before : hallo c: I wanted to get these items before/on my birthday. Which is OMG this Saturday xDD Please help me out? I'd really appreciate it. An also, thank you for reading this~ o u o
after : okay, just need bitter porridge now~~ I'm having trouble coming up with the money *laughs* this will take a while.
Current Quest :
Bitter Porridge
need ~~ 3 mil
Magical Mender
need ~~ 2 mil
Donations :
heart alicenine_shou_yes heart
heart Cie Corpse - White Daruma Doll heart
heart Zealous Blue heart
Updates :
June.16.10. started quest with 1.0 mil
wahmbulance June.25.10. bought Magical Mender wahmbulance
wahmbulance October.25.10. bought Bitter Porridge wahmbulance
lol @ Ryutaro pic spam<33