AF, Easter, My Gaia, EB
April Fool's Event 2010 [announcement] When you first log on, you were greeted by a misleading banner about how edmund needed your help or something... but were hit with an error when you clicked on it. Later, an announcement appeared with a link to claim your item, but you were lead only to an error. By the time I came back later in that night, the link worked. We got a "phoenix down" that, when equipped, gives the avatar an ash face. The item also has a second pose with what appears to be a grunny popping out of a black container that looks a lot like Gambino's Urn... EIRs [EIR 4/2/10] Mizuchi's Jewel, Compass of Seidh, Shadowlegend Mizuchi's Jewel got continued in the same fashion, plus a sea cucumber. The compass got a yellowish green update. Shadow legend got yellow hair and a busty top.
[EIR 4/9/10] Seracila Pendant, Timmy The Pendant got a purple update. A purple angelbow and a purple wig... That's very un-pendant-like. Good update, but it's like this phase belongs to some other item. Timmy's barrel is oozing toxins. CS Updates [Stiches the Grick] Not much to say here. Green chick.
[announcement] Spring Bride. Spring Groom. Lala the Koala Plushie. I'm not into clothes that cover up my whole avi, so I'm not too into the bride's item. It's a good item... for a bride. The groom though, I like the clothing. XD; And we got our first koala. It's very cute. I don't think it's worth 599c though. I could buy an EI for 499c and get more poses for my cash. My Gaia Update The forums are exploding. Our My Gaia landing page got an update yesterday. We now see friend list requests on that page. And have perpetual notices that won't go away until the list is clear. Threads are suggested based on your interests. We are now notified when someone posts in threads we've made or when we're quoted. (This has to be hell for people who own bumping contests.) You can still see threads your friends have posted and such. You can still see the status updates your friends write, but they're shoved in the bottom right corner of the screen.
What we have lost: It no longer tells us which friends are online.
We've lost the following info: date since last change, number of posts, number of items owned, number of guilds joined and gaia age in days.
I don't mind the change. We go through lots of user interface changes. And they're trying to give us more notices and such. Good. I do not understand why they took out all that other info. That's the only reason I used to use the My Gaia page for! XP
And our friend list page is annoying now too. A couple weeks ago, they made it so that I keep getting asked to input my email address to invite buddies to the site. No. I'm clicking the link to see my friends and who are online. I can't stand having to click past that stupid page every time. So, the My Gaia page was even more necessary because the darn friend list page doesn't even link straight to the friend list anymore. It annoys me. I don't think I'll get used to this change. I don't mind the changes. I like being notified of being quoted. I already miss the info that the My Gaia page no longer tells me. Forum Easter Event [announcement] [Overall Easter Item List] 1/2/10: Friday before Easter, the announcement appeared. Who made it? Diedrich the grunny. "Hello! Did you know grunnies come from an egg? You can eat the eggs, but they taste like sulfur and horse blood. Well, bye bye! Oh, and also I hid some eggs. If you find a bunch of them, you get a fun thing! Bye! Bye bye for real!"
The eggs appeared at random on the main landing pages and in threads in the forums. For the most part, the eggs appeared in the upper part of threads. The event was similar to looking for snitches for the Harry Potter quest. The eggs were much rarer though. Some people said they'd see an egg on every page. Others said they had to click five or six pages before they'd see an egg. On average, I'd see an egg just about every three pages.
Three prizes: Easter 2k10 Egg (Given after 20 eggs) Easter 2k10 Grunny Egg (Given after 30 more eggs) Easter 2k10 Gambino Egg (Given after 50 more eggs) 20 plus 30 plus 50 = 100 total eggs. It was definitely better than the 2009 Easter. Those slippers took a couple days to collect. It took me about 2- 3 hours to collect 100 eggs. Too long, in my opinion, because all I did during that time was click a bunch of threads to look for eggs. It's not like I was chatting away in an event forum. I always liked Easter because it was always simple. An egg floats around your screen. Click it. Wait another minute. An egg floats on your screen. Click it. Collect so many, get a basket. I don't have to focus my attention on the event, but I still get to collect items. This one wasn't as fun. I had to actively search for eggs. At least they weren't on a timer. Sometimes there could be another egg waiting for you when you return to the page you were on. Most of the time, that wasn't the case for me. I had to keep actively clicking and searching. I couldn't double task. I'd rather have the 1 egg a minute thing. Lets say the timer was at 1 minute between eggs, but I found them an average of a minute and a half between the eggs. That's about 150 mins. So, about the same time it took me to complete the event without a timer. Thing is, I could have double tasked if the eggs floated across my screen and I didn't have to search for them.
For a last minute event, it seemingly fits into the storyline. Last we left off, Gambino died. Then we got a fake phoenix feather that just happened to have a grunny popping out of a container that looks just like Gambino's urn. Then a new grunny appears and hosts an event. Gambino likes to host events. The G-virus, the same one linked to grunnies, has kept Gambino alive before. It could have kept him alive this time too. ...as a grunny. XD; And, as lots of people have pointed out, "Diedrich" split in two is "died rich." I think that's the stupidest pun ever, but... I guess that's something Gaia would do.
Soooo the biggest news, we got the 2004 zombie skin as an item release. O: This is a fair re-release. The zombie skin was not hard to obtain back in 2004. You entered a thread, got bit by zombies, boom, zombie. (It was harder to stay human during that event.) People refused to change their avatars and kept their zombie skins.... until a mandatory site resave affected everyone and all invisibobs, soot faces and zombies were lost. Lots of people kept making posts in the GCD to defend the release, making points about how it's all a good release, as if everyone was exploding against it. Nope. I'm sure there were some people against it. There always is. However, all the posts I ran into were happy about the skin. :} It was crazy to see people equip 03/04 outfits with the skin. XD It looked like Halloween. And, well, I have to say that I'm still affected by the skin. I see a zombie and think, "Wow! Old user!" ...for a second and then have to remind myself that everyone just had the opportunity to get it for free. I shouldn't have those thoughts because the skin really has been gone for a loooongggg time...
You can't wear glasses, eye patches or contacts with the skin. Well, the Fallen Wish dark blue contacts work with the skin. Other contacts might work also.
On Tuesday, 4/5, the event ended. People complained. If they knew the event would end so soon, they would have collected all the eggs before then. They were not told when the event would end. Since the zOMG event ended on 4/11, they thought the forum one would also last that long. On Wednesday 4/6, the event was back on. No announcements. Maybe one of the devs posted somewhere? I don't know. Today is Saturday, 4/10, and the forum event is over. zOMG Easter Event [zOMG Easter Announcement] [zOMG Easter guide] "-The Gnome General can now be found within his own demi-boss lair. Click the door to his mushroom hut to select your difficulty and enter. Easter: -Easter 2009 egg-hunt returns. New for 2010: -A rare Golden Egg. Find this egg and get your friends to help you crack it open and you will all receive a special egg that will hatch some time after the event ends. -Some Easter Eggs will hatch chicks that you can capture and equip. In Village, they'll also follow you around until you leave the zone or log out. -The new Strawberry Sundae Sweets item and two new badges to achieve. -Village Greens is now fabulously pastel. Easter runs until April 11th - one-week from this coming Sunday - so get in and check it out while you can. Have fun!"
Items: Cheepz (also from last year), Basketh'loo (also from last year), Strawberry Sundae Sweets, Golden Egg, Easter Event 2010 Chicky, Easter Event 2010 Churpy, Easter Event 2010 Cheepy, Easter Event 2010 Chirpy
There were multiple layers to this event:
1. Golden Egg: A rare spawn. I didn't get to see it because too many people were crowded around it. It was CL 20 and had 3500 HP. Your attacks did 1 dmg, no matter what CL. If you attacked it, you got a golden ticket (which appeared as a golden egg in your invo.) One rumor said that you needed to hit it when it had less than 1k HP to get a golden ticket. People would post the location of the latest golden egg in the zOMG forum. Due to layers, people couldn't just warp right in. Only way to hop layers is by joining a friend on that layer or being invited to a party. So, you had to post in the forums that you'd like to be invited to a party. It was all good. People worked together to help each other find the eggs. The egg could be auto-targeted with ~ or Q. This was useful because too many people huddled around the eggs to even be able to click on them. You can only get one egg per account. Any defeated eggs after your first one just gave you about 8k. The event isn't over yet, so I don't know what it'll hatch into.
2. Easter Egg Hunt This part ran just like last year's event. Easter eggs are hidden in each area (excluding boardwalk). Everyone can see the eggs. You cannot auto-target these eggs. You must click to target. You must be the first to attack the egg in order to "find" it. This means you have a bunch of people trying to camp one screen and the rest running around sniping eggs. The eggs gave the following loot: gold (golden center), grass, jelly bean, strawberry chocolate egg, cheeps recipe (from last year), basketh'loo recipe (from last year) or strawberry sundae sweets (recolor of the chocolate sundae sweets from last year). All eggs gave gold whether or not you also got loot. I played for a few hours on the first day. I started with 1k and ended with 70k. I would have made much more by playing BG for that long amount of time, but hey, I know I wouldn't have played BG that long. So~ I felt rich. B] (I eventually earned 90k and bought a Wave Tiara with my gold.) The recipes from last year were altered to use strawberry chocolate eggs (SCEs) instead of chocolate eggs (CEs). I think "strawberry chocolate egg" was the worst name choice ever. It's horribly long to type out. And you have to type it all out because too many people were confused. Last year's CE turned from brown to pink. SCEs were pink. Problem: SCEs did not show up either in the in-game zOMG inventory, nor in the zOMG inventory tab. People either freaked over thinking that zOMG wasn't transferring their eggs to their invo, or looked at their old CE and thought the numbers weren't increasing. You could view your SCE count in your inventory's All Tab or in the recipe section of Back Alley bargains. I spent a lot of time answering questions in the zOMG forum while collecting my 100 forum eggs. Every other thread either had people freaking out over their SCEs or over the Golden Egg or over the chicks. But when it came to SCE, most people were in denial and liked to argue that the pink eggs they saw in zOMG (their CEs) were their (SCEs)... no.
3. Event Chickies Easter Event 2010 Chicky, Easter Event 2010 Churpy, Easter Event 2010 Cheepy, Easter Event 2010 Chirpy This is also a confusing component. It would have been helpful if Gaia posted an official mini-guide since people were posting the wrong info all over. At random, from the small eggs, a chick might pop out after the egg was clicked. To keep the chick, you must click it. If someone else leave their chick behind, you can click and keep it for yourself. As soon as someone else's chick hatches, you click first, you keep it. (Happened to me once or twice. i went for an egg at the same time as someone else. They got the egg, but I clicked right after... and ended up getting a chick instead.) The complicating part: There were chicks all over the place that were part of the decoration. They talked when you clicked on them. They also looked exactly like the chicks that hatched from eggs. So people were confused and thought that some of the talking chicks could be kept. Nope. Some people just happened to click eggs that left chicks behind in a square that had talking chicks in it. The chick with the pirate patch was the hardest to find. For the longest time it was 90k. It's currently 50k. The other chicks are in the 1.5- 3.5k range. zOMG Contest: Barton Colliseum zOMG had a contest. The staff held a raffle to gather 35 random avatars to go in the new Barton Colliseum area they're making. All you had to do was post in a thread and the names were picked at random. I put my name in. Sadly, didn't win~ [thread] zOMG: My Update As of 04/09/10, I beat the zOMG end boss. I've been CL 10.0 for a while now. I only have 3 rings (then four) that aren't CL 10.0. Those rings are ~cl 9, so I have enough orbs to make them CL 10.0 now.
I avoided trying the EB since I didn't want to get in other people's way. People do it over and over and have the whole SS/EB thing down to a science. I also haven't found a good guide to prepare for what to expect so that I don't do anything wrong... Oh well. I charged in blindly with a crew of five on an easy run, cap 8.5. By the time we got to the boss, we had four people. We died at the last stage. Second round, six people, cap 8.5, we went in and beat the boss just fine. Third time... we had trouble... it took us forever to even get to the grunny subs... and then we all basically died. So, I gave up. I'd used up all my time anyway and wouldn't have been able to make it through a full run before logging out to go to sleep.
I have a crystal fluff recipe. I want a sinister scarf recipe. I'll go for it another time so that I can get that recipe. x3
Posted by: sdrawkcab Sat Apr 10, 2010 @ 09:02pm