Denny: Hey Clarissa!
Clarissa: Yeah?
Denny: Remember that one time! With the guy, the crazytongue and the rapin'?
Clarissa: Oh yeah. That guy was nuts! D8
Grace: What?
Clarissa: This guy, his tongue, blood and lots of sex.
Grace: D8 Ewww.
Denny: Lots of messy lickin too!
Clarissa: I was never right again, in the head.
Denny: Yeah.
Arognat: What the ******** are you two talking about?! D8<
Clarissa: Once when I was sixteen I got myself stuck in a ventilation shaft trying to escape a prison! Denny was just a small little herb-like thingy bein all cute and panicky!
Denny: Yeah! Then like, when Clarissa was crawlin' through this vent, we found this one room! It was crazy!
Clarissa: Yeah! There was this guy in there! He was all lanky and his skin was all grey but dark grey in a sickly, creepy, way...His eyes were blood red all over. I could barely make out any of his iris! He had long, black hair covering parts of his face! Worse was some blood that was just slidin' down his mouth and his cheek!
Denny: And then he lashed out his tongue and licked the blood offa it and was all like, spazzing out over it! D8
Clarissa: *cough* He was kinda, um, getting, very excited over it. There was someone in that room with him too...This lady. Well he started sayin stuff and I couldn't make out what it was but yeah, he did bad stuff to her. D8
Arognat: Where the ******** were you?!
Clarissa: I told you! In prison! I had escaped and while I was in the vents I found myself in an area overlooking this cell with him and her in it. I just kinda watched, unable to move because it was so...surreal...He had long, spider-like limbs too and *shudders*.
Denny: Tell her when he saw ya! Tell herrrrrr!!
Arognat: Holy ********!
Clarissa: Yeah, when I finally got to look away, I got this sudden chill and looked back... : < He was staring up at me. But the vent's cover was still there! I was all like, 'No way! He can't see me! D8' But I swear, he was looking up at me, crawling under the vent and when I tried to crawl away his hands broke through the vent and started feeling around for me! D8
Grace: D8 Wh-what did you do?
Clarissa: I ran the ******** away! D8
Arognat: That's creepy...
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Clarissa Crossette-Gahn
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Piss off plz 8D.