Angela: Oooh, I remember why! Um, no wait, no I don't...just how. Wanna hear anyway!?
Ark: Sure.
Angela: Yay! Aunt Clarissa's favorites! Flashbacks!
Grace: *is all round and stuff*
Angela: Mommy?
Grace: Yes?
Angela: *is poking at Grace's tummy* Am I having a little sister or a little brother?
Grace: Uhh...I'm not sure... >_> Infact I'm not even sure if it's human...
Angela: Huh?
Grace: I said, who knows! Why do you ask? What are you hoping for, sweetheart?
Angela: I don't care much, I just want someone to play with cause I never get to play with other kids. We never stick in one place!
Grace: *frowns* I'm sorry about that. I just have to help Ion and since I take care of you, you have to come with me. I can only protect you if you're with us, ya know.
Angela: I know...*ears perk up* Mommy!
Grace: Mhm?
Angela: What's the baby's name gonna be?
Grace: I don't know yet. Depends on whether or not it's a boy or a girl. You have any ideas?
Angela: Steve!
Grace: Eh heh heh...awww...well, Steve is a nice name, but um, how about something a little less...grey?
Angela: Kay. Ummmmm.....oh! I know! Jill!
Grace: That's...that's nice, but how about "Areux"?
Angela: *scrunches nose* But that's a thing! A sharp thing! Like the ones that people use to try and kill Ion! No!
Grace: ^_^;;;
Angela: How about...Nick!
Grace: Well...
Angela: I know! Ark! Like the big boat in the story! With all the animals and the man with the big, fluffy, beard!
Grace: Ark...Yeah, that's a nice name. Okay, "Ark" it is. If it's a boy, that is.
Angela: Yay! But what if it's a girl?
Grace: We'll cross that bridge when it comes. *strokes Angela's hair back* ^_^
Flashback over:
Ark: I was right!
Angela: Yay! = D

((Ignore this: Tell dad to call Kelsey for results: 713-442-1161))