around his age.
The presence of danger causes him to drop the facade.
Favored Protection: Metal Pipe
The Pink Haired Girl
"Oh no! I got ketchup all over my shirt! Can you help me clean it off?"
Real Name: Shiori Ito
Age: 16
Summary: Emulates her childhood friend "Blonde" in every aspect.
Unlike her however, "Pink" leverages her sexuality against people.
Favored Protection: Seduction
The Boy With Goggles
"Sure you can't see, but it's going to be a lot worse if you don't back off."
Real Name: Masao Taira
Age: 18
Summary: He is neutral to everyone but not afraid to fight.
Even then he will only resort to disabling his enemies.
Favored Protection: Spray Paint
The Silver Haired Girl
"Are you really my friend? The you of so many nightmares says otherwise."
Real Name: Eiko Nagashiba
Age: 16
Summary: Dreams haunt her at night leaving her questioning reality.
No amount of coaxing will get her to change her mind.
Favored Protection: Metal Bat
The Purple Haired Boy
"1 Knife, 2, Knife, 3 Knife, 4. Can we handle just one more?"
Real Name: Aki Hara
Age: 17
Summary: He is the only one who attempts to make light of the situation.
He leaves the others unsure if he is deluded or simply hiding something.
Favored Protection: Knife
The Watchers
"Accept that you gave up" "Regret that you did not" "They are the same"
Real Names: Chiyo and Eiji Wakahisa
Age: ???
Summary: These twin siblings wander the school apparently unnoticed.
Placed there by The Host, what exactly is their purpose?
Favored Protection: Silence
The Host
"This won't do at all, punishment to all of those who don't listen to me"
Real Name: ???
Age: ???
Summary: A Mysterious figure who speaks directly to the students.
S/He is among the students and at the same time far away. Does s/he even have a motive?
Favored Protection: Anonymity
The Blonde Haired Girl
"Wh-who turned out the l-lights, Wh-where is everyone?"
Real Name: Rei Fujino
Age: 16
Summary: A slightly ditsy girl with a penchant for falling in love.
Though she has trouble catching up she is strong of heart.
Favored Protection: Flashlight
The Black Haired Boy
"In this syringe is either a sedative or poison. Do you really want to find out which?
Real Name: Atsushi Maki
Age: 17
Summary: True survivor man. Overly prepared and ready to fight.
He is quick to distrust and will often incapacitate those he deems dangerous.
Favored Protection: Syringe
The Purple Haired Girl
"Please, there's no need to get all upset, nobody needs to get hurt"
Real Name: Kameyo Yukimora
Age: 18
Summary: Mature and serene, she flies to the aid of others.
Diplomacy is her forte and lacks much beyond it.
Favored Protection: First aid kit
The Boy With Sunglasses
"Hey kid, you ok? Nobodies going to hurt you while I'm around.
Real Name: Tamotsu Tachibana
Age: 18
Summary: Loner by nature - loyal guardian by trade.
Steadfastly refuses not to help those in danger.
Favored Protection: Axe
The Green Haired Girl
"But You...you promised me...you don't deserve to live."
Real Name: Hotaru Egushi
Age: 15
Summary: Slightly off kilter girl that can't stay still.
She does not take betrayal well due to a strong sense of right and wrong.
Favored Protection: Tazer
The Creepy Red Haired Boy
"No plea- *cough* don't run *cough**cough* away from me! *cough*"
Real Name: Ryo Tsukino
Age: 16
Summary: A poor soul always made to look like the villain.
He often tries to run from his problems because of this.
Favored Protection: Hammer
The Blue Haired Girl
"Oh that's right, you can't talk can you? I warned you I could fight though.
Real Name: Chou Izumimoto
Age: 17
Summary: Only wants to understand the chaos around her.
Used to be a "bad girl" and hasn't totally given it up.
Favored Protection: Vents
The Brown Haired Boy
"Stand back everybody! Susumu is here to save the day!"
Real Name: Susumu Moriishi
Age: 15
Summary: The youngest student and idealist youth.
Tries hard to be as strong as his sister.
Favored Protection: Wooden Bat
The White Haired Girl
"Ohohohohoho! Well isn't that just precious!
Real Name: Naomi Kikutera
Age: 18
Summary: Simply sweet young woman who loves tricks.
Uses her darling personality to manipulate the others.
Favored Protection: Anyone else
The Silver Haired Boy
"These wounds will take me soon. Read my notes, they explain everything.
Real Name: Fumio Shimabashi
Age: 16
Summary: He is cautious, reserved and above all else thoughtful.
Believes that only knowledge can keep him alive.
Favored Protection: Sheets of Paper
The Orange Haired Girl
"What?! You're all going to listen to a voice?! Idiots!
Real Name: Yasu Furukami
Age: 17
Summary: Relishes in her ability to deceive and confuse everyone.
Sadly she doesn't quite realize the consequences of her actions.
Favored Protection: Announcement System
The Green Haired Boy
"Heh, maybe it's silly but I'm glad we're here. I met you didn't I?
Real Name: Daisuke Himuro
Age: 18
Summary: This kid doesn't seem to have his priorities straight
He'd rather make friends then try and keep himself alive.
Favored Protection: Fists
The Red Haired Girl
"Holy ******** hell, pull yourself together or you're not going to make it."
Real Name: Hoshi Sakazen
Age: 16
Summary: Rough only begins to describe this girls personality.
Extreme lack of tact leaves her longing for any understanding at all.
Favored Protection: Smoke bombs
The Blue Haired Boy
"N-no really! I...uh..am...oh! I'm going to stop you! That's right!"
Real Name: Aoi Saga
Age: 18
Summary: An extremely unlucky and socially awkward man.
He means well but can't seem to get himself together.
Favored Protection: Ladel
The Brown Haired Girl
"It ends here. You've evaded my justice for far too long"
Real Name: Jun Moriishi
Age: 17
Summary: Was a member of the school kendo club and well know for her skill.
Wishes her brother could stick up for himself but loves him dearly.
Favored Protection: Boken
The Gray Haired Boy
"You were just joking right? He's still alive right?"
Real Name: Nobori Kurotake
Age: 15
Summary: Acts mature compared to the others around his age.
The presence of danger causes him to drop the facade.
Favored Protection: Metal Pipe
The Pink Haired Girl
"Oh no! I got ketchup all over my shirt! Can you help me clean it off?"
Real Name: Shiori Ito
Age: 16
Summary: Emulates her childhood friend "Blonde" in every aspect.
Unlike her however, "Pink" leverages her sexuality against people.
Favored Protection: Seduction
The Boy With Goggles
"Sure you can't see, but it's going to be a lot worse if you don't back off."
Real Name: Masao Taira
Age: 18
Summary: He is neutral to everyone but not afraid to fight.
Even then he will only resort to disabling his enemies.
Favored Protection: Spray Paint
The Silver Haired Girl
"Are you really my friend? The you of so many nightmares says otherwise."
Real Name: Eiko Nagashiba
Age: 16
Summary: Dreams haunt her at night leaving her questioning reality.
No amount of coaxing will get her to change her mind.
Favored Protection: Metal Bat
The Purple Haired Boy
"1 Knife, 2, Knife, 3 Knife, 4. Can we handle just one more?"
Real Name: Aki Hara
Age: 17
Summary: He is the only one who attempts to make light of the situation.
He leaves the others unsure if he is deluded or simply hiding something.
Favored Protection: Knife
The Watchers
"Accept that you gave up" "Regret that you did not" "They are the same"
Real Names: Chiyo and Eiji Wakahisa
Age: ???
Summary: These twin siblings wander the school apparently unnoticed.
Placed there by The Host, what exactly is their purpose?
Favored Protection: Silence
The Host
"This won't do at all, punishment to all of those who don't listen to me"
Real Name: ???
Age: ???
Summary: A Mysterious figure who speaks directly to the students.
S/He is among the students and at the same time far away. Does s/he even have a motive?
Favored Protection: Anonymity