April MCs:
"The Harbinger of Pestilence isn't a guy you want to meet in a dark alley, unless you're comfortable with some light plaguing and a few swarms of locusts. Includes his golden sword, his ornate armor and his trademark locust plague."
"The beautiful Princess Kaguya once lived on the moon, but after being cast down to the planet below, tales of her beauty spread far and wide. Includes her gorgeous robes, her flowing hair and her adorable lunar attendants."
This month disappointed me. The artists were in a good groove, but now repeated past mistakes. The items are well made, but not executed right. These items have too many colors, too many weird colors, too many poses that cover the whole avatar... and not enough small, simple poses.
The wigs save the Kaguya item. The other item will be good for themes and Style avatars, but the general public won't rush out for it.
EIR 4/16/10
Dappy Dandy, Imaginary Friend, Compass
Dappy got more pretty clothing, The IF got an orange moose and the compass turned green.
EIR 4/23/10
Shadowlegend: Was a very solid evo for shadowlegend. It continued in its own style.
Mizuchi's jewel: Disappointing ending. This was a 749c EI and it only had six phases. It's not even like there were tons of poses per evo. (Like, Bad Moon doesn't have many phases, it was 749, but it was a special Halloween item and gave many poses per evo.) This one ended at half an item. It made me mad. I like this item. I like the colors in it and I was looking forward to soooo many more poses from it. Now it's an okay item, but not worth the 749c price tag. WTF. It's like a 299/499 EI.
Edit; I forgot to comment. Mizuchi's Jewel hung around 400k ish. After its final evo, it dropped to 250k. It had never been that low. As of 5/14/10, the item is 150k.
I hear that Dappy's final evo will come tomorrow.
I've seen some EI artist gossip. [source of my gossip]. I don't know how trustworthy this gossip is, but it sounds about right.
Buki; Dappy will be her last. She's off to help Jenzee and Gem2niki.
CP; is supposedly head of EIs. I thought pepper-tea was.
Reapersun; Still technically active in EIs, though the CIs take up most of her time.
L0cke; Currently working on Timmy.
Jenzee, o_8 and Gem2niki mostly work on the battle system.
Ethe, Drinkytengu, Mishiri, are all still active with EIs~
DrinkyTengu; remains busy with EIs. Mizuchi's jewel just finished and I swear that the IF looks like her work. Sort of.
EIs were already falling off the popularity chain with only two or three evolving each week... due to less EIs out there... I was fine with that. Less EIs means less EIs for me to waste money on. However, they're really aren't many artists working on EIs right now. I hope that we don't dwindle to one EI per week.
[perfect tragedy announcement]
The items are gorgeous. o wo And I swear all the ones I checked were horribly expensive. I saw one user say that this EI was as hard to win as the comic book CI. That was just one remark so I don't know whether it's true or not. All i know is that I'm not wasting 149c even if I have a shot at getting one of those pretty items~~ Really, they're very pretty. O: Or at least quite a few are. :3
Sponsor Quests
After a lull without any sponsor items, we get two! =D
Men's Wearhouse
Men's Wearhouse would like you to be a rep. Click the "Learn How" link to sign up. By clicking this link, you earn a pair of Mens Wearhouse Shiny Shoes. You don't have to fill in any of the info.
I love when the sponsor items are simple. :3 Now, for a long time after this, people are guaranteed to have black shoes in their inventories.
[Super Street Fighter IV]
Watch the preview for the game, get an item- Deejay's Pants. There's also a poll, but no bonus gold/item for voting.
I love this item. It has multiple poses! I won't wear it all the time, but it's certainly fun to play with. It's free and gives a wig. =D
[Sisky the Wombat]
This cute little guy is currently free with any $25 cash card purchase.
"This adorable little fuzzball comes packed snugly inside the Crystal Box, featured prominently on the card."
That sentence worries me. So... now only the wombat comes out of that box instead of the other items?
[Monarch Butterfly Headphones]
These headphones are now given out with a purchase of $25 or more worth of cash. Verrrrrrrryyyy pretty. I hope they make them in different colors too eventually.
New Gold Shop Items
[Captain's Caps]
Not sure if I said this in the last entry or not, but the Captain's Cap Contest ended, was voted for and hats have made it into the shops. =D
My Gaia
On April 14th, we got an announcement letting us know that they listened to the user's feedback and will tweak it to fix our concerns.
"Our overhauled My Gaia page launched last week, and it was met with, shall we say, less than universal acclaim. We've been paying close attention to your feedback, and we'll be ironing out some of the issues very soon."
On 4/28, we were notified of the new changes they made. :3
[My Gaia Changes Announcement]
" * You can control which notices you see in your My Gaia Settings page.
* The Friends module is back by popular demand.
* The My Stats module has triumphantly returned.
* We've fixed the issue with double notices/emails.
* Trade requests show up in the bubble again. "
Cash Shop Update
In celebration of Earth Day, Gaia released the Gift of the Colibri item. Ten percent of all proceeds from that item went to Conservation International. I think the item was 499c.
[Hermes Moon: Aspiration Announcement]
This is the first CS rerelease of an item that I can remember. The hermes moon was 999c the first time around. Now, you can buy the new 12th gen for 1299c. Youch.
I wondered how CS rereleases would work. At the end of last year there was an RIG that had an assortment of old RIG boxes in it, but I don't count that as a relealease because it was too random.
The new EI costs 300c more, but you get a chance at a really rare item.
[Theatre troupe Items]
Items were released as companions to the RIG out right now.
" William the Playwright - Everything you need to look like a playwright: a fancy shirt, a dramatic coat, puffy pants, golden tights, boots and a snazzy quill pen.
Duchess Delacour - Steal the show with this great collection that includes a fluffy ruff, embroidered corset, layered skirt, cascading sleeves, delicate headpiece and pearl-embedded wig. There's even some perfume for freshening up.
William's Stage Rapier - A swift rapier perfectly crafted for simulated stage combat.
Butterfly's Stage Rapier - A sharp silver rapier good for pretend battles to the death and casual stabbings.
Captain's Stage Rapier - A dark sword ideal for roguish antagonists and ne'er-do-wells in general.
Dramatic Troupe Bundle - A bundle boasting all of the above items, plus the exclusive theatre-lovin' dog Puggleston."
zOMG Splash Screen
Contest. This was up in the zOMG forum for a while before it was announced. Sounds neat. Sounds like the winner might get one of those new super rare recipe items that are supposed to appear soon~
Changes I've noticed:
Cash shop items actually say when they will be removed from the cash shop now. I don't have to guess that they'll be up for about a month.
The site colors are changing again. The old colors are blue and purple. Now it looks to be cyan and grass green. (So says the new My Gaia page and the preview I saw of what our new forum pages will look like.) ....While other parts of the site haven't been updated at all. The journal editing pages still has a grey bg.
People still have the huge, horrible posts that are chock full of so much pictures and text that you can't find the message they wrote. I think as reaction, more and more people are using the default post format. It's size twelve black font. Years ago, that was the sign of idiocy and/or newbness. Anyone who was literate used size 9 font. And usually a color. And, well, lately trolls and other such attention whores use very bright size 18 font with short statements. .... But most literate people lately have been using the default text. It's crazy. In old times, half the time you saw default post styles, the person didn't have much to say.
The zOMG forum looks more official now. It now has more posts by admin and official stickies that list guides. It's growing up.
Also, about a week ago, the higher mouth items changed layers. The buck teeth now layer behind mouths, not over. This happened while I was writing my skin guide so i have to go edit any comments I made on the Potions section.
View User's Journal
lanruoJ 'sdrawkcaB
Most of the journals will log the big updates and feelings of the times. I plan to look back on these in the future. Some large change affecting our lives now usually often turns into something we rarely think about.
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