the soul is the place to be
when you want to reveal
your deepest darkest secrets
the soul is the place to be when
you want to cry or yell
the soul is a place where you can find peace and tranquility
the soul is an oasis in a deasert of despair
the soul is a place to find privacy in a world of listeners, ploters, and schemers
the soul is like your mothers womb
where you are wrapped up tight and safe
that is why the soul is the place to be
the end
by compeling_anger
when you want to reveal
your deepest darkest secrets
the soul is the place to be when
you want to cry or yell
the soul is a place where you can find peace and tranquility
the soul is an oasis in a deasert of despair
the soul is a place to find privacy in a world of listeners, ploters, and schemers
the soul is like your mothers womb
where you are wrapped up tight and safe
that is why the soul is the place to be
the end
by compeling_anger