Early B-day gifts;; 59 heart THANK YOU -_Zeh N i p p l e Queen_- heart , - K P O P R I N C E S S -, Aalpri[x2], Aryvane, b a n a n a dreams, BerryDots[x2], Chiuru, D a n i e l l eStarrr, ElementalNocturne, Fly Upon Wings of a Dream heart , Gabrielle Lioncourt, I Found A Reason, Iam Loveless[x2], ii-D o R K i i Ex, iiPearl-x3, ll eon ll, Jacob is awesome heart , jeremiah was a bullfrog[x2] heart , joannne, Kasiakittyg heart , Keepsake Key heart , Kiuu-Chan, Lovely Little Limes, Micaoru, MiwakoChan, Nekked, PandAppleZ heart , psychedelic sunshyne, Pixelduhst[x2], Princess Rima[x6], Sauntering Down, Strang3rDang3r[x4] heart , The Kiidd[x2], WishIHadAnAngel, xoTenshi, XxAsuka_SamaxX[x6] heart , xoxoDonatello, x_maeve_angel_x && Yamachi II[x3] heart !
Thank you~! o uo <33
Thank you~! o uo <33