Name: Neil Haven/Kirkland
Age: Who knows, younger then Ireland.
Likes: England, whiskey, trees, whiskey, sun, clouds, England, grass.
Dislikes: Bossy people other then England, people that criticize England, cowards, his sister.
Fav food: Does whiskey count as a food.
Least fav food: Carrots.
Personality and other details: A little bit of a spaze and a flirt, doesn't make a difference to him if it's male or female. Pretty easy going but quick to anger like his sister tho not bi-poler. Some times comes off as rude, or a jerk. Acts like a child around his sister as she still treats him like one. Has a rifle with him at all times. Dislikes his sister for turning her back on England. Admires England greatly calling him big brother and still lives with him. He will often get hit by Ireland if she hears him introduce himself as Neil Kirkland, because it is NOT his name, they are not related and she will insist so till the day she dies.
His admiration is border line obsession.
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