Areux: Lieutenant, this discussion is over. *returns to his paper work*
Emily: ...Grrr...It's NOT over! *slams her hands on his desk*
Areux: *looks up at her from where he's seated*
Emily: I've bent over backwards for this organization, for Gaia, for YOU! I had abandoned my one and only chance for life, I neglected my duties as a human being, as a woman, as a friend and sister for you, Father!
Areux: That is quite enough. You are dismissed.
Emily: I TURNED AWAY FROM THE ONLY SHOT OF BEING HAPPY! I've spent year after year of my life studying and training nonstop and for what?! So I can report to my father every so often to get told that I don't do anything right!? *rageD8<*
Areux: You have my final warning, Lieutenant, leave my sight or you will face suspension.
Emily: No! I won't leave without getting 33 years of anger off of my chest! I have to disregaurd all of my feelings, all of the hatred, the anger, the sadness...even the love for the only person who's ever been there for me, for you! For The Order! If my mother were alive, she'd be unhappy! She'd even frown upon your ridiculous, selfish actions! But of course I bet you don't even remember a single thing about her, do you!? If you did, you wouldn't be such an a*****e!
Areux: *shoots up from his chair, face reddened with anger* DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME HOW I DO AND DON'T FEEL! You will never understand the pain and the hurt inside of me! You weren't the only one who lost her! Her face haunts me everywhere I turn! I see her in the halls, I see her in your wretched home! I see her in flowers I see her in you! I turn away from you so I won't see her anymore! I couldn't save her! I couldn't bring her back to life, I failed her! I failed you and Anton by allowing someone to rip away the only person who could have loved you both! ....I loved her.
Emily: ... : < Dad...
Areux: *sits back in his chair and buries his face in his hands* I loved your mother, Emily. So much. I would have been prepared to die for her.
Emily: *is staring at her father, sadly.* Why...why did you bottle that up for so long..?
Areux: I miss her. I miss the way she smells, the way she laughed, the way she believed in me. I took her for granted...but she never changed her opinion of me.
Emily: : < I miss her too, though. I remember all those things too, dad...I even remember how she use to brush my hair in the mornings, how she dressed me, how she told me and Anton how much she loved us. I miss all of that. You're not the only person who remembers her.
Areux: I'm sorry.
Emily: What...? D8
Areux: I'm so sorry, Emily. *looks up at his daughter, miserably*
Emily: : < I-It's okay, I mean, I'm sorry too...I shouldn't have said all those things...
Areux: No, you were right. I pushed you away your entire life....but I was so proud of you. I just knew that you could do so much better...I apologize, Emily.
Emily: Dad...
Areux: I should've been a better father. You and Anton needed me more that Gaia...more than The Order...
Emily: *huggles her dad* It's alright, there's nothing to be sad about now.
Areux: *ackward* ... *hugs her back* My dear daughter, I'm so sorry. I ruined your entire life because of my spite....I do care about you and Anton. I love you two to death.
Emily: That's all I ever wanted, dad. : < *sniffles*
Anton: *walks in* General I--oh my God! Dad's dying! D8
Emily: <_<; Way to ruin a moment, Anton.
Anton: What? Oh, so he's not dying. Then why's he all, emotional...-y. D8
Areux: Urgh...*rubs the bridge of his nose* Is there something you need, Captain?
Anton: Oh, yeah, but um, it can wait. I'll leave you and Em alone. *goes out the door*
Emily: Oh boy.
Areux: *seats himself again* Well now that your brother has stripped away that discussion...who's this man that you love?
Emily: Huh? heh heh...*rubs the back of her head* Th-this can wait, can't it, General?
Areux: Please, seat yourself. We've much to catch up on.
Emily: D8 ********.
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Clarissa Crossette-Gahn
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Piss off plz 8D.