So, this is not me snarking that god awful fan fiction...I'll get to that later, this is about video games.
Win, yes? Of course it it.
Because I happen to be discussing video games in the AF today, I thought I'd write to myself, since I don't believe many people actually read this thing.
Anyways! We got talking about our favourite games and such, most being fantasy RPG, or shooter games. Of course my favourite games are still the same, and are usually the only ones I buy, with the exception of recommendations.
then we got on topic of our first ever played games. I had my first game console when I was around four, which was the all mighty

Yeah, the ancient SEGA. xDD Hilarious stuff right there. But, the next I got was a PS2, we totally lapsed over the PS1, and oddly enough, my first game on there was GTA.Thanks to my uncle's influence of letting me use the pedestrians as speed bumps. I still don't understand what possessed my mom into buying it..especially for a 6/7 year old child, haha.
I didn't get my PSP, DSi, or PS3 until a few years after. For the DSi's case, I got that five months after it came out as a gift for passing my first year of high school.
Which gets me thinking, kids these days are spoiled rotten on the video game front. Take my cousins for example, they have a Wii, a PS2 and the eldest (whom is five or six) now has a DSi. I don't understand why. I mean, I had a SEGA and all, but i only got to play with it sometimes..these kids play non stop.
Any who, that's my little ramp and flashback for the day xD
strawberry monochrome · Fri Aug 20, 2010 @ 06:37pm · 0 Comments |