You may have read my profile, but that's not everything there is to know about me. More to the base of Gaia, I love to argue with people on here. Do something to annoy me or cross my rules or the ToS, you'll love the little tricks I can do. I'm really nice to people. It doesn't matter if you're new and you have no clothes or if you're a rich user, I'll be nice to you as long as you're nice to me. The type of users I do tend to get into fights with are the noobs, as you can call them. If you act idiotic or go totally off topic while we're in an arguement or anything of the such, you'll probably get scolded at by me. Trust me, I don't like name calling as much as the next person, but sometimes it slips when I'm angry and slam down on my keys. You do it too, I'm sure. Yes, I do donate every once and a while to friends or questers. I never donate to beggers. PM me and beg. You'll either get a sharp no as an answer or get reported.
I'm not so much into reporting as I use to when I was alive in the Chatterbox. I have grown to respect peoples beliefs and opinions instead of disaggring automatically. I do base my opinions and yes, I do get proved wrong and I'm not assamed of it. I live and learn.
I've been on Gaia since April 24, 2004. This is a new account. On my old account I talked with chatspeak. It was horrible and I laugh whenever I see it. That's why I'm not releasing the username. XD To the point... even though I have been on for almost two years, I still learn more and more about Gaia each day. I'm not the smartest person on Gaia nor are you. Some people on Gaia know more than others do. Listen and talk to these people. Get a conversation or two in with them. You'll learn a lot.
Ah. Another tip I have recently found out... If you want to learn more about Gaia and receive various answers, go to the Q&A forum. It's amazing on how some of those people can answer to some of those difficult questions. If they give a link, bookmark it. It'll probably become helpful later on.
Another type of user that can annoy me onto the edge of my sit is the snut up users. Oh yeah. They own fairy wings. They own a angelic scarf. They own baby seal slippers. They talk slap and smack and pow and whatever. They live to ruin another users life. If a newbie walks across their paths, they'll slap them silly into the report button. It's horrible, but they are the best people to tick you off.
That's all I can think of at the moment... Untill next time. <3
I'm not so much into reporting as I use to when I was alive in the Chatterbox. I have grown to respect peoples beliefs and opinions instead of disaggring automatically. I do base my opinions and yes, I do get proved wrong and I'm not assamed of it. I live and learn.
I've been on Gaia since April 24, 2004. This is a new account. On my old account I talked with chatspeak. It was horrible and I laugh whenever I see it. That's why I'm not releasing the username. XD To the point... even though I have been on for almost two years, I still learn more and more about Gaia each day. I'm not the smartest person on Gaia nor are you. Some people on Gaia know more than others do. Listen and talk to these people. Get a conversation or two in with them. You'll learn a lot.
Ah. Another tip I have recently found out... If you want to learn more about Gaia and receive various answers, go to the Q&A forum. It's amazing on how some of those people can answer to some of those difficult questions. If they give a link, bookmark it. It'll probably become helpful later on.
Another type of user that can annoy me onto the edge of my sit is the snut up users. Oh yeah. They own fairy wings. They own a angelic scarf. They own baby seal slippers. They talk slap and smack and pow and whatever. They live to ruin another users life. If a newbie walks across their paths, they'll slap them silly into the report button. It's horrible, but they are the best people to tick you off.
That's all I can think of at the moment... Untill next time. <3
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