Topic: My Edit of the last scene of Romeo and Juliet... (When i was in 7th grade)
P.S 174 Pablo Ulloa
Act V Scene III
[Romeo enters]
Romeo:Oh, my love is thout tired and weary.
Dont worry my love it'll all be better soon.
[Juliet breathes silently]
Romeo:My love.... does she live?
Juliet:My darling, My husband, My lover.
Oh it has felt like a year since i've seen you.
Romeo:My love,same here.but why does thout torture my heart with that dreadful trick?
Juliet:my love it was no trick i swear it.
Did thout not get the letter from friar Lawrence?
[They hear a noise down the tomb]
Romeo:hold that thought my love i hear a noise.
Come let us not be caught for if im seen here with you or even seen here ill be put to execution.
[they hide behind a bolder]
[Capulet,Lady Capulet,3 Capulet Groupies and some servents enter]
Capulet:What is this! Where is my daughter surely there is tybalt but where is Juliet!
Capulet Groupie#1:I bet i was a villain Montogue who has distributed such salvageness.
Capulet:Oh, when i get my hands on that vilain Montogue he will pay........ with his life!
Lady Capulet:Now Now hunny i know there has to be a logicle explanation to all of this.
Capulet:yeah, there is and there is 1 word for it....... Montogue.
???:Now hold on 1 minute
???:My love no!
Capulet Groupie#2:Who said that show yourself!
[Romeo and Juliet come out]
Juliet:Yes father this is me Juliet alive and breathing.
Capulet:What... How is this? What is this trickery!!!
And why is this villain montogue here!
Juliet:He is no villain he is my lover!
Capulet:Surely you are kidding right my darling. Oh, how we have greived over your death.
Lady Capulet:My darling,my angel what is thee doing with a montogue.
Juliet:That is besides the fact mother, i love Romeo and there is nothing that can change that.
Lady Capulet:Oh, how naive. You love the man that murdered your cousin....your family!
Juliet:None of them were in the right mother Tybalt killed Mercutio so Romeo killed Tybalt there is no mistake.
Although he killed Tybalt I know he felt truly sorry for it and did not think of his actions.
Capulet:ENOUGH OF THIS!!!! That villain Romeo will pay now with his life!
[He draws]
Romeo razz lease you dont understand!
[Capulet slices Romeo]
Romeo [to Juliet]:My....My....My lo......
[He dies]
[Juliet takes Romeo's sword and plunges it into her fathers still beating heart he dies]
Lady Capulet:You traitor!!! Killed your father for a Montogue how could you!!
Juliet:He wasnt a montogue mom that was my life, my soul, my husband!
Lady Capulet:You know not of what you speak wretched girl now let the law be on my side and die!!!
[The capulet groupies draw and kill Juliet]
Lady Capulet:Forgive me daughter...
[The Prince,Friar Lawrence,Friar Jhon,Montogue&Lady Montogue enter]
Prince:What is the meaning of this!
Friar Lawrence:You wouldnt beileve me if i did Prince.
Prince:Well you can tell me on my way to my castle.
Montogue[To Lady Montogue]: Oh, is this our Romeo hunny.
Lady Capulet yes im afraid so... Dead in a Capulet tomb There is a story behind this... But only the heavens may know now.
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