[x] Slept in a bathtub? (I fell asleep in it if that counts, but I woke up and got out)
[ ] Slept in a closet?
[ ] Slept in a boat?
[x] Slept in car?
[x] Slept in someone else's bed?
[ ] Slept on the bathroom floor?
[ ] Slept on grass?
[ ] Slept on glass?
[x] Slept on someone?
[x] Slept during a movie?
[x] Slept during school?
[x] Slept during something 'important'?
[x] Slept with your eyes opened?
[x] Slept with no clothes on?
[ ] Slept with a hat on?
[x] Laughed at someone with a disorder? (This dude with Tuarette's Syndrome was throwing a fit because there was a bird in the house, and then the bird flies into him and he raged even more)
[ ] Laughed at someone who was just butt a** ugly?
[x] Laughed at someone for not even being funny even though they tried to?
[ ] Laughed in someone's face for saying something dumb?
[x] Laughed in the shower? (Probably)
[x] Laughed in class when it was quiet? (Yes... redface )
[ ] Laughed during a 'talent show'? (We don't do those here)
[x] Laughed during sex? (Probably)
[ ] Laughed during a physical? (A physical? o.O )
[x] Laughed by yourself?
[ ] Laughed by a priest? (Now this is just silly rolleyes )
[x] Laughed by a tree?
[ ] Laughed while someone played you a song?
[ ] Laughed while at the dentist?
[ ] Laughed while smoking a cigarette? (I don't smoke)
[ ] Been Drunk?
Been drunk in public?
Been drunk at a store?
Been drunk at your house?
Been drunk with friends?
Been drunk with you bf/gf?
Been drunk by yourself?
Been drunk at a park?
Been drunk at school?
Been drunk at work?
Been drunk at friends relatives house?
Been drunk at a friends house?
Been drunk at a funeral?
Been drunk early in the moring?
Been drunk late at night?

[ ] Stolen anything?
Stolen food?
Stolen a CD?
Stolen clothes?
Stolen bracelets?
Stolen a necklace?
Stolen anything from Hottopic?
Stolen anything from Clairs?
Stolen anything from Walmart?
Stolen anything from Target?
Stolen alcohol?
Stolen shoes?
Stolen anything for someone else?
Stolen anything for a family member?
Stolen anything just cause you were bored?

[x] Had sex?
[x] Had sex indoors?
[x] Had sex in the shower?
[ ]Had sex in the kitchen?
[x] Had sex in your room?
[x] Had sex in someone else's room?
[ ] Had sex in public?
[ ] Had sex in the mall?
[ ] Had sex during school hours?
[ ] Had sex in a car?
[ ] Had sex infront of someone?
[ ] Had sex in a theater?
[ ] Had sex at a concert?
[ ] Had sex and not enjoy it?
[x] Had sex and enjoyed it?
[ ] Smoke weed?
Smoke weed in public?
Smoke weed in the bathroom?
Smoke weed in your backyard?
Smoke weed in a friends backyard?
Smoke weed at a friends house?
Smoke weed with your bf/gf?
Smoke weed and no one died?
Smoke weed and watch a movie?
Smoke weed at a concert?
Smoke weed in a van?
Smoke weed somewhere awesome?
Smoke weed at your house?
Smoke weed all day?
Smoke weed at went to a family event?

[x] Done nothing with friends all day?
[x] Done something ******** retarded with friends?
[x] Done something absolutely fun with friends?
[ ] Done something you regret with friends?
[x] Done something cool with a friend?
[ ] You and a friend ever walk all day together?
[x] You and a friend ever laugh for no reason?
[ ] You and a friend watch movies all day long?
[x] You and a friend listen to music all day long?
[ ] You and a friend gone joy riding all day long?
[ ] Slapped a friend?
[x] Sneeze on a friend?
[ ] Spread a rumour about a friend?
[x] Get annoyed by a friend?
[x] Love a friend?