Me and my mom have the Funniest conversations.
Me: Mom, Can we go to CVS?
Mom: What For?
Me: I want a Journal.
Mom: A Journal? Why?
Me: I need somewhere to write my thoughts.
Mom: Then you want a Diary.
Me: No, A Journal. D;<
Mom: No, A Diary!
Me: A Journal is The MAN version of a Diary!!
Mom: -Facepalm-
Me and my mom have the Funniest conversations.
Me: Mom, Can we go to CVS?
Mom: What For?
Me: I want a Journal.
Mom: A Journal? Why?
Me: I need somewhere to write my thoughts.
Mom: Then you want a Diary.
Me: No, A Journal. D;<
Mom: No, A Diary!
Me: A Journal is The MAN version of a Diary!!
Mom: -Facepalm-