this is a review of saw 2
yes i realize its been out for a while but i watched the extra stuff and im gonna reveal the behind the scenes stuff for you
but not now first im gonna give my opinions
in the beginning you have detective eric matthews (played by former new kid donnie whalberg if ya didnt know) yells at his kid daniel then finds out his police informant was killed by jigsaw and they end up catching up him easy too easy i say.
So the detective end up talking to jigsaw and the conversation and flashbacks to the house take over the rest of the movie until almost everyone in the house is dead except for amanda the cop's son daniel and the buff puerto rican drug dealer who kills lots of the people there.
Then jigsaw takes the cop to the house and the swat team is there by now as well and they figure out that the video they were watching the whole time was just that a video it wasn't live.
Then the cop is caught in the house and his son was there in a safe the whole time. The ending is weird and reqiures a sequel to be made in my opinion.
Now for some revealing stuff about the traps for examples
The hand trap here's a secret if you watch it closely there's a lock at the top of the box so if the hot chick in the trap would've paid close attention she could've taken the box down and then have gotten the antidote.
The others arent that much to it like the needle pit the syringes were real but the needles were not the real ones were plucked out
Guess how many there were in the pit? not as much as one might think there was approximately 120,000 plus a bunch of foam and slime to make it move around easily.
The death mask rubber nails.
And that's all i care to reaveal if you havent seen it go see it but see the first one please cuz that's a rule of thumb with most sequels uh duh.
Stay tuned till next week when whatever is on my mind is released onto the computer journal here
Robot Commander Diamus · Sat Feb 25, 2006 @ 04:33am · 0 Comments |