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Rachel Smilly stories XD
has diff stories when written
The Awakening Horror
Hello my name is Sarah Burns or now Sarah Fear. I, Sarah Burns and my dearest friend Jane, were ill tempered girls because we both did not like being told what to do. I was supposed to marry some man by the name of Thomas Fear. As always, I got angry and was furious at my parents for arranging this blind marriage arrangement on my behalf. When Jane’s parents died, Jane moved in with a friend of mine. Well I shouldn’t quite say he was a friend of mine because, whenever I did something wrong, like not listening to what our mothers told me what to do, he would get angry and would make me do it, or at least try to do it anyway. When it was time for me to get married to Tomas Fear, my dearest friend and I switched places. So now my dearest friend Jane became Sarah Burns, and I became Jane.
Jane was scheduled to go on a boat to some school I this far away country. So Jane called the administrator who was supposed to be the trip chaperone, telling her that the boat that was scheduled to leave this week will leave one week later. So then Jane (now Sarah) went on to be being me and getting married to Tomas Fear on the same day that I was going to leave America and be Jane at her new school. As I boarded the boat, the rest of the passengers were getting restless and it was becoming hot and sweaty on the lower level of the boat. They put my luggage on another part of the boat. So we got half way or maybe almost to the dock, when the boat began sinking and everyone on my ship drowned, except maybe one or two, and of course I wasn’t one of the lucky ones. None of the survivors could tell the police how everyone died. Then my spirit decided to take revenge on the new Sarah to let her know that it was supposed to be her on that boat, not me. So now, Jane, who had taken on the identity of Sarah, who just got married, who the real Sarah Fear, with no one to know otherwise. Then one day, the new Sarah Fear went roller skating with her husband and children, and my spirit took over Thomas Fears’ body, and started to skate faster and faster so that Michael (Thomas Fears nephew) would go flying into the air. He went so fast, that he would badly injurer or even kill him, just to let her know that she was had died in her place and wanted revenge for the ship incident. To let her know that she was going to make her life worse than it already was. She had three kids but two had died less than five years ago, all that was left was the three that hadn’t died from an unknown sickness. So, the spirit of the real Sarah took over Jane’s body and walked around like that for about four years and murdered those who were talking bad things about the Fears because she was living the life was supposed to have (and loved it) and that they didn’t deserve to live. So she started with the neighbor that complained to the police that they could hear screams coming out of the house at night and saying that they murdered different animals and people. Then, the therapist that had accused them of neglecting their children and making them do things they didn’t.
After about a week or so, the body of Jane was going to have another kid. When the real Sarah found out about this, she then let her spirit leave and wait for the pregnancy to finish and take back the body of her friend. When she tried, she found out that this was not possible. She was so attached to her host, she could not leave. In the next few months’ the baby would be born and she had to get out soon. With the months’ slipping by she had to find an answer, and soon. When she went to a magicks’ store to find a magick book, the woman looked at her and asked why. When she said, “I need to know how to do something that has to with the release of a spirit”, the lady looked at her again and said, “Come with me. We might have something in the back.” They went in and found this really old and musty book (like the one in Harry Potter that was Tom Riddle’s) she asked if she could purchase the book and the woman said yes, but it cost fifty dollars. She gave the money and left. Going to the one place she might be alone, the old hideout she and Jane made when they were young.
After a course of time it was time for her to go home to her family. By the time she got their, the contractions were starting to kick in. She cursed in the ancient language of the Rider’s. The Rider’s were a time when many men and women were in clans and only married when ready. They had a special role as guardians over the Eldunarí, or Hearts of hearts. When she got into the house, she found Thomas Fear sitting in the parlor reading a book she did not know he had. When he look up at her he said, “Thorta du ilumëo grimstcarvlorss!” (“Speak the truth arranger of the house!) She was lost in thought and shock. She didn’t know he could speak in the ancient language of the Rider’s. After a few minutes, she replied, “Eta. Gánga slytha.” He got up and came toward her and she shouted, “Letta! Hwatum il skilfz gerdûmn! Fricai onr eka eddyr.” (No. Go sleep.) (Stop! Listen to mine words! I am your friend.) He stopped in his tracks and looked at her face for a reason why she would do this. He couldn’t see the woman he married, but he found someone else. Someone he didn’t know. She explained who she was and why she was here. Then as he relied, her water broke. She screamed at the pain. Thomas told the kids to get in the car and they left for the hospital. Of course the children at the ages of 10, 8 and 6 didn’t know what was happening. They rushed to the nearest hospital and ran in the emergency door and told the cop that was working that night that his wife’s water broke in less three mins ago and needed help right away. When the cop and Thomas got back to the car, they were amazed that the kids had stayed put, (they were notorious for running away) and that the supposed Jane Fear had gotten the kids and herself out and onto the sidewalk. The cop quickly called the nurses that they had a Fear almost ready to give Birth, then brought out a wheelchair for her and wheeled her to the room where she would be until it was time to deliver. Three hours went by with all the contractions and Sarah/Jane Fear felt all the pain that she would not have if she had been able to leave the body. After all the contractions and the preparing for the delivering, it finally happened and Sarah/Jane Fear gave birth to a daughter that look exactly like the real Sarah Burns that she had been.
When Sarah saw the baby, she turned chalk white at the sight of the child. She looked like her in every way and that was not good. Thomas Fear looked at the child who was crying and was beginning to give him a headache, then at Sarah and said in the ancient language, “Maela. Slytha. Jane, you Seithr!” (“Quiet. Sleep. Jane you Witch!) The nurse looked at them both and didn’t know what kind of language they were speaking because she didn’t recognize the pronunciations. After hearing what Thomas said, the nurse asked him if he wanted to cut the cord and he stalked off without a response. The so-called Jane, started to cry at the thought of be called a witch. She hadn’t wanted to have a life like this. What would her parents say if Thomas told them that their daughter was inside the woman he married and just gave birth to a child that looked like Sarah? After the nurse cut the cord and gave the baby to Sarah she said, “Would you like to name her?” Sarah shook the head of her host and gave the baby back and started to sob. The nurse called Thomas back and asked him the same question and said he’d name her Jane Bella Fear.
As the weeks went by, the so-called Jane went to the Fears’ house like any normal wife; she told Thomas her plan and showed him the book she purchased just before her water broke.
While “Sarah” had been in the hospital with the baby, Thomas had time to think about what she had told him before this. ‘My name is Sarah Burns. I died on the boat that the real Jane was supposed to go on to another school. Something happened to the boat and every passenger except two people had died, but they couldn’t explain how it happened.” So he decided to look into the ship wreck in the archives at the library concerning all of the deaths. When the lady who helped him find the, he asked of they had a list of the names that died on the voyage, and she said that he would have to ask the mayor to look at that particular record. So the next day he went to the mayor’s office and asked him if he could see the record and the mayor looked at him and said. “Follow me.” They went through a series of doors, searches (because everybody considered the Fears to be weird) and they finally came to the room that had the deaths’ in the last twelve years that were sorted by date. The archives that had the date and the deaths of that particular voyage stood out like a cat pouncing on a mouse, the paper read:
“Seventeen deaths on the voyage to Romania on the ship Carolina Liar. There were only two survivors; Emily and Jorden Rain. When they were able to report this “incident” they realized they could not. Authorities who investigated the port were the ship was. Even though there were passengers aboard this ship, they could not say what had caused the ship to sink.”
There was a list of names that followed the story or what they could gather from the ship wreck:

Mary Ann Johnson Joanna Smith Carri Ann Rain Sarah Burns
Garret Matheson Elizabeth Pennykettle Nicole Salazar Henry Bacon
Susanna Martindale Anders Bergastrom Gwendolen Arthur Riddle
Gorge Sain’clare Roy Alexander Annabeth Jackson Thalia Leap and Mario Gonzalez
When he looked at the name Sarah Burns, he decided to find her birth parents and see how the girl acted and who he married exactly. He wanted a straight answer. He gathered the names and addresses, bade the mayor thanks and departed.
When he got home, he saw “Sarah” playing with the new born and told her to wait for him in the hall while he put the children to bed. By the time he got back, she had set up the items needed. He walked around to the book and read what had to be done, and then looked at the woman who was in his house. He then said, “Letta. RÏsa from what you are doing.” (“Stop. Rise from what you are doing.) She in turn looked up at him and said, “Why? I have brought you nothing but pain and misery. You cannot have a spirit in your wife’s’ body. I will turn everything back.” He looked at her and said something under his breath and looked at his kids photo. It was the first Christmas when Jane was alive and not Sarah. They had the family over and Thomas’s parents gave them the gifts and their kids were happy. Then to his amusement, Sarah said something he would not have known was in her. Three simple words. “I love you.” she said in a low murmur. If the body of Sarah was still alive, it would have been trembling. The last thing that she or he would have expected was that the oldest child walking in and saying, “Dad, what is mom crying about and what is on the floor?” then he saw the book, picked it up and read the cover. He read aloud, “Magicks that involve spirits for old relics. Dad, whose is this?” He walked over to the boy and took the book from him saying, “I found this in the book store and it looked interesting to read so I bought it for when I have spare time” For some reason he felt like he had protect his family and the secret that their mother was another person taking revenge and ended up loving the man she was supposed to. After the child left, Sarah fell to her knees, sobbing.
Then Thomas bent down and whispered into her red from crying ears, “Maela. Shhh. It’s ok. Slytha.” She stopped crying after a few mins and fell soundly a sleep. Thomas picked up his wife and brought her to their bed and laid her down and he too went to bed.
Friday, October 24, 1998. 6:30 am. The Fear bedroom. It was well past his ‘sleeping in’ hour. Thomas got up, showered, and headed back to his wife and whispered “Sarah, vakna know. The children need to be fed and taken to school. I must go out and do some things. I shall be back later.” With that last comment, he headed down to the kitchen to grab a small breakfast toaster strudel and headed out to the car. Now the Fears really don’t go to that may places. They like to be very secretive and like to keep to themselves. But little did Thomas and Sarah know that there youngest new born, Jane, had been crying and amongst the crying, talking in the ancient language. Sarah got up, got the kids, Melissa, John and Andrew, out of bed and getting ready for school.
“‘Good morning to all of the people just tuning in to our Show. It is now 6:39 am and we hope that the traffic cam didn’t leave any crashes or anything out Bob. Here’s the weather. Bob.’ ‘Hello and good morning. Today’s weather looks like its going to be windy and looks like a slight change of hail. Unusual for this time of the month I must say. The only other time we saw this kind of weather was back in 1894. On a Monday morning. Back to you Anna.’ ‘Thanks Bob. I know. It is unusual weather for October. Don’t you thinks so Rhyan?’ ‘Yes I must agree with you. My parents probably aren’t even around when this happed back then.’ Well, while we have the weirdest weather coming, here is the traffic cam for the town. Maria can you tell us what has happened?’ ‘Certainly Anna. Well on i-84 there has been a four car pileup and the cops are clearing that up nicely. I don’t know if there were any survivors. They have not reported anything that looks like it was intentional or not. Then on Rt. 9 north there was a freak accident that there were no traces of a burnout or intentional hit to a black Mazda and the driver has also freakishly gone missing. The authorities are still trying to find the man or woman who owns this car or the fact that someone might know who it belongs to; like a family member or someone that just plain knows him or her. If you do please call the number on your screen.’” The number that came up on the screen was the phone number for the police and it read: 555-4395. “‘Thank you for the little update on that Maria. That is the last of this report but tune in to us again at 7 am coming up. I am Anna Witherspoon and this is Rhyan Jennings. Thank you.’” As Sarah turned the TV off, sighed and called up the stairs to the children saying, “Kids! Hurry up! You’ll miss the bus.
He goes walking in the hallway and the next thing you hear is, Wham! Wham! Someone stifles a scream. Then…nothing.’” “Stop trying to scare the young children Father Andrew.”, said one of the mothers who were ‘pretending’ not to be listening to his stories. The women were supposedly in a meeting about what to do to raise money for a trip somewhere. One mother said, “Well cant we have a tag or Holiday sale of some sort?” “Mary we can’t. You know that. Every one here is as busy as a bee!” Maria said, “Well EXUSE me Mrs. I KNOW EVERYTHING!!!!!” “Cut it out the both of you. We have kids in the room.” “Sorry Julie.” They said in unison. “How about we have a dinner?” everybody stopped talking and turned in their chairs to look at the new comer. When every adult saw who it was, Father Andrew stood up and said, “Good morning Mr. Fear.”, and shook his hand. Everyone knew that even though the Fears never came to church, that they donated a lot of money that goes into the repair or replacement of the rectory or the church itself.
“Well that sounds like a good idea. Ladies?” Asked father. All the ladies had turned chalk white. They new the Fears never went out, nevertheless to church. The woman named Julie looked at father and then at Mr. Fear. After a few mins, she said, “That sounds like a wonderful idea Father. What is the best day to do it?” The other women looked at her stunned; then they started murmuring that something had to be wrong if she was considering an idea from someone other than them, nonetheless him. At that point Thomas realized that all the children were white as ghosts. Then he concluded, they must have heard the stories about my family and their past history. He was cross for a second until father interrupted his thoughts saying, “How about in three Sundays? After mass? All are welcome.” The last comment was thrown at Thomas because he never attended any of the social outgoings that had to do with the church.
After everything was settled, Thomas left and headed to the home of Sarah Burns. When he got there, he sat in his car, observing the house. Taking in the colors, the gardens (Jane loved gardens), and that the fact that there were only two rooms lit; Sarah’s, he concluded, and the kitchen. When he saw someone come out of the house and look straight at his car, he felt obliged to go out and say his dues to the family for their loss.
“Bob, who’s that walking up to the house?”, asked a little old woman who looked about to be in her mid 80’s. Bob looked up and said, “Barbara, I believe that is the man who Jane married.” Barbara looked at the new comer and then back at her husband. When he saw her face, there was one single daughter. For her one single daughter. She still remembered that fateful day. Her daughter. Her one true darling. Lost. Forever. Her stomach still lurched when ever she thought of the day they identified the body to be hers. When they found out the truth from Jane, They cursed and asked WHY! OH WHY!!!! This had to be. There was no answer from the heavens. So she went out to greet the visitor before he even got to the door. When he approached her he said, “I know my timing is so muchly late but I am sorry about your loss. If it is alright with you, I would like to ask you some questions about her.” She looked him up and down for a few moments, and then beckoned him into the living room and for him to take a seat. She asked if he wanted something to drink and at that point Bob came in and shook Thomas’s had and sat down across from him. He asked a series of questions about how she acted around others, her family and friend. He got the answers he was looking for and more. He never knew that she had a passion for the dark Magicks.
By the time he got home, his children were eating dinner and doing homework at the table. When Sarah looked up and saw his face she could already tell he had been to her parents’ house and she asked the kids to clean up their places and take their showers and reminded them to brush their teeth as any good mother would. She got up and cleared away her place saying, “There’s’ pasta for you in the fridge. All you have to do is re-heat it.” and walked away to do the dishes. He walked over to the fridge and took out what was left, noticing there were four lunches made and three bottles waiting for the baby to be used. He closed the door with the food in hand and said to her, “Dûr children are growing audr so fast.” He looked up at her expression. So much sorrow in her heart, he thought to himself.
As Sarah was getting ready for bed, Thomas told her what he did and confirmed her earlier thoughts that he had gone to her mothers. When she was completely ready for bed, she turned and went to check on the children. When she came to Melissa’s room, she found her reading the one book she favored: White Fire. She quietly wrapped the frame of her door and asked if she could come in and talk. Melissa looked at her mother and said she could come in and she asked if she could read her a story. She said she would and came and sat at the foot of the bed. “This was a story that my mother used to tell us when we were young. It starts off as this:
‘There was a man who in turn had a daughter. They lived in the arctic in an igloo where they were miles and miles away from civilization. The daughter was ugly as a horses behind. But nevertheless kind. He did not like having an ugly daughter so the next time he went into civilization; he would try to find her a husband. But every time he found a man, and took him back to see her, he always turned down the girl and every time she would cry at the thought of no man wanting her.
Until one day, her father brought her back a man and she asked her father to come into the igloo he told the man to wait one minute. So he went in to find his daughter crying. Then she screamed and said to him, “How could you bring another man to the igloo! He will say the same thing they always do! ‘I am sorry but your daughter is too ugly to be my wife.’ And then turn away to leave me to cry at night!” “My dear, darling daughter Donna. The men who came to see you could not find the beauty that is inside you. So will you please come outside and see this man?” She nodded slowly and started to straighten her clothing and started to put on what little make up and jewelry she had and followed her father out and as soon as she saw him, her heart fluttered like it always did when she saw someone to her liking. As she and her father approached him, he said, “Ah. Here is the man who is in need of a wonderful wife!” When he turned around, she started to blush and fix her seal skirt. When she saw his face, she fell head over heels like she did with most men but more. When he saw her, he gave her the most handsome and the biggest smile she had ever seen and blushed at the sight of it. They were introduced to each other and he said, “Well you are the most charming woman I have seen and I do not understand why those men would turn away from the beauty that I see.” After saying that, she blushed even harder and was breathless from the comment. He asked if she would wed him and she was so happy from the question, the only word she could say was yes. When her reply was evident, he said, “Well, we need someone to wed us. Would it be you?” he asked her father. He said he’d be honored and he would throw a big celebration. When the groom-to-be heard this he said there was no need. It would be just the tree of us. They got married and they all lived happily ever after. The end.”
By the time she finished her story, Melissa was already asleep so she tucker her in, pulled the covers up to her chin and kissed her good night and turned off the lamp on the bedside table. When she was done, she left and went to check on any others who were still up. She saw her youngest son playing and told him to clean up and go to bed. Then she herself went to bed and sighed before she did, tired.
Monday, December 8, 2002. “Mommy can we go see the poley bears?” asked the youngest daughter Jane. “We can if you hurry up and clean up your dishes and get yourself ready in forty minutes.” “Mom is you serious? I don’t want to see no dumb bear!”, cried her oldest son who was now 13. Jane heard the comment and started to cry. Sarah scolded him for saying that and calmed Jane down and told her that we’ll see the polar bears and have John apologize for hurting her feelings. After he did, Sarah declared they were ready for the big fuzzy poley bears (as Jane would say it). They got to the zoo and of course they were alone and the outcast of the park. There aren’t that many people who go to these places any more. We used to come when we were kids and it used to be packed, thought Sarah. They went through the different exhibits before coming to see the one animal they came for; the polar bears.
As Jane got closer to the pen she saw the big fuzzy white mass that was the polar bears’ main bear; Ingavar. As soon as she saw him, she said, “Mommy look, it’s the poley bear I saw in my dream!” In her dream?, thought Sarah. She never said she saw a polar bear in her dreams. Odd that she knew of the bear before she even came here. Thomas was looking at the snow leopards and she told John to keep an eye on his sister while she goes to talk to daddy. “Thomas. Jane had a dream she saw the polar bear in the pen over there and she SAW it in her dream!”, said Sarah. Thomas looked her in the face and said, “Eta! That can’t be! We have never come here before!” “I know. It worries me. She called him a name. The name that was on the plaque and she can’t even read yet! How did she know his name was Ingavar?!?!” When Thomas was about to reply to her comment, they hear John scream, “Mom…? Mom! Hurry! Jane went over the fence when I was distracted and she won’t listen to me now! She’s like half way up the snow bank and to the bear!” Sarah whirled around and her eyes darting back and forth for the nearest animal keeper and ran over and told her what happened and she went to talk to her husband her son couldn’t stop her. It took about forty to forty-five minutes to try and find Jane in the midst of the white in the cage.
When the keeper and Sarah got to the end gate, they saw the bear was sitting like a very dignified cat and looking at her with intense blue eyes and Jane, just sitting on the nearest rock looking at the bear and singing in the ancient language. When Sarah heard the words, she turned pale. How could Jane be speaking in the ancient language? Sarah asked herself. I must speak to Thomas about this. ”Can you get in to distract the bear long enough so I can grab my daughter?”, asked Sarah to the keeper. “Yes, but you have to be quick. He’s very fast and will rear. On the count of three.”, the keeper commented. “One…..two……THREE!” Sarah ran as fast as her fat shoes would take to her daughter and ran back to the open door to the tunnel that leads back outside of the other side of the fence. As soon as the keeper was out and running to the family, she said to Jane, “Now don’t go doing that again ok honey.” All Jane did was continued to hum and nod her head. Sarah was so upset right now, all she could do was take in deep breaths and pace until Thomas came over and told her to get the kids. They were leaving. Period.
When they got home, Sarah told the four kids to go upstairs and shower to get ready for bed. When the four of them had gone up the stairs and out of earshot, Sarah said, “I don’t know what Jane was doing! I turned my back on her and her brother for a minuet and poof! The next thing I know John screaming for me.” She let out a sigh and sat down with her head in her hands. After a few minutes she said, “I don’t know what to do Thomas. Too many things are happening and I don’t like it.” After her saying this, Thomas went up to her and bent down on one knee and put his hand on her knee and told her that everything would be ok and that things will soon be as they were. When she picked her head up from out of her hands, and she searched his face for any sign that h there would be any hope in that things would be better, when she couldn’t see any thing that indicated that they where, she sobbed into his shoulder and they stayed like that for a few seconds. Then she pulled away and said she is going into the study for a while and for him to go to bed and not to worry about her. So he dad as she said and went to bed, but instead of not being worried, he had all the guilt that he wouldn’t be able to help her get over what happened that day. But before he when to bed, he vowed to be the best husband he should be.
Six weeks later… “Mom! What am I going to wear to school!”, yelled to his mother who was down stairs cooking breakfast and then doing the ironing. Sarah called up to John, “John, I don’t know. Find something clean. And NOTHING WRINCKLED!” He picked up one of his favorite graphic tees.
The image was of a band that his mother didn’t approve of his listening but allowed him to listen to. To her, the name was weird alone, but when she saw the members of the band she hated it altogether. On the tee were the members and the name of the band in big bold letters, “SLIPKNOT”, in the middle of it.
John nonchalantly sniffed the armpits of the shirt and then the rest of the shirt to see if it was clean. When he decided the shirt was not, as his sister would call it “Puke bad but dog droppings ugly”. She meant that the shirt smelled really bad at times and that the people on the shirt were ugly compared to her graphic tees. In Sarah’s opinion, Melissa was right, the tee was weird.
The children were older now and had more responsibility. John was now 16, Melissa is 14, Andrew is 12 and Jane is 10. John had a girlfriend that was very pleasant and very muchly like the fears. She was sort of an emo/ normal girl. She wore graphic tees, the ripped jeans, the skater sneakers, the jet black hair and the gloves. The one thing that made her more normal was that she was friendly, out going, nice to others, helpful and the one thing she pretty muchly wore was the red and purple butterfly clip in her hair. They have been dating for about two weeks and Thomas and Sarah approved of her. To them, she was one of the family.
“Mom!” yelled John. “Where’s my jeans?” Sarah sighed and looked at the clock and yelled up the stairs, “I don’t know! Try looking in your drawers!” John was going to reply when he heard the doorbell go off and swore silently to himself. His girlfriend was here and he wasn’t even ready yet! Sarah went to the door to let Claire in but was beat by Melissa. She opened the door to let her in, but as she opened the door, Claire was looking totally emo except for the butterfly clip.
She wore a Tokio Hotel shirt, the classic ripped at the knee, the bottom and at the thighs on both legs of the jeans. When Sarah got to the door she asked her daughter to go get her brother and asked Claire to come in and sit down. Claire thanked her and walked into the living room and took a seat on the couch besides Andrew, who was watching pro wrestling. Andrew breifly looked up to see who walked in and said hi to Claire, who in turn, said hi back and made a comment that one of the wrestlers, according to Andrew was Johncina, that he looked like he was on drugs. But Andrew started to protest as his big brother John walked in and asked Claire if she was ready to leave.
Claire looked up to see him in his Slipknot shirt and replied, “Wait. I want to see what happens to the wrestler.” So he sat down on the other side of Claire and kept quiet until she said she said she was ready. As they walked to the back door, Claire called out, “Bye Mr. and Mrs. Fear! We’ll be back!” Sarah, Melissa, and Andrew replied but Mr. Fear was in his study preoccupied with the book that Sarah had purchased over the last 10 years. He couldn’t figure out what to do with it. Sarah had begged him to burn it but he couldn’t find the heart to, so he kept it in his bookshelf with all of the other books he collected that were from the ancient language.
When Sarah rapped on the door to his study, he called out, “Sarah, is that you?” “Yes.” Came a muffled sound at the other side of the door. When he heard the sound, he got up and opened the door of the study to let her in. as she walked in, she offered him some tea and said, “Eka elrun ono.” (I thank you.) After she turned to see his collection, she notices the one, shiney bound back book on his desk and almost immediately she turned, and paled. She recognized the book. She looked from the book to Thomas and then to the open door. Then, in one swift motion, she closed the door with the wave of her hand.
She then looked at Thomas and asked, “Why?” He made no motion as to her question. She then said to the book, but looking at Thomas, saying, “Audr! Flauga fram!” The book almost immediately took flight for her had as she had it out stretched. Just before it hit center of its flight, in his hand, Thomas said, “Eta! I know what you plan to do and can’t let you do it.” She looked at him and she pointed at another book and said, “Flauga!” and the heavy, thick paged book jerked free from its spot on the shelf and was soon soaring through mid air at him and he had just enough time to counter attack the book with a swing of his open arm. His reaction to this made her step back a pace and think of another tactic of getting the book from his hand. She then realized that there was the perfect opportunity to use the just the one word that would make him drop the book, but she had to do it quick and the send another quick word to stop and heal what she had in mind. She then stepped back into reality and in one swift moment she yelled one word.
Lost Love
She had been hoping for what had turned out o be what she wanted. He dropped the book, but at the same time his clothing and skin were burning. She said the same words and the book flew to her and then she said, “Waíse heill!” And the pain and the fire were gone in an instant. She then picked the book up and she looked back at Thomas and said the last words he heard her say. “Atra du evarinya ono thelduin, Thomas.” And she left the room without saying another word.
Eleven __
John and Claire went to the mall and as they entered Hot Topic, he felt this sudden burst of pain in his right hand. When he looked, there was a burn etched into the palm and extending to the elbow. When she noticed he stopped about 10 feet from her, she turned around to see him clenching his hand. She then, seeing his facial expression, ran to him and asked what was the matter and she helped him into a corner of the store where they couldn’t be seen or over heard. She helped him sit on the floor. When he removed his other hand and to reveal this awesome tattoo-like indentation on his arm and hand. When Claire mentioned that she had seen a mark like this in a weird text book, she saw one day at the book store. When he asked which book store, she said, “The old book store down on west main st. by old man Chungs.” He said they had better find a pair of gloves to cover the mark until they got home. So Claire and John found a pair and bought them so that when they walked by people, nobody would say a thing.
When they got home, they found Melissa, Andrew and Jane in their rooms. Jane noticed they were home first and ran to tell the others. When John asked where mom and dad were, Jane replied, “Daddy is in his study. Mommy went out to some place. She had a book with her.” He couldn’t quite grasp what she meant by their mom had a weird book with her and what she meant by their mom not telling where she was going. She usually tells us where she’s going, thought John. ‘Maybe dad knows where she went?’” he mumbled more to himself than he did to the others, but Claire heard it.
John then went to his fathers study to find a note on his desk. It read:
“To anyone who finds this note. I have gone to look for my dear Jane. She has left and I might know where she has gone. There is an ice cream parlor at the outskirts of town. You can’t miss it. I have gone there in search of here. “Signed Thomas Fear.” said John as he finished reading out loud to Claire.
Game Plan
Alright.” Said John to his younger siblings. “Claire and I are going to this abandoned ice cream parlor in search of mom and dad. You three stay home and call me if they come home before we get to the place. If we find them, I’ll call but let it ring for a minute and I’ll hang up.” After a brief pause to gather his thoughts, John said, “Melissa, your in charge. Keep them out of trouble and clean up the house except for dad’s study. Claire, you ready?” Claire double checked their packs and nodded once, and then they both grabbed one of the many skateboards from one of the many walls and headed to the outskirts of town.
Meanwhile…… “Please Connor! Come down to the old abandoned ice cream parlor where Jane and I used to hang out a lot. I need you.”
Connor was the boy who, in the beginning who I said wasn’t quite my friend. Connor was in love with me since we first met. I was walking to my house with Jane when we saw a moving van in the next house. When we walked by we noticed a boy, muscular, yet medium build unloading boxes and he looked about our age and we started giggling because he was looking staring like he never saw any real girls before. When we got home my mother made us go and bring a pie or some weird house welcoming our new neighbors to the street. We went over and introduced ourselves to the gentleman who looked like he was the adult. When the boy we saw earlier came by with the boxes, his dad grabbed his arm and told him to put the boxes down and nice girls. He looked at us and said in the deepest voice we had ever, “Hi I’m Connor Stoll.” (If you had read the Percy Jackson serious, you would know who that is.) We tried not to laugh and said hi back. Then came his brother. The hottest gut we ever saw. He had sandy blonde hair with the comb over to the left. A cut-off cowboy shirt so that you could see the tattoo with biker gloves. Jeans ripped at the knee and thigh. And for shoes, he wore black and gray biker boots. He introduced himself as Carliale.
Any way……
“Please Connor! Need you.” Sarah pleaded. “No. Why don’t you call up the one person you love! Carliale!” he yelled and was quiet for a few seconds. Then you could hear a quiet sob. Then his voice came back and he said fine. He’ll come. “I’ll come because I haven’t seen you in years and plus, you have to prove that you really are Sarah. NOT Jane.” Then there was a random click and Connor’s end was silent,
Sarah ran a hand through her short hair and let out some hot steam. The next thing that happened to her was that Connor had gotten there fast than she thought.

Old Friends and weird meetings

Claire and John had gotten as far as the North End when the one person they didn’t expect to see: their math teacher; Mr. Carliale Stoll. On a motorcycle. Claire looked at John and John said, “Is that……?” “Mr. Stoll?!?” Claire finished his sentence for him. They HAD to check this out. As far as they knew, he only drove a 1970’s Cammero. Nobody, not even the principle knew if he drove a motorcycle. So as the motorcycle came to a stop, Claire and John, looking very suspicious, skateboarded up to him and the then the weirdest thin Happened, “Hello John. Claire.” That was all they needed. The man knowing who they were was proof enough that the mid 30’s aged man on a motorcycle was, indeed, their very brainy Mr. Stoll. They were so stunned; they kept rolling past him with their mouths open wide. When they realized what they did, they turned around to go back to the man. When they got back, he was already parked in front of ‘Ferdinanz Pizza Restaurant and Grill’. The two skidded to a stop and stopped just in time not to get dirt on Mr. Stolls’ shoes. Finally after a few mins, John had the courage to say, “Mr. Stoll? What happened to you? At school you’re all like ‘Mr. Old School car and all punk like’ and now you’re like ‘Mr. I’m a motorcyclist and I like to wear cool boots and stuff!” Carliale laughed, but soon realized he was serious. He apologized for laughing and explained why he was like that. He said he grew up like that and he always lived his life that way so he nothing in his life changed, then he asked, “Where y’all headed to on those pretty cool skateboards?” John was the one to answer, “We’re going to the outskirts of town on business.” That was all the old man needed. They said there farewells and Claire and John left Mr. Stoll to his own things. As they left, Mr. Stoll was puzzled as to why two kids would go to the outskirts of town at this time of day. Then another thing happened; Mr. Fear was pulling up to the same place to eat and to ask questions if Sarah had been. As he got out of his car, Carliale went over to him and asked what he was doing here. The Fear’s never go out so it was weird. “Hi Mr. Fear. What brings you here to this restaurant? I just saw your Claire and John a few mins ago.” At the mention of his sons name made him feel eerie and that his son was up to something he shouldn’t be doing. “Mr. Stoll, where and which way did they go?” asked Thomas with a quick note of urgency or annoyance, Carliale couldn’t tell. “They said they were going to the outskirts of town on some business. Why?” Mr. Fear thanked him and drove off at a very dangerous speed. They found my note, he concluded.
“Connor, please, believe me. I may look like Jane, but I’m the spirit of Sarah.” She pleaded. The 6”3” man with a very good build for a 50 year old. “How can I? You haven’t proved anything to me. If you really are Sarah, then you would know the deepest and darkest secret I told you when we were 16.” She tried to concentrate but the lights and the odd objects that was making her eyes wander around the room until it, at last, fell on the one thing that hadn’t faded after all these years; a drawing of a clearing in the woods. Then, out of nowhere, a memory came flooding back to Sarah.
It was the day after my birthday. I remember now. You left me a note on my desk. It said to meet you in the glade where the pretty thing grew, as you called it. At this point, she sat down at one of the overturned tables in the parlor.
“I had just turned 16. You were already there when I stumbled in from the woods.” She said as he walked toward a boarded up window. ‘I was 16. Continue.’ He said as she paused to catch her breath. “You were looking at something until you turned to face me.”
(At this point there’s a flashback to this memory.)
You left a message for me to come meet you here Connor. What is it you want?’ I asked. He turned around to take in what she looked like before he asked her something that would change their friendship. Plucking up the courage, he said, ‘We are both now 16-’ ‘Ya? So? What of it?’ she cut him off quickly. ‘As I was saying. We are both 16 and I want to tell you a story.’ Connor finished. He motioned for her to sit on the big hollow tree that fell. She sat quickly and he began his tale. “There’s a lad that had a best friend, who was a lass. They did everything together: they did chores, sword play, homework, and whatever they wanted. Then one day the boy started to have feelings for his best friend, but he didn’t know how to express this to her.” He then suddenly got up and stalked off and then he made his decision. He would ask. He sighed softly, and then cleared his throat. “Sarah. Will you…Will you marry me?” he asked as he fingered the ring he was holding. Sarah, so taken back by this sudden question, looked at him and then into the ground around her. He saw the expression on her face and said hastily, ‘I can provide for us! I have a job. Please, Sarah! Say yes!” she then stood and walked over to where he was standing, looked into his eyes, closed hers and gently cupped his face, and gently kissed his lips and deeply regretted her answer and said, “No.” As he watched his beloved walk away, he noticed he was still fingering the ring and tossed it aside at the unexpected visitor, his brother. He saw his brother ask her and when she rejected him, he felt going up to her and saying that he spent all of the money he had from working to buy the ring. But fearful of making his brother madder, he stayed well behind a pine and waited until he left the clearing and picked the ring up and put it in his pocket for later use.
As Sarah finished the memory out loud, she found Connor kneeling in front of her with the same expression and asked the same question in his eyes. ‘Would you marry me?’ his eyes said pleading. He was convinced that it truly was her because no one but them and Carliale knew of this story. As she looked at his aged face, she saw what the cause of him being single was. He awaited her return and then that dream crushed when he learned of he supposed death. Then, out of nowhere his love returned to him in the form another. At that moment, they heard the scraping of skateboards against cement.
Mass confusion
Connors’ head whipped around in alarm at the noises of the approach of the yelling and doors slamming. The next thing he heard was a mans’ voice yell, “Go Home! You should not be here. Go home to the others. Now!” and at that moment, the sounds of skateboards against the cement. Then. Nothing.
As she heard the noises, her heart skipped a few beats and then stopped. She knew those voices. Not Good, she told herself. Not good at all. While the yelling was going on, Connor had moved slightly towards the door. He still couldn’t see who the voices belonged to, but he had to get out of there. He then rushed to Sarah and grabbed her by the arm, but he couldn’t get her to move. He ran to the window that had a crack of light coming in and peered through. The only thing out there was the mysterious car, the voice of the man and then as he watched the owner to the husky, deep voice came into view. As he watched, a sudden realization as to who it was, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but he was sure of one thing: he was mad.
A few mins later, he saw two kids about the age of 16 come into view. They both were on skateboards. ‘What would a bunch of kids be doing here?’ Connor asked aloud. Soon, he began to realize why Sarah couldn’t move: She knew them.
John and Claire got back to the house, they found Jane in bed, Andrew reading and Melissa cleaning the up dinner, or whatever was left of it. “What happened here?” asked John immediately when he saw the ceiling and floor covered, and I mean COVERED, in what looked like it was meant to be spaghetti sauce. Melissa was on her hands and knees trying to clean us as fast as possible before their parents got home. Claire offered to help and Melissa agreed to it and that there was too much of a mess to be cleaned up for one girl. “You can change into a pair of my paint-splattered clothing.” Said Melissa. “Are you sure? I don’t want to ruin one of you r clothing.” Claire replied. Melissa said it was no problem. So the three of them finally got the kitchen clean. Melissa said she was turning in for the night, hugged her brother and went to her room.
“Well. There’s no sense in you going home for the night. Why don’t you stay here for the night?” John asked. “I don’t know John. Wont you parents kill you if they found me here?” They were sitting in Johns’ room. Him on the bed and Claire in the chair to his desk. “I don’t think so. They approve of you though.” At this point, the arm with the mark on it hadn’t been bothering him until he heard car doors slamming and all John remembers is pain. Searing pain, and then…nothing.
Claire right across from John; heard a last cry from his lips and then nothing. She couldn’t understand what had caught him by surprise and rushed to his side. When she got there, she shook him, but no response. She looked around desperately to try to find out what did it. Then her gaze fell on his arm. It was glowing. Glowing blue. She quickly pulled off the glove and it was glowing more and more brightly. In the next few mins, she couldn’t believe what she saw.
The pattern that was the mark looked normal to any human eye. As she looked closer, it wasn’t her imagination. The little patterns were…were moving! She gasped and at that moment, she heard Johns’ parents coming up the stairs to check on the younger kids. She bit her lip to the point where it bled. She had to do something. She had to do it fast.
As the skateboards grew distant, the footsteps getting closer. She heard a faint click and a flash of light came into the parlor. Connor grabbed Sarah by the arm and this time she went with him. There was no sense in being caught by someone. Connor pulled her behind a counter and into the kitchen in time because the beam of light fell on the spot where she previously stood. She peeked out of one of the many holes that had developed over time, to see her husband walking by with a flashlight. As he walked by, she paled in the flickering light that was provided in the kitchen. They had to escape. Fast. Connor came up behind her, unnoticed, and scaring her, almost yelling out. She felt his warm hand make its way to her trembling hand. She was thankful for someone who wasn’t her husband.
Thomas clicked on his flashlight and stepped into the parlor, waving the light around the room. He turned around to see a pretty drawing that was by far, the only thing in there that hadn’t faded. He then noticed that a chair was dusted off. He walked up to it and examined it. Someone had been sitting her for a few mins. And it was someone alive. Thought Thomas as he continued to walk around the front part. He heard a slight gasp, like someone was still here. He was about to go and look when a mouse ran past and almost making him jump.
The mouse was the perfect distraction for Sarah and Connor to escape out through the back. They quietly made their way to the back exit and managed to open and close the door without Thomas hearing them. Thankfully Connor had pulled around back and his car was so silent, that Thomas didn’t hear them drive away and go to Connors’ house. Undetected.
Thomas kept looking around the parlor and went into the kitchen to only find mice and bugs and spider webs covering everything. Then he went back the way he came and stopped to look at that drawing again. He then had an idea. He took the drawing and headed out the door. It would have some use later. As he was walking to his car, his cell went off. It was Sarah. “Hello? Sarah? Where are you? I’ve been looking for you since you left me unconscious and walked away.” He said as he picked up the phone call.
“I’m at a very old friends’ house. I new I could talk to him. But I think it’s time we go our separate ways.” She told him. They were in Connors’ bedroom and she was on one side of it and him on the other. She didn’t say anything but Thomas said, “Why? Have I wronged you? Tell me? I’m going to come and get you stay there.” Then he hung up, got in his car and drove away. He knew that the house she was at was a three hour drive from where he was.
As she hung up, Connor pulled her to him and asked her to marry her once she settled the divorce with Thomas. She said yes and kissed him and then from there things got very hot and heavy.
Thomas was very confused as to why Sarah would want to divorce him and leave the kids with him. He had to find out the reason. By the time he got to Connors house Sarah and Connor were in the kitchen eating. Apparently Sarah showered and washed her clothing while she was here. Thought Thomas. Sarah was first to see him and she said her farewells to Connor and gave him a hug and a kiss good-bye with that, ‘I’ll be with you in a matter of time. My new love.’ Connor hugged her and bade them good night. They were soon on their way back to the Fear residence. They got home with doors slamming; Sarah went in to check on the younger children.
John and Claires’ secret
After they had checked on the younger kids, Sarah wanted to make sure that John had gotten home safe and he was in bed. As she went by, she noticed a weird light coming from under the door. She slowly moving closer to it, she tried to stop the trembling incase he was sleeping lightly. (He often did) She went to grab the door knob but as she did, she heard fumbling of blankets, and thought, Oh s**t! He’s getting up! I had better go before he finds me! She left the door alone and went back down the stairs to find Thomas waiting for her. He was standing like the national guard would, legs shoulder width apart, hands clasped behind his back and standing strait with the, ‘We need to talk. Now’ kind of face. She reluctantly followed behind him, quiet and gathering her thoughts as he led them to his study, knowing how badly and the outcome was going to end horribly.
Claire heard Sarah come down the hall again and she knew that she would try and come in to see if he was home and sleeping. She had only two options left: One- go into the closet and hide until she left or: Two- ruffle the blankets so that she would think he was getting up to go to the bathroom or something. Sarah was closing in fast on the room, so the only choice she had was to ruffle the blankets. That did the trick. Sarah heard the noise and went down stairs. She sighed in relief. She had to decide how to cover and keep the mark a secret. At that point, John was starting to come around. The mark had started to fade away to its light blue form. John gave a slight groan. Claire rushed to his side and started to cradle his head and have him slightly sit up. She didn’t want him to pick his head up too fast and get a headache. When he was fully conscious, he asked what happened to him and if his parents were home yet. Claire shushed him and told him that both his parents were home and she has ruffled his covers so his mother wouldn’t find out about the mark. John scratched his head thinking what to do next. Sarah said she wanted to go get something to drink and offered to bring back some for John and he agreed. As Claire was going down the stairs, she came across a rather old, leather bound book with silver etched into it and picked it up to show John. She went to the kitchen and drank a glass of water and made another to take up to John. She went back up stairs and gave John his glass and took out the book she found. There was no name in it to return it to so he decided to read and look through it. When he got o a certain page and there was a picture of the mark, Claire stopped him and said, “That’s IT! This is the book I saw it in! That’s the mark on your arm!” John flipped the book so that both of them could look. When he asked what language the book was written in, she said plainly. “The Ancient Language. Elves, humans and dwarves alike used to speak in this tongue.” He looked at her quizzically like, how do you know all this stuff and can you read or say any of it? She replied to his questioning face, “Yes. In fact, my mother taught me how to do all three, speak, read and write in the ancient language.” She read in English and pointed to the caption under the picture of the mark, ‘This is the mark of the Dragon Riders who have passed from years. This mark only appears on those who are capable of reading, writing, speaking, and fighting in the ancient language. These people were known as the almighty Dragon Riders. They were allowed to live where ever, do what they wanted and were able to speak and ride dragons all over the world.’ John looked at Claire and she said that she didn’t know the history behind the Dragon Riders’ legacy, but ever since she had shown signs of learning the ancient language, she has been taught by her mother who could read, write, speak and sing in the language. She had at least 20 books in the language and could also sing herself in the language. The songs she was taught were so beautiful. Most of them were lullabies.
“Can you teach me a little bit? Only the basics?” asked John. “Sure but I can also teach you how to say some spells.” She flipped through the book and found a section where there were some translations to some easier words and phrases. “We’ll start here.” She pointed to a paragraph.

壱. Hlaupa-run Hljödhr-silent Jierda-break; hit Ebrithil-master Kodthr-catch
壱. Rïsa-rise Letta-stop Wiol ono. - for you. Waíse heill- be healed.
壱. Zar’roc-misery Wyrda-fate Eta-no Etzil nithgech!-Stop there! Hírna-likeness; statue
壱. Knurlhiem-Stonehead Oeí-yes; affirmative Otho-faith Vanyali-elf (magic)
壱. Vrron-enough Ahgrat ukmar. –It is done. Isidar Mithrim- Star Rose
壱. Hûthvir-double-bladed staff Barzûl- to curse someone with ill-fate
壱. Barzûln-to curse someone with multiple misfortunes Barzûl knurlar!-Curse them!
弐. Thrysta vindr. –Compress the air. Thrysta-compress; thrust Jierda- brake; hit
壱. Skulblaka-dragon Sé mor’ranr ono finna. - May your swords stay sharp!
壱. Kvetha Fricai.-Greetings, Friend. Gánga fram- to go forward
壱. Gánga aptr- to go backwards Fairth-a picture taken by magical means
壱. Draumr kópa- dream stare Brisingr-fire Blöthr-halt; stop Slytha-witch
壱. Atra nosu waíse vardo fra eld hórnya. –Let us be warded from listeners.
壱. Adurna-water Aiedail-the morning star Argetlam-Silver Hand Dûr-Our
壱. Atra esterní ono thelduin/Mor’ranr lífa unin hjarta onr/Un du evarinya ono varda.- May good fortune rule over you/Peace live in your heart/And the stars watch over you.

壱. Audr-up Deyja-die Dröttningu-Princess Eka elrun ono. –I thank you.
壱. Flauga-fly Fricai onr eka eddyr. –I am your friend. Maela-quiet
It was like three hours later when Claire finally told him what she knew.
As soon as Sarah went threw that door, she knew things were going badly. He would ask what she was doing at Connors, why she wanted to divorce him, and what she did with the book.
She sat down in one of the three chairs facing Thomas’s desk while he stood looking at his bookshelf behind the desk; not talking for about four or five mins before he said, “Do you think you know why you are in here Sarah?” Without a second thought she said, “Oeí.” “Fine then. Speak your mind Seithr!” Sarah was about to reply when there was a knock at the door. Neither of them made a move to get the door. After a pause there was another knock and nobody moved. Then all you heard was wood.
All is told
After knowing what his limits where, Claire and John went down to the study to tell his parents that he had the mark on his arm of the ancient language and the powers that come with it. He knocked on the door but there was no response. He could tell by the light under the door that there were at least two people in the room. He knocked again. Still no movement or sign of being let in and he knew that most of the time the door was locked and only his father knew where the key was. There was only one way to get inside that room. Magic. As silent as a ninja, he took a deep breath and whispered, “Jierda!” The next thing you hear is the crack of splintering wood.
John was a little tired from the magic but soon recovered. As soon as the wood finished cracking, John saw Sarah and Thomas crouching behind the desk away from any flying pieces of wood. As the four of them got up, John and Claire walked over the ruble and into the room. Nothing but the door was severely harmed. All the books and stuff were intact. Thomas and Sarah came around the desk and had puzzled looks on their faces. John was the first to talk. “Mom. Dad. We need to talk. Now. Sit if you can find a place. I have something to show and tell you guys. When I finish, don’t accuse me of anything. Or I will do something.” He said in a very serious tone. They have never heard this kind of voice coming from John. The obeyed because they wanted to hear what he had to say.
“First I’ll show you part of my secret that just started to affect my life. Hold any questions until I finish the other part of the secret. Hear this well: Claire was not part of this happening. She only got involved after.” He pulled off the glove and his shirt to reveal a shimmering blue, tattoo-like image starting from the palm if his right hand and extending up to his right shoulder. As he took off the shirt and glove, Sarah had a sinking felling. She didn’t voice them because she had enough sense to wait until his secret was at its full. After staring at the mark for three minutes, he started to repeat his tale as to how he got the mark, when it happened and where it happened.
When he was finished, Sarah got up and started to give him a hug but then quickly stopped because she didn’t k now how much magic he knew. Thomas looked down at his hands in his lap and thought how this could happen now. Of all these years without any sign of magic; and now all of a sudden, bam!; his son, John, was possessed the ability he dreamed of. He was taught in the ancient language and had limited abilities to it, but now that he knew this, his mother was going to try and conceal it away or just get rid of it completely.
“How long have you known?” she asked in a tone that was odd coming from her. When he didn’t answer, she half yelled it and half cried it, “How LONG have you known?!?!?!?” At this point she is crying hard and fell to her knees searching for answers. When he finally found his voice, he said, “A week.” With a gulp at the end.

EmO sWeEt HeArT

Rachel Smilely
Community Member
Rachel Smilely
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