Long after the disappearance of Karamend, seven Chaoseran wolves were exiled from their pack. The seven wolves Banned togeather and set off to start a new life. The eventually came across a strange glass orb that was created by Karamend. In an act of self defense, the orb cursed each of the wolves, one curse for each of man's sins.
Kura: Given the curse of sloth. He can become one with the shadows, but every time he moves, his bones cause him great pain.
Shard: Given the curse of lust. His fur became viciouscoat of indestructable needles. protects him, but also cuts up any who try to touch him...including those he loves.
Rai: Given the curse of gluttony. His fangs became Iron, and can be imbedded in his enemies and detonated. However, If he does not regularly shed his fangs, they will grow right through his jaw. Also, the bitter taste of metal never leaves his mouth.
Ryke: Given the curse of wrath. He has the power of an antarctic blizard at his disposal, however, he is now incapable of feeling any kind of warmth.
Razu: Given the curse of envy. As soon as he opens his eyes, he becomes the first thing he sees. Unfortunately, the first thing he saw was a rock. now he will be trapped in this form until the curse is lifted.
Korith: Given the curse of pride. He was made completely invisible, and completely silent. His inability to interact with others drove him mad, and he threw himself off of a cliff.
Shira: Given the curse of greed. If she desired something nearby, she could pull it to her with immense force. Unfortunately, while she was sleeping, a boulder was pulled onto her head.
These seven wolves were sentenced to guard the orb for 50 years while it recharged it's energy. Only then could their curses be lifted.
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"When science has uttered her voice, let babblers hold their peace."
~Jules Verne