This is what I want to say to my friends that have died today......
Username was killed and Username has disappeared.(Takuto and Sarina)
They were great best friends until they day they died.
The accident was when they were walking to my house and when they were crossing over the street...... I opened my door and shouted not to go yet. But i was too late and the stupid a** person in the car ran them over in front of me. Their blood was spilt on me and the only words they said to me were " Were here." Y^Y
I called for help and sadly they were too injured. They only lived yesterday. And died today.... I watched them both die. I couldn't cry. I lost all my tears before when they got hit. They told me things before they died and wishes that want to be granted by me. Their first wish was to HAVE A NICE DAY.
And their last words before their last breath, "Best friends forever."
Sarina and Takuto
Rest in peace D:
We. Are. Best. Friends. Forever. And. Ever. ;w;