Natalie sighed, as she flicked the channels. Her parents had gone out for their anniversery, and left her alone in the house. Natalie got bored very easily. Right now, she refused to go to sleep, until her parents returned. She stopped at a news broadcast. She had nothing better to do. Besides, she never saw this one. It was about a mass murderer, named Angelena Garcia Smith. She was supposed to be marrying her feiance, Micheal Smith, but he never showed up for the wedding. Everyone was anxious to get on with the wedding. None were more anxious than Angelena. In a fit of rage, she got him on the phone, but, instead of Micheal, it was a woman, who claimed to be his girlfriend. Already enraged, Angelena thew down the phone, rushed into the kitchen, took up a knife, and slaughtered everyone in the church. After this blood bath, she marched to the bridegroom's house, broke down the door, and killed both Micheal and his girlfriend. Not content with this, Angela continued her killing spree. She had been nicknamed "the Bride", for she never removed her blood-soaked wedding gown after the first massacre. Natalie quickly switched the channel, just as a flash of lightning illuminated a window nearby. Natalie shrieked, as she thought she saw a shadow run from the window. She grabbed the phone, and dialed the police, "Officer! Officer! I think the Bride is at my house," "Calm down, miss, the Bride was last seen miles away from town, and this was two hours ago. No way has the Bride came to your house, ya hear me?" "Yes, officer, sorry to bother you," "It's quite alright miss." After this phone conversation ended, Natalie changed the channel, and watched some old-fashion cartoons, determined to push the Bride from her memory. Half an hour later, a loud crash from over head brought back Angelena. Natalie dialed the police once more, "Officer, I think someone broke into my house," "What makes you so sure?" "Well, I heard a lourd crash, like a window breaking, and I'm the only one in my house." "O.K, I'll send a squad car over. It should arrive in about five minutes," "Thank you," Angelena hung up the phone, and a breath of relief barly escaped her lips, when the phone rang, "Hello, Carter residents," "Miss? Oh, thank heavens you're O.K. Listen, I want you to leave the house. And leave the house now! We had a double hang-up, and it came from your end of the line....miss? MISS?...."
The End
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by: 69gamergod420
I am vulnerable, vibrant and at times hostile when stressed.
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Town Flowers

by: knife fight mouse
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( they/them | 30 )
NOT_a_sexual_username is my platonic life partner.

by: 69gamergod420
I am vulnerable, vibrant and at times hostile when stressed.
Current Quest:
Town Flowers

by: knife fight mouse
May happiness follow you, wherever you go.
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