![User Image](https://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb277/Ayame19124/Naoto-1.jpg)
Ӎȳ ȵᾷɱӭ ᾷҭ Ьϊяҭђ ώᾷș
Ӈѳώӭѵӭя ȵѳώ Ȉ ᾷɱ ҫᾷʄʄӭɖ
Ȉ ђᾷɖ șѳ ɱᾷȵȳ ҫᾷȵɖʄӭș
Ȉ Ьʄӭώ ҭђӭɱ ѳμҭ ѳȵ
Ƚᾱȿҭ Ȉ ҫђӭҫӄӭɖ ῗȵ Ȉ ᾷɱ ᾷ
Άȵɖ ɱȳ ђӭᾷяҭ ɠѳӭș ɖѳӄῗ-ɖѳӄῗ ᾷяѳȗȵɖ
Ӎȳ ҫʄᾷșșяѳѳɱ ῗș
Ӎȳ ᾷʄҭӭяșҫђѳѳʄ ϸʄᾷȵș ᾷяӭ
- Feng Zen
Ӈѳώӭѵӭя ȵѳώ Ȉ ᾷɱ ҫᾷʄʄӭɖ
- Fen, Fin, Finny…Sunny
Ȉ ђᾷɖ șѳ ɱᾷȵȳ ҫᾷȵɖʄӭș
- 19
Ȉ Ьʄӭώ ҭђӭɱ ѳμҭ ѳȵ
- 12/13
Ƚᾱȿҭ Ȉ ҫђӭҫӄӭɖ ῗȵ Ȉ ᾷɱ ᾷ
- Female
Άȵɖ ɱȳ ђӭᾷяҭ ɠѳӭș ɖѳӄῗ-ɖѳӄῗ ᾷяѳȗȵɖ
- Indifferent
Ӎȳ ҫʄᾷșșяѳѳɱ ῗș
- First Year University Student
Ӎȳ ᾷʄҭӭяșҫђѳѳʄ ϸʄᾷȵș ᾷяӭ
- Precisions: An off campus members club that specialize in precision sports such as
Archery, Darts, Firearms, Etc
Works at a tea shop on Noon-5p Tuesdays, and Thursdays
Ῑ ᾷɱ ȳѳμ
Άȵɖ ȳѳμ ᾷяӭ ɱӭ
Άȵɖ ҭђῗș ῗș ɱȳ șҭѳяȳ
Ȉ ᾷɱ șҭяѳȵɠ
Άȵɖ ȳӭҭ ώӭᾷӄ ᾷҭ ҭђe șᾷɱӭ ҭῗɱӭ
Άȵɖ ȳѳμ'ʄʄ ђӭʄϸ Ьȳ μșῗȵɠ
Ӎȳ șҭяӭȵɠtђ ҫѳɱӭș ʄrѳɱ
- Feng Po Po
Άȵɖ ȳѳμ ᾷяӭ ɱӭ
- Silver Arrow Head with IV etch in
Άȵɖ ҭђῗș ῗș ɱȳ șҭѳяȳ
- Feng Po-Pop is a three part deity. Originally known in the Chinese Myths as “Feng Bo” or the Wing Earl or “Feng Lian” (Flying Curtain) and is now known as “Feng Po Po” (Madam Wind). Feng Bo was a man who carried the winds in a goat skinned pouch, his alternative childish or sadistic turbulent nature is Feng Lian, a troublesome wind dragon who had a typhoon’s power. It is said that Feng Lian was shot down by an archer long ago. It is unknown whether Feng Bo transformed or replaced by Feng Po Po. Feng Po Po is described as a woman with a cloud like pouch who rides along the clouds on the back of a tiger. She is said to have a more tranquil nature than her predecessor.
Ȉ ᾷɱ șҭяѳȵɠ
- Wind Break (decreases wind resistance)
Sukukaja (increase ability)
Repatra (removes dizziness)
(mag)Guru: wind damage
Wind Boost
Άȵɖ ȳӭҭ ώӭᾷӄ ᾷҭ ҭђe șᾷɱӭ ҭῗɱӭ
- Light
Άȵɖ ȳѳμ'ʄʄ ђӭʄϸ Ьȳ μșῗȵɠ
- Bow+Arrows or Handgun
Ӎȳ șҭяӭȵɠtђ ҫѳɱӭș ʄrѳɱ
- The Star
Ϣӭʄʄ, Ȉ ʄῗӄӭ ҭѳ ҭђῗȵӄ Ȉ ᾷɱ…
Άȵɖ ῗҭ ϸяѳЬᾷЬʄy ҫѳɱӭș ʄяѳɱ
Ϲѳɱῗȵɠ ҭѳ ᾷ ɉμӄӭЬѳx ȵӭᾷя ȳѳμ, ῗt ῗș
Țђӭ ϸӭяsѳȵ ώђѳ ɱᾷkӭș ɱȳ ђӭᾷяҭ яᾷҫӭ ῗș
- Feng has a reserved and observing nature. Although she is silent and stern; for the most part she is easily approachable, well mannered, and warm thus her nick name ‘Sunny’. However there are days where she is cold and aloof the complete opposite from her usual bright nature. On most occasions her sour bitterness passes after a few hours, but is known to stay for days or even weeks, but this is a rare occasion. Feng has a crude sense of humor that she acquired through her friends. She does not take kindly to criticism, or highly persistent natured people. When well acquainted with people, a chippy childlike demeanor rises which is usually welcomed by close friends.
She is very much laid back and calm, and a procrastinator at heart and on nice days can be seen taking a nap with her checkered cadet hat or beige flat cap over her face.
Άȵɖ ῗҭ ϸяѳЬᾷЬʄy ҫѳɱӭș ʄяѳɱ
- Feng was born in the US and is of Chinese decent. She is currently attending a university in Japan for biology. She comes from a family of four; her mother, father and younger brother. Ever since Feng was a child she had no interest dolls, but held interest in stuffed animals, hot wheel cars, water guns, crafts, and playing outdoors-hopping fences,climbing trees and running.
She has had a natural dislike for her mother’s traditional womanly ideals and rules. And found freedom of expression in middle school where she began experimenting with the growing interest of fashion. She took on and adapted a casual boyish, which later catered to her love for European suits, vests and button down fashion along with the casual messenger boy look.
Feng’s negative personality took a dramatic change after visiting China in her high school years, what caused it only her brother knows who she shares a tight close bond with. Before her trip she was quick tempered and sharp tongued when angered; now she ‘mature and elegant’ for the better, though her sense of fashion hasn’t changed much to her mother’s dismay.
She is also prone to have very vivid dreams that she likes to share with people. It adds to her strange but enjoyable nature.
Ϲѳɱῗȵɠ ҭѳ ᾷ ɉμӄӭЬѳx ȵӭᾷя ȳѳμ, ῗt ῗș
Țђӭ ϸӭяsѳȵ ώђѳ ɱᾷkӭș ɱȳ ђӭᾷяҭ яᾷҫӭ ῗș
- No One: but she enjoys looking *tips hat lower with a smile*
"I call it...'Bird-Watching'"
Ȉ ʄῗӄӭ tђӭșӭ ҭђῗȵɠș
Ȉ ɠѳ ӭӭӭώ tѳ tђӭșӭ
Ȉ ʄῗӄӭ tђӭșӭ ϸӭѳϸʄӭ
Άȵɖ ȳѳμ'ɖ ʄῗӄӭ tѳ ӄȵѳώ ɱѳяӭ? Ϣӭʄʄ…
Ӎȳ ϸμϸϸӭҭӭӭя ῗș
- Dark Chocolate and Dumdum lollipops
Sticky Rice and Sweet Rice
Oranges, lemons and limes
Animal plushies
Lyre Bird+Large Cats+snakes
Old Children shows
Wasabi peas, Sugared popcorn
Half sleeved collared button downs, HATS heart and watches heart
Ȉ ɠѳ ӭӭӭώ tѳ tђӭșӭ
- People with large egos and loud people
Fraternities and Sororities
People who drone on about nothing
Bitter squash
Edible Fish except Talapia
Her food allergies
Organic Chemistry
Bad ‘Sexy’ women’s fashion
Car alarms
Ȉ ʄῗӄӭ tђӭșӭ ϸӭѳϸʄӭ
Άȵɖ ȳѳμ'ɖ ʄῗӄӭ tѳ ӄȵѳώ ɱѳяӭ? Ϣӭʄʄ…
Ӎȳ ϸμϸϸӭҭӭӭя ῗș
- Ta Lu