Hello, and thank you for taking a look at this. I am working on a re-telling of the story of Lucifer. It is from his POV. It is called Silver-Tongued. I plan to get as many illustrations as possible from as many different artists as possible. Everyone who helps with this story will receive a copy of the finished story, along with (if the artists grant me permission) copies of all of the illustrations.

Brief Description (In Case You Don't Want to Read the Whole Story)
Age: Though his actual age is unknown, he is roughly the equivalent of a seventeen-year-old.
Build: He is slender/thin. There are no prominent muscles. His collarbones are visible.
Skin: Pale. Sort of an ivory tone rather than a pinkish-gray.
Eyes: Silver with a black ring around his iris. This ring is noticeable.
Facial Features: He has delicate features and a nearly feminine bone structure. He does not, however, look like a girl. He merely has a facial structure similar to Gackt's. (Example 1, example 2, and example 3.)
Hair: He has long, straight black hair. It may be depicted in various lengths, but please make it at least a bit past his shoulders.Build: He is slender/thin. There are no prominent muscles. His collarbones are visible.
Skin: Pale. Sort of an ivory tone rather than a pinkish-gray.
Eyes: Silver with a black ring around his iris. This ring is noticeable.
Facial Features: He has delicate features and a nearly feminine bone structure. He does not, however, look like a girl. He merely has a facial structure similar to Gackt's. (Example 1, example 2, and example 3.)
Wings: After he was cast from Heaven, his wings turned silver with a black fringe around the edges. The transition is not a sudden one; there is a fading effect between the silver and the black. His wings are full-sized.
Halo: Just before God cast him from Heaven, he killed his halo, turning it black.
Personality: He is curious, inquisitive, very intelligent, somewhat naive, too trusting, a bit innocent (the innocence is optional, since much of it was lost when he fell to Earth), a bit shy, and kind. When he fell to Earth, he went through a tremendous amount of pain, causing him to become quite bitter and depressed. He retained all of the previously mentioned attributes, but gained a deep, deep sorrow.
Clothing: His clothing is very nondescript. It is not there for any other purpose than to cover him up. It would be a bland color, like gray, or maybe white. It is not brown, tan, beige, ect. For all I care, you may dress him in a gunny sack tied onto him with a rope.
Poses: Any you feel comfortable with. Praying, sitting, whatever.
Theme Song: "Afterlife" by Avenged Sevenfold
Self Description
"I believe that God used me as a transition between angel and human, reflecting back upon it now. While the others were flaxen-haired with cornflower-eyes, I had black hair and silver eyes. Gabriel once told me that he thought that with my creation came the creation of the color black. I stood out, to put it simply. Where the others were very golden-skinned and strapping, I was pale and thin. I was also much more curious than the other angels. That is what makes me so like you little sheep. That is the transition. Curiosity."
Video, Image, and Direct Story References
Note: I am aware that none of thse images, unless they were created by the same artist, resemble one another very closely. This is, in a way, intentional. I want the artist to take this character and run with him.
Art by Konokai
Art by Wallop098
Art by hiromi_C
Art by Team Rocket Ray
Art by xXx_Sightless_xXx
Another Piece by xXx_Sightless_xXx
Another Piece by xXx_Sightlesss_xXx
Art by Kenjii-chan
Art by Shinigami-ANBU
Art by LunaFria
Art by EliteKira
Art by Captain Violet
Coloring WIP by Captain Violet
Art by SakuranboNeko
Art by chris_wanderer
Art by Sa Node
Sketch by HoshikoKei
Art by Rabbid Rabbot
Another Piece by Rabbid Rabbot
Art by Dramatica Away II
Art by ame0o
Art by Pencil_Panda
Art by Anemonae
Art by RoseDragonfire
Art by Inoue Noriko
Art by [[dark_kamui]]
Art by King Lionel
Art by Hallow Quinn
Art by DarknessAngelSan
Art by Cypril
Art by Githy
Art by Im Otaku Too
Art by Harlequin Raver
Art by Fuzzy Machine Guns
Art by Venicio
Art by Venicio (without Background)
Art by Nasware
Art by Stariaria
Art by Femjin
Another Piece by Femjin
Art by Churg
Art by Catherine Medici
Art by Dundeleedum
Art by UntitlesTurtles
Art by Kiskis
Art by Miss Putride
Art by Kemistree
Art by Kitzukami
Art by xX The Em0 C up C a ke Xx
Art by HeyChinchilla
Art by Great_Aku_Ha
Art by xX..ibitsu..Xx
Art by beachgoer
Art by QT2
Art by VoxAngeles
Art by Shishi Beru
Art by Kuyusi
Speed Drawing Video by Xarenial
Art by Konokai
Art by Wallop098
Art by hiromi_C
Art by Team Rocket Ray
Art by xXx_Sightless_xXx
Another Piece by xXx_Sightless_xXx
Another Piece by xXx_Sightlesss_xXx
Art by Kenjii-chan
Art by Shinigami-ANBU
Art by LunaFria
Art by EliteKira
Art by Captain Violet
Coloring WIP by Captain Violet
Art by SakuranboNeko
Art by chris_wanderer
Art by Sa Node
Sketch by HoshikoKei
Art by Rabbid Rabbot
Another Piece by Rabbid Rabbot
Art by Dramatica Away II
Art by ame0o
Art by Pencil_Panda
Art by Anemonae
Art by RoseDragonfire
Art by Inoue Noriko
Art by [[dark_kamui]]
Art by King Lionel
Art by Hallow Quinn
Art by DarknessAngelSan
Art by Cypril
Art by Githy
Art by Im Otaku Too
Art by Harlequin Raver
Art by Fuzzy Machine Guns
Art by Venicio
Art by Venicio (without Background)
Art by Nasware
Art by Stariaria
Art by Femjin
Another Piece by Femjin
Art by Churg
Art by Catherine Medici
Art by Dundeleedum
Art by UntitlesTurtles
Art by Kiskis
Art by Miss Putride
Art by Kemistree
Art by Kitzukami
Art by xX The Em0 C up C a ke Xx
Art by HeyChinchilla
Art by Great_Aku_Ha
Art by xX..ibitsu..Xx
Art by beachgoer
Art by QT2
Art by VoxAngeles
Art by Shishi Beru
Art by Kuyusi
Speed Drawing Video by Xarenial
If you take this on, then I would like to thank you very much. If not, then I would like to thank you for reading this rather long request.