Leo Lachante
Birthday: June 27
Age: 7, almost 8
Weight: 55 lbs.
Height: 4' 9"
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown with golden flecks
Relationship Status: Single
Favorite Thing: No particular favorites so far.
Favorite Color: Orange
Favorite Food: Beef Jerky
Favorite Animal: Does not particularly like many animals.
Enemies: Cecil(?), Kate(?), His Father(?), the people who keep trying to kill him, and Neil.
Family: Stella (Mother, deceased), Rick (Father, No current job)
Personality: Out of the way, easily accepts new ideas, co-operating most of the time, quiet at times. Not many people know this, but he is extremely organized, and does not like to have things out of place. He can even go to the point of being obsessive about things being dis-organized or rearranged without his knowledge. His room, of course, is extremely neat.
Special Skills: Can change color to match his backround, and suck the chakra out of people. He is in training to become a ninja.
Bio: Leo's mother died when he was quite young, and he often states that he doesn't remember her. After his mother died his father started abusing him. He was removed from his father's care and placed into foster home after foster home, but taken out of many of those homes for both physical and mental abuse. Then he was adopted by Taylor and Kabuto. Later it was learned that he is a decendant of an extinct clan, which explains his bizzare powers. Many people have also tried to kill him for unexplained reasons...He is currently in training under Orochimaru.
There are still many things left about Leo to be explained, and hopefully they will be revealed sooner or later.