Near Surge [ Rex Felmen ] |
 Name: Rex Felmen Position: Resistance Leader Age: 21 Story: Having grown up an idealist in the poorest ranks of the underground of cyberpunk city, and having to always look up to city Fair City above him, Rex knew from a young age he was going to take up the title of leader and lead a resistance team against the corruption and crime in the cyberpunk city. He grew up on the streets doing whatever means he could to get by until he was picked up by a local crime boss. Heavy was his name, and he knew the lay of the law for the underground. Heavy saw in Rex a power that he sought to control. Before long he had him under his wing and running his dirty missions for power and money. You see, as long as the underground remained separate from Fair City you could get away with just about anything. Little did Heavy know, Rex had set a plan in motion to take down his first crime boss by getting as close to him as possible. Because at the age of nine, there was little other way for him to get revenge on corruption. After Heavy was gone and buried, Rex's name quickly spread through the streets. Soon he was known as the head of the Resistance and it was then the word of the Rebels began to grow. If you wanted to change society and bring the world to a fair playing field for everyone Rex was the man to follow. Personality: Rex was a strong passionate man who had a level head for idealism and saw a future for the world that would give anyone a shot at luxury without war and crime. His passion and well manured speech instantly gained respect from others. He was definitely the type of man people enjoyed to follow. Sometimes his anger could take over and in dire situations he would do whatever was necessary to complete his goal, but in most cases he was a fair just man who would try and protect those closest to him at all cost. Skills: Rex was an excellent leader. He spoke with authority and demanded respect. He had a skill in every field needed for their goal, but knew he would need others who could specialize and succeed every time. He replaced almost his entire right side of his body with cybernetic parts. His right arm could change from a high powered laser gun into a hand in a matter of seconds. His ears were replaced with cybernetic headphones with the ability to decipher sound waves. Most would say Rex was able to adapt to any situation with ease.
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Meeting with Trapped in Imagination, Mon May 10, 2010 1:28 pm Only now after much time of mental recovery could he retell the story of what happened. He recalled, nothing before could have ever prepared Rex for that desolate day and only one thing had saved him. In the wake of the first evening moon before the heist on the Roger’s Gang Rex had been mentally preparing himself as his team worked diligently on the plans to disrupt one of the more corrupt gangs still left in the lower cyberpunk city. It was then when he heard a whisper in his ear. The sound was like nothing he could fathom. He could hear her voice as clear as day, but he knew there was no one around. The voice was speaking as a small critters chirping could be heard in the background.
“Listen to me Rex,” the voice was a woman’s who seemed to have real concern for his well being. “The Roger’s Gang has laid a trap for you. Don’t raid them today. Wait until the full moon has set and the new moon has risen. Then you can strike.” Was this a brain hack? Rex had never before met anyone who could hack his cybernetic brain and send him information. This woman was a real pro. As Rex listened carefully to her words a mental picture began to form in his mind of what she looked like. This woman was beautiful and strong, a real determined woman. By the way she was clothed he could tell she was a woman of Fair City. But why would she want to help?
Rex had done what she said and waited to strike the Roger’s Gang. They had caught the group off guard and successfully took down their operations without a single casualty. Rex knew one day when he breached Fair City he would find this woman and thank her for her help.
Meeting with la faux pas Tue May 11, 2010 11:08 am A group of refugees had created a home within the museum of ancient art. There was little if any appreciation of art in the days after the Data Spider struck, but every now and then people would stay and feel comforted by being surrounded with figures from happier times.
It was the resistance’s duty to make certain the people beneath Fair City were properly taken care of the best they could be. The people of the museum called for supplies and protection from outside raiders as those people attempted to rebuild a community within that large classical building. With members of promising individuals all dedicated to the cause of liberating the people below Fair City, Rex and his crew took it upon themselves to make it known that these people of the museum were protected by him.
After several outings to this museum and protecting them when raiders had threatened the people of the museum wanted to repay Rex any way they could. Rex, just doing his self appointed civic duty, allowed them to repay their debts by taking from their horde of forgotten treasures a single painting. At first he had been a bit perplexed by the figure in the oil canvas, but as time grew he began to respect the creature man who was sound and strong looking as if he too was leading a revolution. Rex wasn’t the kind of man to get caught up in sentiments like these but he felt a personal connection with this faun of old.
Meeting with Old Man Vee, Thu May 13, 2010 12:44 pm In their efforts the Resistance crew had made many an enemy throughout their escapades. None was so more memorable than the man who fought with a hidden blade in his staff. His efforts and face were all a mystery, but Rex knew he would rather this man be an ally than a foe.
It was a few months after Rex had raided his first rogue bandit crew and he forced them to disband. Rex’s name had exploded on the whispers of the folk below Fair City. Those words eventually caught the attention of that hooded fellow whom never even gave his name.
The desolate destroyed wasteland of machinery and charred buildings were their home, but even in a place they called home the Resistance crew needed to go out and enjoy themselves as much as possible. It kept morale high at any rate. In that one evening when the crew had gone their separate ways, Rex was out behind their underground compound rifting through scrap metal. Often caught up in his thoughts searching for anything made him feel at ease, maybe he’ll always be searching… It was in that moment between his thoughts he heard a piece of scrap metal cling a few yards away from him. Quickly turning he charged his gun-arm and fired igniting the pile in flames. He saw a mouse pull itself from under the wreckage and sigh in relief as it scampered off.
Rex exhaled. He wondered why he was so tense, he’d always been such a strong and determined guy but now that everything was really starting to fall into place he seemed to becoming overwhelmed. That was when Rex saw a quick flash of movement out of the corner of his eye and he turned about again. He readied his weapon. “Come out!” He shouted, “I know your there.” From behind the shadows a man with a hood and mask carrying what seemed to be an ordinary walking stick emerged with a well postured stance. “Who are you and what do you want?” Rex demanded. The cloaked man didn’t reply. He stared through at Rex with his optical lens and suddenly began to charge at a break neck speed. Rex barely had time to react as he ducked beneath a quick slash above his head. Rex stood and returned fire with an explosive energy from his gun-arm. The cloaked man attached the stick to his back in one quick movement and back flipped just over the blast of energy then landed atop a pile of metal. Rex fired again just below the man’s feet. Responding as if on instinct, the man dodged the blast and lunged at Rex. Rex just barely was able to get his gun-arm up to block the blow.
The man leaped back a bit agitated he didn’t do more damage with his wooden staff. He grabbed either side of the staff and twisted then pulled apart the weapon to reveal a hidden blade. This time the man charged at Rex with sharper speed knocking him down with his feet then holding Rex’s gun-arm down with one part of the staff and pointing the bladed end at Rex’s throat. The man seemed to have been disappointed as he held his position.
Rex grinned as he looked down at his free hand. The man too looked down as his hand still holding his position. Rex had at the last minute, taken a modification of his gun-arm off that worked as a separate gun and it was now pointed at the hooded man’s face. The man looked into the barrel of the gun then nodded. He backed away from Rex and bowed. Rex still to this day ponders the man’s motives never once coming to the conclusion that the hooded man was testing the resistance leader’s abilities.
Meeting with Old Man Vee, Sat May 15, 2010 2:24 pm Rex hardly ever told anyone about his past, or what had happened to his family before the Data Spider had ruined everyone’s lives. This wasn’t because he hated talking about it; most people were just tired of hearing another sob story.
Rex has no living family members, but when he was younger and working for Heavy’s crew he once met a man who reminded him a lot of his own father. This man had similar idealistic views as Rex, and often treated him like his own son. The man allowed Rex to shadow him on many job outings and even introduced him first to Heavy.
This man would never take a life, he specialized in defensive weaponry and was the perfect man to keep Rex safe while Rex was still getting use to the raiding scene. It wasn’t until later that Rex had learned the man who watched after him had been murdered because he was planning a resistance team of his own. From that day forward Rex pledged to take down Heavy, no matter what.
Last of 9 · Sat May 15, 2010 @ 11:52pm · 0 Comments |