Alright. Just got done screaming.
I love the new hairstyles. Like... a lot. I saw the lolita hairstyle and went "HEY. D:<" because... I'm really not sure, actually. But when I went to the next page and saw the long, curly hair I stood up and just screamed. :D "That's me!" I shout. xD I'm such a dork. But seriously. My haircolor. My hair length. I'm getting bangs soon, and have been considering curling my hair. In fact... >__> My hair is really curly, but when you brush it out the curls puff up, creating that blasted Irish curl. D: So I'm curling the straight half of my hair. ... Or was it straitening the curly half?
But whatever. If I changed the eye color to blue and skin to pale white, my avatar'd look a lot more like me. :'D Which is cool.
It's au'some.
Leamony · Tue Feb 14, 2006 @ 11:42pm · 3 Comments |